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Messages - declanssexymama

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Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: Ugh. What are we doing wrong?
« on: November 14, 2005, 01:38:46 pm »
I wonder if it is Anxiety...did the dog drink a whole 4 cups of water?  That does seem like a lot especially at 6pm...My gut instinct says anxiety or the crate a wire or a plastic one...

some dogs do better in wire crates because it is more open

Yup, a whole 4 cups, and he'd drink WAY more than that if we'd let him.  I've never seen a thirstier dog in all my life.  Can excessive thirst be an indicator of something not-so-good?  Oh I hope not...

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Happy Birthday Doghealer!
« on: November 14, 2005, 10:32:57 am »
Yippeee yippeee yayyyyyy!  Happy birth-dayyyyyy!!!!!!

Big Dogs with Jobs / Re: Show Time for Dixie Darlin
« on: November 14, 2005, 10:22:59 am »
Yay for Dixie!  She's going to do great!

Thanks...I'm headed to the library tonight to try to get it, and also the Monks of New Skete books...

Book Club & Noteworthy Reads / Books for training overly-sensitive dogs?
« on: November 13, 2005, 10:53:09 am »
I've Googled this, but didn't come up with much.  Recommendation s, if there's anything out there for this, would be GREATLY appreciated.   ???

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Ugh. What are we doing wrong?
« on: November 13, 2005, 10:45:49 am »
Crede peed in his crate last night. I fed him around 6pm and gave him
4 cups of water. I took him out 1-2 hours later for a walk, and he
peed, twice. I didn't give him any water after that. My husband came
home around 11pm and took him out again for a long walk. He peed and
poo-ed. My husband didn't give him any water after that walk either.
So he peed in his crate after going out twice, peeing both times, and
not having any water. I don't get it. Help, please.

(Oh, btw, he was just at the vet and everything checked out okay except for a little doggie cold which he's recovered from now.)

Well, not an abusive situation, really.  His owner was a single mom who lost her job and just couldn't keep up with the cost of his puppy immunizations, neuter surgery, heartwork prevent. etc., and so she just gave him up to rescue.  Of course, I don't have any idea how he was treated there, but my contact at the rescue agency didn't seem to think he'd been through any trauma there.  And nothing that he's done would lead me to believe that he suffered any abuse whatsoever.  I did find out in the last couple of hours from the rescue contact (same person that fostered him) that Crede did the same thing with her at the vet clinic she works for.  He'd be enjoying everyone's attention and she would come to get him and take him home and he'd just pee everywhere.  She said not to read too much into it, so I'm not going to, but I do know that I have a *really* sensitive boy on my hands!  S'okay...there are worse things, right?  :D

Crede's 6 months old.  And now that I'm thinking, he had two submissive pees this morning with my husband...and then the thing with me this ybe it is a "fear" thing.

Well, he's wiped out right now...been sleeping for hours.  But treats and lovies definitely are in order when he wakes up!

Saint Bernard General Discussions / Crede holds his very own meet-n-greet
« on: November 12, 2005, 04:29:55 pm »
We took another three-mile walk today, even thought it's windier than h&ll here.  I thought it would be good to get out of the house since the baby's been "talking" alllllllll morning (that'd be since 5am) in this really loud, shrill voice that's driving me NUTS.

Anyways, we walked down to my favorite Starbucks and I tied Crede outside (of course he's where I can always see him) and Declan (my son) and I sit down at a table with a coffee.  People were just drawn to him!  I mean, dozens of people!  And like a true ambassador of the breed, he was friendly, but not overly so, not jumpy, just happy and affectionate to everyone!  It was so good for him!

And then a strange thing happened...whe n I went outside to get him and walk home, he became extremely submissive to me and tried to run away from me.  Like I was going to hurt him or something.  I didn't understand it at all, but just kept telling him he was a good boy, and it's okay, etc.     ???    ???    ???

OK, Declan's "talking" again....gotta go.

I don't know what a Fila Mastiff is, but I figured if it's a kind of Mastiff, it must be a BP.  Here's the ad:

Maybe someone would like this girl...she sure is a cutie...

Yeah, you could be right about the noise thing...they're working on putting in new boilers in the basement of our building (we're on the first floor right above where they're working) so they've been making a lot of noise;  lots of pounding, hammering, drilling, etc.  And we've already realized he doesn't like loud noises...

Thanks everyone!  We're not too terribly worried about it, but since we're new to the breed, it's a learning experience.  John said that he just looked at Crede with an angry look on his face and in a low, strong voice, said "bad".  That was all it took and poor Crede went and laid in a corner clear across the house from John.

I told John what he might have to do is tether Crede to him during the day so that he's never out of sight and can constantly be monitored.  I've heard good things about this technique and it seems like it would work well, not only for housetraining, but for bonding and establishing the alpha role also.

I'm making sure that he gets at least 8 cups a day now, but I think what happened this morning is that when John brought Crede in from his walk at 6:30am, he immediately FILLED his water bowl, which I never do.  (It's an 8-cup bowl.)  Of course then Crede completely consumed all that water, so in retrospect, it's no wonder he peed.  And I reminded John that even if he's bigger at 6 months than every single dog we come across, he IS still a puppy and we have to remember that.

Ok thanks, I feel better about it now.  And I was going to ask how to bell-train him, so thanks for that too!

We evidentally have to limit Crede's water intake as he peed on the floor this morning after having been out only 2.5 hours earlier.

So, how much should he be drinking a day?  He'd drink himself into a stupor if we let him...

But why wouldn't he let us know that he had to go out?  And I think what we really don't get is why he felt he had to go that bad after having been out just 2.5 hours prior....

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