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Messages - maxsmom

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Hey there Wimble,
Welcome to BPO.  You will love this group of people.  They are great, friendly and very willing to help with advice, opinions and sometimes just knowing they are there and they really care helps.  Sounds like you already have some wonderful "Paws" in your life.  We really need pics, you know.  So, you want a Tibetan Mastiff.  I have one we got through American Tibetan Mastiff rescue.  He is my dream dog.  Don't get me wrong, I love my Wolfhound and my Pyr, but Cody is the dog of my heart.  He is not a social dog, not friendly with strangers, will not take treats or biscuits from anyone other than family, etc.  He guards my house and me and is my "saint" of a dog. Which breeders are you looking at?  Who have you talked to?  Welcome to the group, you will love it here.

Okay.  I was not going to respond to this, but. Those dogs look absolutely ridiculous.  Why would you buy a Yorkie, Maltese, Pyr, Springer, Cocker, German Shepherd, etc. and then shave off all the beautiful hair?  I have never and probably will never, understand someone going to the trouble to acquire a long haired animal and then shaving it.  What is the deal?  I had Springer Spaniels that were never even trimmed.  They were exactly like God intended them to be.  I bathed and brushed them and when they got hot spots in summer I treated it with Listerine and it cleared right up.  I have Maine Coon cats.  I bathe them and brush them.  I brush and bathe my Pyr.  I live in Florida and all my animals live inside in the AC.  If I was not willing to live with the fur on everything in my home, I would not have chosen to have these animals.  I have friends who have a Maine Coon, Ragdoll, Himalayan and a Persian.  They keep them all in a lion cut.  They look ridiculous.  I told them so.  Yes, we are still friends.  They explained that it cuts down on fur and mess.  I explained that there are tons of breeds of cats who don't have long hair and would not look stupid clipped down.  The wife explained that when she saw pictures of those breeds she just fell in love with them and that was what she wanted.  I asked if the pictures she fell in love with showed shaved cats in them.  She said no.  I said that is my point.  I just will never understand people.  Okay, off my soapbox and on to something else.  Thanks for the chance to rant.

Anne and Tucker will be in my prayers.  Has her vet suggested anything to help settle Tucker's stomach?  After Chichi got up there in years, she had a few bouts with severe stomach upset.  We would give her a gruel of pureed rice mixed with boiled, pureed chicken.  She would get maybe 2 tablespoons of this every few hours.  More if it stayed down.  If not, wait a few hours and try again.  Our vet also gave her anti nausea pills and occassionally we gave her Pepto Bismol.  It usually helped.  If nothing helps, she can try taking raw beef liver, puree it and pour this slowly down the dog's throat, a little at a time.  It at least gives them some nourishment and will help build up their strength.  Tell Anne I said Good Luck.

Hey there.  Welcome to a great group of people.  You will find lots of info as well as warm, caring people here.  I was so grateful to find them.  I live in Orlando and yes, it does get old to be asked, "Where's the saddle?  Do they allow ponies where you live?  Wow, you must have a huge house, or do they just stay in the yard?  Do you live out in the woods? I wouldn't want those monsters in my neighborhood, good grief.  Do they eat much?"  It get's hard to be polite.  It's kind of nice to be able to talk to other people who deal with the same kind of thing.  Good luck on your new baby and don't forget, pictures are a requirement of this site.  Just kidding, but they are very much appreciated, especially by those of us who don't have little puppies anymore.

Saint Bernard General Discussions / Looking for a puppy
« on: December 08, 2007, 08:23:40 pm »
One of the ladies here locally has a friend who recently lost her St Bernard.  She got it through the local St rescue group.  She is looking for a St Bernard puppy that she can raise and love now that she is more familiar with the breed and has absolutely fallen in love with them.  The local rescue does not have any puppies, so she is looking for a breeder in Florida.  Can anyone help?  I have dealt with the rescue group, but not any breeders.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: HELLLLPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: December 08, 2007, 06:11:21 pm »
Tibetan Mastiffs are also reputed to be hypoallergenic .  I think the earlier suggestions to visit with breeders and see how you react is an excellent one.  You may find that you will be okay with some breeds and not others.  Each person's allergic reactions differ and you need to determine which if any are right for you. Good luck with your search.

