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Messages - arkydo

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The wife and i just went to wally world (walmart) and on the way back home (traveling on the busiest road of coarse) we come round a blind corner in the dark on to see dog eyes about 20 feet ahead in the middle of the road, so the brake were slamed the 3 cars behind us almost became part of us.
what idiot its a nice looking pitbul just run around on a highway wtf??
so we pulled over to try and get it off the road but he spooked and ran off.
i live on a truck route and have no front fence or anything and my dogs aren't aloud past the front of the house let lone any where near the road.
peopel need to be a lot more careful my wife was driving and she's never forgive herself for hitting a dog
pretty much p***#d me off

yeah i'm ,looking at Photoshop cs3 extended right now
but i get em pretty cheep (wink wink )

I was just rearranging my pics and i got bored , so i opened a few with corel paint shop pro, which i think is a great program.
heres some pics

i was also wondering what photo shop progs you guys used?

hey Jabear hows this for participation theres loads lol
just next time choose something a bit easier than eyes now i've got a thousand pics of my dogs eyes stuck on my hard drive lol

Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: Please Vote for Keiko
« on: April 07, 2008, 10:54:22 pm »
voted for both of ya
cocoa latte is winning right now

haha rosie 's pic looks like a stuffed whale toy at first glance
but holy smokes how to pick?????
that pic of Sophie had m laughing so bad lol

Monthly Photo Contests / Re: BPO's "Best Eyes" Photo Contest Info.
« on: April 07, 2008, 07:32:22 am »

Monthly Photo Contests / Re: BPO's "Best Eyes" Photo Contest Info.
« on: April 06, 2008, 12:21:14 am »
i'm in with 3 aswell

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: pictures
« on: April 06, 2008, 12:18:52 am »
all i do is open the pic in "paint" then click ima on the tool bar then click sketch/skew then in the top 2 boxs type 40 then  click ok
but i know theres plenty of websites that'll downsize pics for ya i just dont know what theyr called

Group Discussions & Photos / Re: Cane is stayin with us for a week
« on: April 03, 2008, 07:36:45 am »
He's gonna be with us for a week and no he was never on petfinder he's bout 6 months old not deaf just doesn't listen half the time lol

Group Discussions & Photos / Cane is stayin with us for a week
« on: April 02, 2008, 10:29:36 pm »
My sister in law lost her job so she took off to her dads in Detroit for a week, she decided to ditch her Pity pup with the mother in law so Ashley and i volunteered to have him.
(M-I-L is scarred he'll kill her two little * pound balls of fluff lol, she has the pit phobia thinking they're evil )
Heres some pics

and yes if you noticed my couch is dirty, but i can't stop it the snows melting backyard is turning into a mud pond and Arkyd and Porter love it

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: I'm out of work again
« on: April 02, 2008, 10:20:10 pm »
I'm sorry to hear that Lin
But yeah MI is real bad right now getting and keeping a job is the new Michigan lottery.
I work for a local cabinet maker and i have people left right and center waiting for me to get on the wrong side of my boss so they can snipe my job.
I hope thing pick up here not just for you Lin but for about 70% of my friends and family too

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Need help changing a dogs name..
« on: March 26, 2008, 11:37:36 pm »
yeah clash of the titans is the best

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: me again...with another question
« on: March 26, 2008, 11:34:55 pm »
Arkyd had the same problem last year. The vet said it might be a food allergy but she wanted to see if it was a flea allergy first(he didn't have fleas but he could have been bitten by one in between his flea and tic protection) anyways she gave him a steroid shot gave us two weeks of antibiotics and another dose of flea protection 85 bucks later he was done all better

note: Now i put a sprinkle of garlic salt in his all my dogs food they do have to go around some dogs with fleas (in-laws) and that seems to help provent

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