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Messages - Gracie Belle

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Collars, crates, & other cool things / Re: My newest sculpt, my Tisha
« on: November 15, 2007, 06:37:09 am »
I love that sculpture.  That is so cute.

Great Pyrenees Pictures / Re: Great Pry Pups Meet Miniature Horses (Photos)
« on: November 12, 2007, 01:25:52 am »
OH MY GOODNESS!!!  I want to smooch those puppy toes.  What precious pictures.

Rare Breed Mastiff Discussions / Re: New pics of my DDB - 4 months :)
« on: November 08, 2007, 12:22:39 pm »
MUST HAVE DDB!!!!!!!!!!!  What a sweet face.

Hello there.  I can PROMISE you that if you take the pup's for a very long walk together before you allow them to "play" that will give them the chance to get to know one another while also establishing you as the pack leader.  I'm a huge believer in Cesar Milan and that was his advice for introducing a new member to your pack.  We did that very same thing with Tonka when we brought him into our family.  He was 2 1/2 years old and we introduced him to Gracie (1 year) and Rosco (6 mo) without a hitch due to the walk.  If done properly (meaning you do not allow them to walk ahead of you or pull you or attempt to engage in play or aggression with one another)for at least a good 45 minutes to an hour while walking that will make a huge difference. He also recommends that you try to avoid too much affection in the beginning.  This too will teach the new dog his rules and it will also show the other pet that you are in control therefore your existing pet will not feel the need to take control and teach him on his own.  One more thing.  Avoid too much excitement.  Try not to use high pitched overly affectionate voices or yelling for that matter.  That helps too.   

We also have our puppy in the crate still while Gracie and Tonka have run of the house during the day.  When we let Gracie finally have run of the house we did it by letting her out maybe an hour at a time (when we ran an errand or two) here and there.  That way we were able to gauge how she would do.  Also if they are getting plenty of exercise then you shouldn't really have to worry too much about them destroying the house or unwanted elimination.  Though that too I also believe is a case by case issue.  I know of a BPO'er here who can attest to that one. ;) 

I certainly wish you luck and congratulation s on your new addition.  I can't wait to see pictures.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Getting a new fur baby
« on: November 06, 2007, 01:35:25 pm »
OH MY GAWD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am so in love and it certainly sounds like he's doing a great job at being a cat.  Already exhibiting his dislike for canned or dry food???  Yep.  That's about right.  I love his name too by the way.  He's adorable and I can't wait to hear all the stories about that little dude scurrying up your hubby's pant legs unsuspectingly and of course the sneak surprise attacks awaiting every corner.  Gosh, I miss having a kitten.  Congrats on that precious baby.

Old English Mastiff Pictures / Re: Sarah and Marley
« on: November 06, 2007, 12:42:28 pm »
I love Marley so much.  What a mug that dude has.  Tell him I love him! 

He's a total hero.  Tell him I love him!  Oh, and I really do hope your mom is okay.  Send her hugs too.

I can see how much that would bother you.  We actually call Gracie our "mini mastiff" as she's a year and a half and she's pushing a whopping 95 lbs at about 26 inches.  The standard states that females should be about 27 1/2 inches and about 120 to 170 pounds.  You know I don't really know what will help you not be so annoyed with the silly comments.  Now I too am extremely sensitive to comments about my pets and sometimes I think I may SNAP at the next dork who asks me if Gracie is a boxer.  Another way I can sort of relate is I'm totally over the "where is that horse's saddle" comments we get for Tonka, our Great Dane.  But we manage.  We've turned it into a game and just keep a continuing running tally of the comments.  54 since we got him about 2 months ago.  ;)  Also it makes me laugh when people ask what breed Rosco is.  We oblige and state he's our Toy German Shettwieller.  So, just keep a fun attitude and shake'em off.  I personally think that maybe I'm a bit jaded on size as if you really stop to consider the height and weight of our dogs, even if they are on the smaller side of the scale, they are still rather BIG.  And Sierra to me is no exception.  I think SIERRA IS PERFECT AND ABSOLUTELY STUNNING.  As you stated, you are very lucky and so is she to have one another and if her size never grows beyond where she is now, to me that would make her that much more special and unique.  Your dainty gorgeous princess Sierra.  By the way, her pictures are all beautiful.  I sort of like the short do..  She wears it very well.   But I am extremely excited to see all her beautiful locks grow back in.  Hang in there.  You may have a small Newf but she totally outweighs her size in personality and beauty.       

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Motivational posters!!!
« on: November 01, 2007, 09:53:35 am »
HAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!  I think the procrastinatio n poster is my favorite.  Thanks for the laugh. 

Remembering those no longer with us. / Re: gone
« on: November 01, 2007, 09:45:24 am »
Oh Mabel.   :'( :'(  You will be missed sweet girl and to the family you are all in my thoughts.  Mark, your efforts were not in vain.  You are for sure Mabel's hero and savior in her heart forever now.  As is the rest of the family.  Big hugs to you all. 

Remembering those no longer with us. / Re: Mabel
« on: October 28, 2007, 09:12:55 am »
I completely agree with Juli.  I hope that sweet girl feels better fast.  Tons of hugs your way and lots of good healthy vibes sent Mable's way.  You guys are in my thoughts.

« on: October 25, 2007, 01:42:51 pm »
I never get around to making scrapbooks  :(  But, I have saved all the baby teeth I found from all my "kids" human and fur.  They are in my jewelry box with my other valuable gems  ;D

HA HA HA!!!!  This is good.  It's funny because that is where Gracie's little pearls are.   ;)

Holiday Things / Re: 2007 Christmas Card & Present Exchange Information
« on: October 25, 2007, 12:57:52 pm »
This thread is cracking me up.  It reminds me of the anxiety  the kids have as they have to wait to open presents until AFTER the holiday dinner.  Everyone is always so giddy and excited..  It's really funny.  I'm super excited to be a part of the BPO Holiday gift exchange.   

Mixed Breed Pictures / Re: Bowser Bouquet
« on: October 24, 2007, 10:50:57 am »
HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Those are so funny.  I think they belong on "The reason dog's bite" site.  They are super cute.

FAQs about puppies / Re: Question about puppy teeth
« on: October 24, 2007, 08:01:41 am »
Oh no, he's got the shark jaw...  haha.  I would keep an eye on them.  Sometimes they will take a little longer to fall out (esp. the k9s) but usually they will a few day's later.  Just watch them and if you notice the gums becoming more swollen and red then you may want to make a visit to the vet.  This actually happened with my cat Linus and also with Rosco.  It never turned into a problem for us.  Good luck.

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