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Messages - PennyK

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Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Dirty Girl!!! -- Updated with pictures
« on: January 15, 2008, 06:07:44 pm »
Looks like she had a lot of fun!  LOL!

This shelter is fairly local to me and I just noticed that they have a few BIG PAWS in need of homes.  Thought I'd pass the website on........

Don't I wish I could adopt them all...... :(

Anything Non-Dog Related / Teddy got a kitty!
« on: December 18, 2007, 03:46:50 pm »
Meet Lola, Teddy's new fur-sister.

We just picked her up last night from a pet rescue.  She is THE sweetest cat ever, loves to be held and petted and seems to adore the kids.  She loves everyone - even Teddy!  They first met this morning and she was rubbing against him and only gave one little hiss when he got  really pushy about sniffing her.  I think they are going to be the best of friends!

Saint Bernard General Discussions / Re: Hey everyone!
« on: December 03, 2007, 10:08:25 pm »
Holy Cow - he's a monster!  LOL! 

Teddy is tall and lanky and he weighed in at about 137 lbs at a year.  He's only about 155 now at almost 2 years.

Welcome back to the board!  Can't wait for more pics!  He's lookin' great!

Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: Some Photos of Isis
« on: December 03, 2007, 10:03:56 pm »
What a stunning girl!!!!!!!

Saint Bernard General Discussions / Re: Chicken Tub the sky is falling
« on: December 03, 2007, 09:55:36 pm »
LOL!  Poor puppy!!

Teddy is still afraid of the dark and he's almost 2.  If he sees people coming down the street at night, he barks like crazy and then RUNS to hide behind me before they get too close.  LOL!  They are sure funny sometimes!

Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: Pic's of Timber
« on: December 03, 2007, 09:52:55 pm »
Great pics!!!  He's sooo handsome!

Ted loves the snow too and its all I can do to get those big icy drools cleaned up before they end up on the walls!  LOL!

Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: Looking for Saint pics
« on: December 03, 2007, 09:44:29 pm »
Teddy's back legs toe out a little bit, unfortunately, I don't have any pics that will help. 

His front legs are quite toed out.  He's from a BYB so just poor breeding I assume.

Teddy is almost 2.

Anything Non-Dog Related / NDR: Fostering Kitties
« on: November 30, 2007, 12:28:14 am »
I'm sort of on the fence about this.  I'd really love to help, but don't know what it would be like bringing in different kitties and maybe getting stuck for a long time with one that wasn't a great fit for our family.

There were 2 little 5 wk old kitties that were going to be euthenized if they didn't find a foster home by tomorrow (luckily someone already adopted them!) so I offered to help.   But since those ones are OK now they asked if I would foster a couple others and I'm just not sure.

Anyone have any experiences that want to share with me.  Maybe something to get me off the fence??

Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: All Grown Up
« on: November 27, 2007, 05:27:33 pm »
That is an AWESOME pic!!!  LOVE IT!!!!

He looks sooooo big!!!!!

Yup - complete and utter PUPPY FEVER!!!!!

Group Discussions & Photos / Re: Some new pics of my girls...finally!
« on: November 27, 2007, 05:21:20 pm »
Great pics!  Thanks for sharing!

She is adorable!  Great post and great pics!!

I wonder if all Sain puppies are "low key"?  Ted always was too.

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Wow! Powerful Pee...Poor Tree
« on: November 21, 2007, 07:57:08 pm »
Bear needs one of the T-shirts Farley has!  LOL!

Your givin' me puppy fever!!!!!

She's adorable!

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