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Messages - maxsmom

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Rottweiler Discussions / Re: I'm getting kicked out of my apartment
« on: December 18, 2007, 10:34:28 pm »
Dogs are like children.  They will love you and be happy no matter where you live as long as they are with you and you love them.  I was a single mom with 3 children and no child support for most of their lives.  We lived in some less than stellar places, some in the hood.  They have wonderful memories of their childhood.  If kids can be that forgiving, I know a dog who loves you unconditionall y will not care.  It is a shame, but the aggression and concerns mentioned in the letter may be solely generated by the appearance, breed, size of dog you have.  I have some neighbors who have commented that I seem to have a hard time controlling our dogs.  When I went to them and asked what they were talking about, it was based solely on the fact that my dogs are larger than I am.  Therefore, I must not be able to control them.  People are so strange.  Good luck with your search and remember.  For each door that shuts, a new and better one can open.  Just keep a positive outlook and things will turn out for the best.  Hugs

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: For Christmas
« on: December 18, 2007, 06:24:24 pm »
I love the idea of a tiny little T Shirt.  I think the new parents will love it too.  Any of the saying you wrote will be great.  I have an older sister and brother who were both adopted and I know my mom kept all the records, letters, etc. about both of the adoptions.  She treasured those things since she did not have the whole pregnancy experience with them like she did with my other brother and me.  I am sure they will too.  I think it takes a special person to take in an infant and take care of them until they find a permanent home.  Rescuing animals and fostering them is a wonderful thing, but rescuing skin babies is so  demanding and usually a lot more work.  Bless you and your dedication.  Have a very Merry Christmas.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Teddy got a kitty!
« on: December 18, 2007, 06:00:08 pm »
That is one beautiful kitty.  Love her eyes and markings, especially on her cute little nose.  Teddy will love her for sure.  Congratulation s on your new addition.

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Jumping
« on: December 18, 2007, 11:07:08 am »
I am sitting here laughing like crazy.  I have done the raised knee.  My knee doesn't even graze Maxs chest.  His legs are way too long.  I have tried the standing on leash.  I end up sitting on my butt.  I weigh 107, Max weighs 160+.  I tried grabbing the collar as he comes up.  Legs too long can't reach it.  I tried down.  When Max does down, he folds all four legs and lays between them.  He is in perfect "spring" position this way.  He will knock you over when he springs up.  I don't want to condition my dogs to not get excited when someone comes to the door, because I want them to bark and alert me.  My husband works nights and I am home alone.  They guard my house and I need that alert.  I guess you have to do what works for you and it sounds like every dog, just like every person, is a little bit different.

Remembering those no longer with us. / Re: got sad news yesterday
« on: December 18, 2007, 10:55:59 am »
We love them while they are with us and somehow seem to love them even more once they leave us. 

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Jumping
« on: December 17, 2007, 11:34:51 am »
With Max, the only thing that works is making him sit to greet everyone.  He hasn't jumped up on myself or my hubby in over 6 months, even though we no longer make him sit.  Sometimes when my kids come over and they just walk in, I am not in the kitchen to make him sit and he gets excited and jumps up on them.  I tell them it is their own fault for not making him sit as soon as they come in the door.  I have also found, if people lean over to his eye level, he won't jump.  In public, it is easy, since he doesn't get excited about seeing or greeting people unless he knows them.  Good luck.

Food Discussion & Information / Re: Food issues...again
« on: December 14, 2007, 02:01:45 pm »
Can she have vanilla yogurt or cottage cheese?  They make both fat free.  I have taken all natural fresh ground peanut butter, mixed it with hot water and put that on kibble.  You could also try mixing mashed white or sweet potatoes with her food.  My dogs like that.  I have boiled apples, pureed them and put that on kibble. I have made biscuits from freshly ground peanut butter, soy or garbanzo flour and a little pure applesauce.  I have a really hard time with the standard "If they are hungry, they will eat."  I won't eat anything, if I can't have something I like, no matter how hungry I am.  Why would I expect my dog to?  Good luck and I am so sorry that she is not feeling well.

Your dogs rock!  That is incredible that they would pick up on it and react.  Congratulation s on having some very alert pups.  You are indeed blessed.  Glad to hear your brother is fine.