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: I am REALLY upset right now :(
« on: December 06, 2007, 04:39:59 pm »
Unfortunately, accidents like this happen all too often and it is not always unsupervised children that get bitten, nor is it always the dogs fault.  My nephew was bitten in the face at 8 months of age by my brother's doberman.  He had the dog for 6 years and she was great with his son.  His wife was folding clothes in the living room and the baby was playing in the clothes in the basket.  He fell onto the dog, who was sleeping on the floor at his wife's feet.  The dog was startled, bit him and he had numerous stitches at the emergency room.  No permanent, disfiguring scars, but he does have small scars on his face and neck.  My brother killed the dog immediately.  He never took the time to think through what had happened.  The baby had slept with the dog and crawled all over her for months.  She was a fantastic, loving, protective dog, who loved her family. She was simply startled awake and reacted.  It happens and is one of the things that we have to accept as a possibility if we choose to live with dogs.  Just take a little time to think through your decision and make sure you are not being too hasty in your choices.  If you really cannot take the chance of it happening again, take the earlier advice and work on finding a good, loving home for him, either through a local rescue group or independently.  Only you can decide what is right for you and your children, but, keep in mind while some rescue groups will place dogs who have bitten, some absolutely will not adopt them out.  We have some breed rescues here that won't even take the dogs into their program.  The circumstances do not matter, they are simply not willing to accept the liability if anything should happen down the road and they were aware of a previous incident. Good luck with your decision and my prayers are with you.

Great Dane Pictures / Re: Our New Dane Might Be Here A Week Early!!
« on: December 06, 2007, 04:21:01 pm »
I love that expression on her face.  She is too cute.  Congratulation s and post more pics when you get her.  I have to get my Great Dane fixes on here, since I haven't seen any around here lately.  You get to have an early Christmas.  Lucky you!

Great Pyrenees Pictures / Re: Puppy Pyrenees Christmas
« on: December 06, 2007, 04:16:46 pm »
You are doing a wonderful job with them.  You are right.  They are going to need wonderful homes just to try and keep up with the fantastic start you are giving them.  You are sure feeding the puppy fever around here with the too cute pictures.  If I didn't think they would get lost under the big paws already here, I would be seriously considering it.  Thanks for the pics.

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Question: Are Pyrs nudgers?
« on: December 06, 2007, 05:50:08 am »
Jake never paws, but, he is definitely a nudger.  All my animals are.  They know if they can get their head, body, butt, under my arm and slide my hand onto them, I will pet them, rub their ears, etc.  Even my cats will sit in the chair next to me and slide their heads under my arm down to my hand for petting.  Be glad he is only a nudger.  Max will slide his head under my arm and sling his head up.  I am trying to break him of this habit.  If I am sitting at the computer his head and mine are at the same height.  When he slings his head up and back to raise my arm, he inevitably hits me in the face with his head.  I never knew how hard headed an IW was.  Now I do, and I know how bad it hurts to get hit in the face with that head.  LOL

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Tub's Vet Visit
« on: December 06, 2007, 05:44:04 am »
I don't know much about the feeding requiremnets of Saints having never raised or owned one.  As far as cow hocks, I noticed that Cody had it when we first adopted him.  On his first vet's visit our vet noticed and commented on it.  He wanted to do X Rays on his hips, and back legs.  I waited until Cody had adjusted to us somewhat before I had it done.  As it turns out Cody has displaysia in one hip.  After gaining weight, which he needed to do, he is supporting most of his weight on his strong back leg and his hocks have turned a little more.  I have seen Saints go through rescue here that were so bad their hocks actually hit together when they were running, to the extent that it tripped them up.  Apparently, our vet guessed that he might have a problem after seeing his hocks.  He explained that it is one of the signs, but certainly does not mean that all dogs with cow hocks have bad hips or knees, just that some do.  If your vet didn't mention it, then it sounds like Tub just has an issue with his hocks.  Hopefully that is a good thing and he has no further problems with it. Kiss Tub for me.  He is such a cutie.

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: Jumping on Furniture
« on: December 06, 2007, 04:20:02 am »
It is amazing to me that dogs are so much like people.  They may look similar, but they sure are different.  My Springers ate beds, not chewed, ripped apart and ate them.  Our current dogs have never even chewed on any of their beds, but will rip a comforter, sheet, blanket, etc. into long thin strips, pull out all the stuffing if there is any and carry it through the house, so it is scattered everywhere.  Cody came to me, when I adopted him, with a comforter.  It is the only one I can put down and know that it will not be touched, other than to lay on.  I am so glad your boy is settling in better.

I would love to see what my dogs would think of snow.  Maybe we will have to load them up and head north this winter sometime.  I know they all had a barking, growling, fit this year when the outside Christmas lights came on the first night.  I guess Max had forgotten them from last year.  I had to take them out one at a time so they could sniff them and check them out from the outside, then they settled down to look at them out the window. 

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Little Peppy is hurt
« on: December 05, 2007, 04:33:06 am »
Sounds like Mommy has it all under control.  He is just eating up all the loving.  Kiss him for me.

Great Pyrenees Pictures / Re: New photos: Great Pry Pups (dwarf puppy)
« on: December 05, 2007, 04:23:35 am »
They are too cute.  I love those fat little bellies.  You must have the patience of a saint.  Love the they don't listen anyway.  Actually my pyr and TM listen much better than Max.  All will come when called in the house, without fail.  In the yard, when I'm calling them in, Max will come towards you and veer off at the last minute to go the other way.  I turn off the light and go inside.  I'll go back in 5-10 minutes and he will be standing at the door, with his head turned sideways, like "Mom, did you forget me?"

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