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Messages - kilbaraberry

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Doberman Pictures / Re: Doberman
« on: July 03, 2005, 09:36:39 am »
 :-[ Im sorry but saying you dont like the white dobie is wrong,do you also feel that way about albino humans? I dont agree with condeming a colour of dog b/c it was born that way, Thats  as bad as saying ban all the big dogs b/c they could be victious, Its unfair,You do know about the operation white out dont you? People want to make any dobies born albino to be put to sleep, The people who breed this trait are wrong in doing so but to wipe out a dog b/c of the colour is WRONG!! im sorry for yelling but I love all dobies faults intentional or generic.

Doberman Pictures / dobie headbutts-DO THEY ALL DO THIS???
« on: July 03, 2005, 09:05:42 am »
My katie has this terribal habbit of headbutting me when ever i have coffee or something that can spill,every dobie ive ever known has done this ,has anyone elses? Just a fun thing to share

My friend has a bull mastiff that went to the vet the other week and weighs in at 192 im not sure if hes an english or not but hes HUGE thank GOODNESS he's well trained on a leash or she'd be goin AAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHH LOL ;D

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