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Messages - Perdi's Mom

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My pups are inside and my horses are hidden in the tree line in the back pasture as far away from the fireworks as they can get....

Remembering those no longer with us. / Re: Dilbert Ogilvie
« on: December 30, 2005, 01:48:15 pm »
I am so sorry for your loss.  Prayers of comfort sent your way...........

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Sewing Machine help!!
« on: December 29, 2005, 11:07:45 am »
What kind is it?  If you broke the needle and the machine is a more modern model, then there should be a little fat, flat headed type screw at the top of the shaft of where the needle was.  You unscrew that a little and the needle should fall out or you can pull it out.  Then you can put a new one in (the needle needs to be the correct size related to the fabric you are using), but they normally go in a certain way.  There is a flat side and rounded side, normally the flat side goes facing the back of the machine.     

I know myself personally, I like to hear the pros and makes me do my homework harder if I was looking for a specific breed.  It gives me a heads up on what to check for and ask about.  I find it very vluable information all around.  If that guy who's looking for a large breed dog thinks that some specific breed is going to be totally without issues he's wrong....there has been so much over breeding today of all sorts of breeds that there are different issues all around.  You just have to do more research and ask more questions is all.  I have a dane, knock on wood she has had no problems as of yet.  I had a husky mix and she had arthritis, hip dysplasia and a torn cruciate ligament-she was only three.  All sorts of large breed dogs can develop issues even if their parents didn't have's just the way it is when they are so big.  People who like large breeds know that, but we love them anyway!  I wouldn't own a little yapper as I don't really like all the noise, but I love me a big dog and am willing to take the risks involved in owning one....

Hope your friend does his homework and finds a good dog that he is happy with. 

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Re: Thoughts on Rescue
« on: December 27, 2005, 11:24:57 am »
I love to rescue dogs, but I too have incountered problems.  I tried to rescue a Dane and they told me no: "I didn't have a fenced yard with padlocked gates!" and so therefor I couldn't get one.  Ok, if someone wants to steal your dog, do you think a padlock is going to keep them out!  Come on...  Nevermind the fact that I am a stay at home Mom and homeschool my kids, so I home most of the day.  When I leave, my dogs come in.  I have an underground fence containment system, but I realize it doesn't work on every dog, but why can't I give it a chance anyways.  Otherwise I leash walk them which I have been doing with Perdi until her fence collar arrives.  My dogs come and go at will in my home.  I will hook up with a trainer if need be (which I have for my dane) and also train at home.  I want a dog to work with and blend into our family.  I also have children that are young, 8 and 6.  They have been around large dogs since they were born.  They know to stay out of their way.  Our dogs are also taught to be calm in the house and to watch out for the humans....gran ted my kids have been whacked by a few tails and knocked down (mainly by my spastic lab mix not paying attention to his insane self), but they get up and keep going.  Instead of a rescue taking the time to come to our home and see how our life is, they just say, nope....oh, well.  I have been lucky though and I waited long enough and Perdi just fell into our laps.  Her old owner called a couple of weeks ago to see how things were going and I thought that was really nice of her and showed that she cared about her pet-even though I feel she didn't do things for Perdi that she should have, but that's neither here nor there.  I know that she loved her...anyways. ...Rescues seem to go a bit overboard and seem to lose sight of what's important: finding good homes and setting up resources for training and help to the potential adopters and current adopters.  It makes all the difference in the world really.  When that is set up there will be less returns and more people will be able to adopt.  Not everyone gives a pet the kind of home that many of us here do with them being really spoiled and pampered, but that doesn't mean that they can't give a good home to a pet.       

