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Messages - specialkdanemom

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Discussions & Information on Grooming / Re: Pedi Paws
« on: November 09, 2008, 07:05:25 am »
I use a dremel.  it works great.  i just don't like the slipping aspect when doing the nails... they don't like the feeling it gives their toes.  the noise doesn't bother them... one is completely deaf, one is deaf in one ear and one has normal hearing, plus the girls that can hear are used to motorcycles.  since it slips as they struggle a bit, i tried the pedi paws from the local store.  of course the one i bought didn't have enough power to rotate when i put a pencil eraser on it.  i returned it, demonstrated the lack of power to the manager (no problem w/ the return) but he said it was the first one to be returned.  i was wondering if it was just a sales tactic, but since i'm hearing different from others, it might have been just the luck of the draw for me.  has any one tried the one off tv, peti cure i believe?

Love your dogs.  I've always had danes or dane mixes, except for our Shasta... we saved her from execution at a shelter near my mother-in-law.  She's a lab/newf mix and was the typical young, black dog with big paws and more growing to do... nobody wanted her.  we weren't looking for another dog at the time, especially since my heart was set on a OEM.  But, knowing she was about to be gassed... we took her.  She was about 50 lbs of skin and bones... two years later she's about 120 lbs of love.
Sorry... back to the topic.  Your gorgeous dogs remind me of my love of big dogs.  I see everyones wonderful furbabies and I want one of everything.  Love danes, OEM, IW, Greyhounds, Neos, Newfs, Leos... almost anything with a big lovable head.  
We take our gals out to Central Oregon and camp/ride motorcyles out in no-man's land (seeing another human is sometimes scarce... depending on the time of year. This enables us to let our dogs run around with us w/o leashes, etc.  One of our hang-ups w/sight hounds... IW and greyhounds, is recall in these type of situations (they are always leashed at home).  What is your experience with recall off leash in a safe environment?  Thanks!

*** sorry it's so long***

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: Welcome, Kelly! Maggie's New Mom!!!
« on: November 01, 2008, 02:11:46 pm »
Congrats! Maggie sounds happy in heart and home.

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Sitting on a log
« on: November 01, 2008, 01:42:19 pm »
So adorable.  Definitely a "framer" !!

German Shepherd Pictures / Re: The boys have grown up...
« on: October 29, 2008, 05:02:02 am »
Wow.  Time flies, doesn't it?  I remember seeing the pics of the wonky ear.  They have become such gorgeous teenagers/young adults. 

Love it when they sleep so deep.. so frickin innocent!  :-* We've got a couple of "Western Bed Potatoes"  :D I believe they're quite similar to your "Northern Mtn. Couch Potatoes"
...not too much in the tail waggin department, but alot of the snoring and kicking.

It's not just you.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: One good scratch
« on: August 08, 2008, 10:29:22 pm »
That was cute!

When it opened up, it went directly to my Windows Media Player and that's unusual.

German Shepherd Pictures / Re: Camping pics
« on: May 31, 2008, 05:39:37 pm »
Awesome pics. 
My "girls" love camping, as we do.  But we went camping over spring break and it snowed on us and froze the water tanks and beer... husband said "frozen h2o is ok, but frozen beer means its time to head for home. :)
But the plus side... got some great pics for christmas cards. My avatar is Mika and Sera with coats, cuddling during the cold weather camping. 
Looks like you had fun.

"the girls" used to eat Innova large breed (adult, 25 percent protein/$49 per 33lb bag) and did pretty well.  Sera was the only one that still had ichy, licking problems.  We decided to switch to Innova EVO red meat/large bite, grain-free(protein is 43 percent and $58 per 28lb bag)  Suppose to be the closest to raw diet as a kibble can be.  This has definately helped with the itching and licking, however, Mika has been chunking out on her backend/hips.  I would like them to be on the same food, but I'm realizing that this will not happen.  Mika will need to have less protein to get back and maintain her sleek figure. Shasta (110lbs) has chunked out since we got her.  she gets the same amount of food as Sera(90lbs), but gains or maintains her "heftness".  Shasta isn't as sensitive, so probably will also go back to a less protein diet.  Love the Innova brand for my girls, but the recipe depends on each individual dog.

check this video and web site out.  got the link from thepetcenter.c om

Anyone ever heard of the old country vet?

Love the last pic... w/ the elephant pool.  Great pics!

check out the toy stores or "build a bear".  They might have grad hats for dolls, bears, etc.

What a friggin' jerk...
Sounds like he's lookin for some trouble for some reason.
I would go back to the park everyday (w/ or w/o Maddox)also, but make sure you have a friend and wait for this guy and take a picture of him... better yet, have your friend video taping this jerk from a different location.  Catch him in the act, so to speak.  From what you say, he's making a habit out of it or enjoys it for some sick reason.

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