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Messages - jabear

Pages: 1 ... 294 295 [296] 297 298 ... 306
Newfoundland Discussions / Re: National Specialty
« on: April 08, 2005, 03:22:28 pm »
We're going and can't wait!

Saint Bernard General Discussions / Re: Health Issues
« on: April 08, 2005, 03:11:53 pm »
Poor baby! I have no idea what it might be but I hope everything turns out ok. Let us know when you find out ok?

When the "baby" wants attention it is like this... "grrr..huummmmm ...grrrrrgrrrr rrgrrrrr...mmm mhmmmmmm...rrr rrrrrr" :D

Deerhound Discussions & Pictures / Re: deerhound size
« on: April 08, 2005, 10:35:33 am »
Your dogs are beautiful! Thanks for posting their pictures.

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Love My Newf
« on: April 07, 2005, 10:38:56 pm »
I couldn't agree with you more. Here is a pic of Bear just chillin' in the snow. He's a total ham for the camera.

What kind of dog is  Mike? He is so cute I just wanna kiss him!

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Drake Pics
« on: April 07, 2005, 07:53:07 pm »
I agree that they totally take great pictures! Your Drake is such a cutie-pie.

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: BIG MAMA
« on: April 07, 2005, 07:52:10 pm »
Wow Jen...Thunder was about as happy taking that picture as Bear was with his Easter butterfly wings. :D

Hey Saint Mommy! I don't know about an organized group but even though Bear isn't a Saint, we live nearby-ish and would love to play sometime on our way to LA. We live in Fresno and have several Saints & Great Danes and even 1 Pyrs  in our neighborhood. 

Newfoundland Pictures / Dirty Pictures
« on: April 06, 2005, 07:52:11 pm »
I know we all love to let our doggies in when they are dirty right? Well here are a few recent dirty Bear pics ...right after a bath, and major blowdring and grooming session.

Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: My Boy Wilbur
« on: April 06, 2005, 07:29:12 pm »
Hi Renee, Baxter & Wilbur! I'm so glad that you guys made it over to socialize with your favorite fan- Bear!! What can I say other than we love your boys to death. ;D

Rare Breed Mastiff Discussions / Re: Dogo Argentino
« on: April 06, 2005, 09:44:53 am »
I looked up the dog and think since they have some mastiff in them then you can post pics or questions in the rare breed mastiff section.

Rottweiler Pictures / Re: Rott pictures
« on: April 06, 2005, 09:38:52 am »
She is adorable!

Labrador Retriever Discussions / Re: Why Not Labs?
« on: April 05, 2005, 10:38:51 pm »
For the official answer you've been waiting for- click here:,219.from1112762249/topicseen.html#msg1298

Ok all Big Paws members, we are actually in the midst of changing our forum slightly so that every breed (23 inches or taller) is represented. We originally thought that this site should only cater to the giant breeds but have learned that many of you have large breed dogs in addition to your gentle giants. We love them as well and didn't want to leave them out of any part of this forum- especially with some of the large dogs working harder than some of the giants (like our Bear who sleeps all day, tells us when he is ready to be in or out, demands that we share food with him and makes us play whenever he is ready despite the time of day). Therefore, we are going to seperate our forum into two sections: one for the giant breeds and one for the large breeds. I hope this helps to clarify things.

Labs will be added!

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