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Messages - SadieA

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General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: thoughts on Bernese?
« on: May 06, 2008, 08:26:17 am »
I just saw this and wanted to jump in too... I have a Berner, Sammy, who is ten months old. He definitely does not drool, and though maybe he will when he's older, it just doesn't seem that likely to me. No drooling at all.

I've recently spent several months visiting my parents, who have a ten-year-old golden. Sammy adores her. He literally follows her around when I walk them together, stopping to sniff everywhere she sniffs, moving on as soon as she does. At first, she wasn't wild about him- she'd always been an only dog, and she wasn't crazy about other dogs ever. But honestly, she has warmed to him, and even occasionally will seek him out to play. He is definitely a puppy, though, and a BIG one (he weighs about 85 pounds, which honestly I don't think is particularly big for a male Berner his age), so he can get to be a little rough for her sometimes. I've found that there isn't much of a problem though, because when he starts to bother her or tire her out, she gives him a bark and he knows to back off. I guess I can't really base a strong impression of the breed as a whole on just my one dog, but Sammy really seems to only be interested in playing with dogs who want to play with him- he quickly loses interest in dogs that won't play back. So my parents' golden can get her rest pretty easily, even with him around. I set up the mudroom so that she has an extra bed in there, kind of in the back like a little cave, and she'll go in there and lie down when she's had enough.

So if you've decided not to get another dog, certainly stick with that, but my experience with Sammy has been that he's pretty easygoing with an older dog, and frankly, he can be pretty lazy and sleeps A LOT. so he bugs her from time to time, but a good bark (or NO from me) gets him to leave her alone!!

FAQs about puppies / Re: need some experienced info over here....
« on: April 26, 2008, 02:23:40 am »
Oh, so exciting! My Sammy is a nine-month-old Bernese, and he was such a sweet puppy, so I'm sure yours will be too! The main advice I can give you about having a puppy is to make sure to take it outside ALL THE TIME to go to the bathroom. I used to take Sammy out every hour or two when he was a pup, and he learned pretty quick to go to the bathroom outside. I also found it really helpful to crate train him, and he has always slept in his crate. Especially where you have two dogs, I think it will be really good for your new girl to be crate trained so she can have her own space away from Marley.

My guess is that your new pup will ADORE Marley. As soon as Sammy met my parents' older golden, he just started following her around everywhere. But of course since Marley is young too, he'll probably want to play with the pup, and he might be too rough. Judging by Sammy's activities, I'd say dogs his age tend to play pretty rough, so you'll want to keep a close eye on the two of them to make sure the pup doesn't get hurt. When Sammy was small, he had no sense of self-preservation whatsoever (still doesn't) so you kind of need to watch out for them, since they don't do it themselves!

Feel free to ask me any questions you may have about Berner pups! I can only go off my experience with the one dog, but maybe I can be helpful! They are a wonderful breed, and I'm sure you'll love her!

here's one from when he was a little smaller, where I think he looks quite a bit like her just in terms of head structure and expression.

She's such a cutie!!

haha, sorry! Sam's my bernese mountain dog puppy. He's the one in my picture! Sam's ears are the same as you describe hers- only, he's most always interested in something, which means they are most always perked up! They lie flat when he's sleeping, and that's about it!

Aside from coloring, she actually looks a LOT like Sam. Her nose is the same as his, and her ears that are kind of short and triangular, and perked up really high on her head. Really, she looks a lot like him to me. I can't imagine she's part berner though, not with such a light color. She is ADORABLE! maybe part australian shepherd? I don't know much about them, but her tan spots remind me of an aussie I know.

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: can dogs get just a cold?
« on: February 24, 2008, 04:41:07 am »
Sam also had a sinus infection a couple months ago. The main symptoms were snorting and hacking, and a runny nose and gross greenish boogers. He was given antibiotics for five days, which was extended to ten just to make sure he was COMPLETELY better, because he was flying to the States just a week later. Worked like a charm!