When we got Perdi, she hadn't been made to do anything at all and hadn't been socialized properly to anything really.  She hates her feet being touched.  Her nails were so long and something needed to be done.  When I got her I immediately began softly touching her legs while petting her...then I'd run my hands down to her feet.  I'd let my hands rest on her feet and then we progressed to holding the feet for short amounts of time without her pulling away.  I'm desensitizing her as I would my horses when I train them.  Same concept really: slow, calm, frequent, and always end on a good note-not pulling away or not drawing her leg up to her chest- would be the good note.  She is better, though not great (we've only been at it a month), but she's better than she was.  We will have to muzzle her again I'm sure for the next clipping this next month since she's still unsure.  It takes 3 people to clip her.  Poor girl...a lot of her anxieties could have been aleviated if the owners had just worked with her as a pup. 

Definitely don't let Daisy think she has the upper hand.  I'd just start slow and rubbing her legs and gently running your hands down to her paws.  Then start holding her paws for short periods of time, extending the time more and more, then pulling them a little and touching her toe nails while holding them....hopefu llly she'll come around.  I hear a lot of people like the dremmels for their dogs nails, but I know that Perdi would jump out of her skin at the sight and sound of that thing coming near her!

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Peeing the bed
« on: December 24, 2005, 02:59:29 pm »
There actually is a medicine that is supposed to help with incontinence.  My neighbor has her 14 yr old dog on it.  I'll have to ask her what it is and let you know.  OTherwise your vet should be able to tell you after having her looked at.

Games & Jokes / Re: The Mystery Link
« on: December 22, 2005, 11:27:09 pm »
The first time I clicked I got a childrens book and the second time I clicked I got ladies shoes!  Weird......... ..

Great Dane Pictures / Re: Happy Birthday Mr. Grey
« on: December 22, 2005, 06:22:25 pm »
That was a wonderful video!  Thanks for sharing!  HAppy Birthday Mr. Grey!

Rhodesian Ridgeback Pictures / Re: 1 week old,awwwwwwwwwww
« on: December 22, 2005, 10:56:23 am »
Look at all those little puppy bellies!  Too cute!

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: What can BROWN do for me? Evidently NOTHING!
« on: December 22, 2005, 10:55:24 am »
I love my UPS man, but his job stinks!  I wouldn't want it.  He runs all day and night and ya'll are right, he hasn't seen his kids at all these past 2 weeks.  I heard him fussing about it the other day to a firend out by my driveway....I do hope your package gets to you soon.  I know that it's frustrating when you don't get something you've been waiting on...especiall y if your like me and I order almost everything online.  I hate going into Baton's a nightmare and it's totally worth it to me to pay shipping on stuff.

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Puppy dane is quickly out growing crate.....
« on: December 21, 2005, 12:22:19 pm »
I bought the model 99N-giant breed crate from Midwest.  It's their largest crate that I know of and I had to special order it from our local pet shop.  It is a 'drop pin' crate, not one that will collapse down if you need it to.  I got extra snaps for my door though since my dane liked to paw at it and I didn't want her paws caught in the door by accident.   

I like it and find it real sturdy.  She also likes it and has plenty of room to move around and stretch out-she weighs 143 pounds and stands quite tall.  The measurements are 45" H, 54" L, 35" W.  I got mine for about $170.00 and her 'great dane' crate pad fits in real nice.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Must Vent!
« on: December 21, 2005, 12:14:17 pm »
Your sister sounds like my Mother....and that's a whole 'nother story in itself....she's 45 and acts as if she's been an immature 18 yr old her whole life.  She likes to play the 'one up on you' game too...

kill her with kindness or just flat ignore her...I'm all for the laxative in the cookies!

Goats can be fine with other animals as part of their herd too.  On a horse farm I worked at we had a couple of goats that kept the studs company in 2 different barns.  They hung out with the horses all day.  Most animals perfer another animal of some kind to be with even if it's not their own kind-although that's prefered.  I like goats, but we don't have the fencing to contain them.  They'd be out everywhere with this post and rail that we have around our property. 

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Danes on the Shoulders
« on: December 18, 2005, 09:57:50 pm »
Our Perdi does not jump up on us.  She is a more timid dog so doesn't get real exhuberant.  She only jumps around when I toss a ball to her-she just learned that balls were fun!

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