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Jogging with my Pyr??!!
« on: December 14, 2007, 01:46:56 pm »
She is 2 right?  As long as she wants to do it and you build up slowly, I don't see a problem.  I know that some dogs will keep going after they should have stopped just for the joy of your company.  That is the reason for building up distance slowly, to accustom them to it.  My IW and Pyr jog with me.  They would both be much happier if I moved much quicker, but unfortunately my running flat out is still a lope at best for Max.  I can't move fast enough for him.  I didn't do much more than very short walks at first and have gradually built up distance and time with both of them.  We go to the local ballfield and jog laps around it, that way they are on grass not concrete.  Concrete is extremely hard on a dogs joints.  I was told by a lot of the local pyr owners that their dogs jog with them all the time.  It is great exercise and the vet agreed.

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Q
« on: December 12, 2007, 07:41:34 pm »
Congratulation s!  I love the name Nikos.  Can't wait for pictures.  Good luck and I am sure Zeus will be more interested in Nikos when he can move around as you said.

You have a new baby and we have not seen any pictures.  You should be ashamed.  Think about all of us, who do not have any little puppies, who have to enjoy them vicariously through you lucky souls who do.  Okay, now that I have that off my chest.  I second the idea about the hot water bottle and I have also added a ticking clock to help puppies adjust.  Don't know why but it always seems to help.  Good luck.

Groans, Gripes, Brags & Boasts / Re: GET A HOLD OF YOUR KIDS, PEOPLE!!!
« on: December 12, 2007, 07:36:09 pm »
OMG  I just read the response from Stella.  You definitely are my hero!  I try sooo hard to be good and "Not say anything, if I can't say something nice".  Needless to say I am a very quiet person.  I need you here!  How would you like to visit Orlando?  You can stay with me and I will feed you and all you have to do, is teach me really smart comebacks for all the really dumb things people say. I can only think of one person that I have ever really told off in relation to my dogs and that was the lady that Max stepped on her chihuahua.  Please, I really need you.  That would be great! 

Groans, Gripes, Brags & Boasts / Re: GET A HOLD OF YOUR KIDS, PEOPLE!!!
« on: December 12, 2007, 12:15:13 pm »
I had to laugh at the comment "You knew better."  When we are in public, my grown children have made that comment many times.  They also look at me and say "You would have killed us, if we had done that."  My response is always, "You're absolutely right."  My dogs love children as well, but they don't all like little yippy dogs.  I would not let my dogs bark or growl at another dog, without correcting them firmly.  Why don't some small dog owners think they need to control their dogs?  Why is okay for them to growl and snap?  I would pick them up if I couldn't stop it any other way.  I keep my dogs away from other dogs, until I ask if they are okay.  I don't understand why other dog owners don't do the same thing.  I have more problems with them, than I do children.  Although, a herd of kids running at them, tends to put them on edge.  I must say that I am very pleased with the number of people who do ask, before touching any of my dogs, adults as well as children.  There are also a lot of parents who will stop their children and remind them to ask, before approaching or touching them.  I think some of it is the parent's fear of Max's size, that causes them to ask, since the question is usually "Is he friendly? or Does he bite?" not "Is it okay to pet him?"  When I am in a bad mood, I am very tempted to answer "Yes, he bites and is very vicious.  That's why I brought him to Petsmart, the park, the craft fair" or wherever we happen to be.

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Just call me Stumpy UPDATED I'm home
« on: December 11, 2007, 11:38:10 pm »
I am so glad he is home safely.  He will not even notice it was done and neither will anyone else, except you of course.  Congratulation s and heres hoping for a super speedy recovery.  No you are not sick or twisted.  He is your baby and you want to see what they did.  I don't blame you. I would too.  Oh wait, maybe we are both sick.  Nah, we're just really, really, loving mothers.

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: Hi Everyone!!
« on: December 11, 2007, 10:10:24 pm »
Glad to see you found the best dog site on the web.  Welcome.  Love all the pictures.  The bunnys are adorable and so is your big fur baby.  Congratulation s on the new puppy.  With a 12 week old and a 7 month old, you are going to have your hands full.  Hopefully not too full to take lots of pics as they both grow. My babies are listed in my signature below.

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