Sorry, I missed this question before! Sammy's seems to have completely gone away now, on its own. He hasn't been neutered yet, and I likely won't do that until he's a year old or so, as a couple vets have made that same recommendation to me. He's not (yet) acting aggressive or in any way like he needs to be neutered, so I'm in no rush!

I noticed my bernese puppy's umbilical hernia pretty much exactly how you did.  The vet missed it the first time he went in, but checked everything out the next time.  He said that it can be corrected when he is neutered if it still exists.  Did you end up having this done? 

Great Pyrenees Pictures / Re: Jake and Max playing
« on: February 21, 2008, 04:29:50 pm »
oh my lord, too funny!! I wouldn't mess with him!

Oh my goodness, what a handsome boy. He's so big, too! He looks much much bigger than Sam, who is 7.5  months. I guess pyrs do tend to be bigger than berners, though. He also looks really pretty calm, though of course I may not be getting the whole story from pictures!

Bernese Mountain Dog Discussions / Re: Climate and Bernese Mountain Dog
« on: February 21, 2008, 03:33:36 pm »
Thank you all so much for the great advice! I'm currently leaning pretty heavily toward Boston- just got a great scholarship offer, and I LOVE Boston, and I really think Sam would do well there. Another concern I have about NC is that based on my admittedly limited knowledge of the area, I understand that the area around Duke isn't the safest, and I think I'd be nervous walking Sam in the dark at night. And though Boston is certainly more city-ish than NC, I'll most likely have a car there, and it's easy enough to get out to the north shore or cape or NH or wherever else for hiking.

I'm returning to school to get my doctorate in physical therapy! Very excited!

Bernese Mountain Dog Discussions / Climate and Bernese Mountain Dog
« on: February 17, 2008, 04:49:12 pm »
So, I'll be starting grad school in the fall, and am trying to pick which school I should accept at. My options are Duke, Columbia, and a school in Boston. So, the question is, what is the best choice for Sammy. ( I mean, obviously that's not the only question, but it is the question of the moment!) So we've got Boston, NYC, and North Carolina. I know Sammy will love Boston, and I lived there for several years so I know it and love it. New York, well, it's a big city of course. But still climate-wise, I know Sammy could handle it. Does anyone here have a dog in NYC? Lastly, Raleigh/Durham. I have a suspicion it is a bit hotter than Sammy would really like. However, if I am careful with him, do you all think that NC is doable with a big, furry dog?

Thanks so much for any feedback! I want to try to make sure any decision I make will work for  him too, since he's coming with me!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Therapy dog?
« on: February 15, 2008, 08:25:12 am »
Sam is still a bit of a crazy puppy, but we're taking lots of obedience classes, and I'm hoping once he's older and well behaved, he can be one of those dogs that visits patients at the hospital, or folks at nursing homes. Does anyone have a dog that they do that kind of thing with, and if so, how did you train your dog to be good and calm with people, and did you have to get any special certifications?

I think Sam would really love doing this, because he loves people, and just LOVES getting petted. He'll sit quietly next to anyone who will pet him, and just rest his head on their lap.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: NAme for my Baby
« on: February 13, 2008, 03:20:21 pm »
My name is Sadie, which I love because it isn't too obscure or tricky, and people can pronounce it, yet I've met VERY few other people named Sadie. I was named after my great grandmother, and I tend to like old-fashioned names, although many of these are coming back into vogue. Here are a few I like: Grace, Eva, Viola, Amelia, Charlotte, Lila, Lisette, Susannah, Vivian.

I bet you're all right- he's just in a little pause before another growth spurt! He looks like such a grown-up dog with his shiny curly fur, but he's still got a lot of size to gain! I want to get him (eventually) a dog pack for hiking, and I measured  his waist the other day- he's only just a size medium now, and his waist is still smaller than mine!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / New Sammy pictures- 7 months old
« on: February 12, 2008, 05:31:53 am »
Here are a few pictures of Sammy these days! He seems to have slowed down a lot in terms of growth- he still weighs 65 pounds, which has been constant for a month, and I think he even weighed a little more around New Year. Maybe I need to up his food a little, but he's not too skinny, so I think he's OK! The first three pictures were taken last week, the last two about a month ago.

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