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Messages - Perdi's Mom

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Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Advice on Border Collies?
« on: December 05, 2005, 10:49:17 am »
I had a border collie, Aussie mix.  She was VERY intelligent.  Knew most of her commands by 6 months and never forgot a thing.  She was very willing to please me except for one thing: she felt she was too dignified to ever walk on a leash  ::)!  I couldn't get her to do it to save my skin, but she was extremely obedient so I did not have to worry about her going anywhere. 

They are high energy dogs.  If you can devote a substantial amount of time to them for play and obedience training, then you will have an excellent dog.  They do like to run and so until you are sure that they'll always 'come' and stay with you, you'll have to leash them.  They normally get along well with other dogs as they are pretty happy dogs.   Give them a job and they are happy, teach them to fetch the paper, slippers, etc...they are great dogs, but people have a tendency to misunderstand their needs and then can't cope with the behaviors they end up having because of boredom.

Good luck!

Siberian Husky Discussions / Re: Another Sibe in the bunch
« on: December 02, 2005, 11:45:07 am »
I am a husky lover too!  Yours are very pretty!   

Unfortunately ours has been missing for over 2 months.  We went on vacation and she went missing 2 days later.   My poor friend who takes Excellent care of all my animals, is as distraught as I am over it all.  We truely think that someone took her (or my theory, that the neighbors did something to her).  We have searched on horseback all over the woods near us, put out notices in the paper every other week and check the pound weekly as well as calling twice a's maddening really.  She was a mix, but was 'husky' attitude/personality through and through....we went through a lot with her and she was on meds for hip dysplasia, arthritis and had a torn cruciate ligament in her knee.  I just hope whoever has her is responsible enough to take proper care of her.... :'(  The following pic was taken right before we left for vacation.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Vermont anyone?
« on: December 01, 2005, 10:45:16 am »
My husbands company is hiring in Brattleboro, Vermont...anyo ne live near there that can give me any info...thanks!

Games & Jokes / Re: What kind of animal are you?
« on: December 01, 2005, 10:35:58 am »
I was a Parakeet!  I can't stand those little things....shee sh, maybe that's why people don't like me :P

It was funny...first we got one cage we thought would fit her-they also didn't have the other cage in yet and we wanted to get started.  Well she didn't understand that she had to duck her sholders a little to get in through the door.  She hit the top a little and her mind was made up...she was NOT going in...we gave that up after day 2 and took it back to get the ultra large cage special BPO people know what I'm talking about...#99N.  That thing is monsterous and right now sits in half the dining room of my little 1400 Sq ft house!  That's ok though, because she went in it this morning after about 6 minutes of conjoling her with me in there...then later we went in again and she sat in there all by herself and I walked out with keys in hand....she did not go nuts atleast.  Came back about 5 minutes later and let her out.  She of course got tons of lovin'.  I too crate train all my dogs.  I feel it's just safer for the dogs and the home while you are gone and also in case people come over who are scared of her, mainly little kids and I have lots of friends with little ones so....

Games & Jokes / Re: The Case of the Mysterious Hole
« on: November 30, 2005, 12:08:25 pm »
That is too funny!  My crazy dog Duke, dug a huge hole in my yard last summer.....I found out why as he pulled this nasty sock from the hole...funny thing is, it wasn't any of ours!  Come to find out the people that owned this house before us had a dog that liked to hide things in holes...Duke, our dog, never bothered the hole again though after I filled it back in...

I'm such a goob  :D!  I looked all over....oh well...I figure my way around here before too long!  Thanks for the compliments on Perdi.  We think she's purty too!

I posted yesterday about being a Newbie here and getting my first full dane...I have no clue where the post went....could someone elighten me as to where to look....Thanks!

Perdi is adjusting...ev erything is so scary for her...sometime s it just makes me sad that she never was properly taught things...she is crate training right now and went in for the first time this morning...shoo k like a leaf, but she's so attached to me that she wasn't going to sit outside that cage for long with me inside calling to her...she likes to chew my door trim when I leave, so we need to make sure she is safe while we are gone.  Not only that I can't always take her everywhere with me like we do right now!  Although she loves it, so do we, and atleast people stay away from our truck ;-)! 

We're taking her today to get a nice treat for when she kennels up. 

Yep...Perdita is her full name, but we just call her Perdi.  When I adopt dogs (which all of mine have been, unless they were found as strays), I like to change their names...give them a completely new start.  I think it really helps to disassociate their past life completely with their new one...I'm not sure why the pic on my original post isn't showing...she's a very pretty darker mearle...

Well I stumbled upon this board and am so glad...I've been trying to find a place where people have big dogs and I could find answers to things pertaining to them.

Perdi is a 'rescue' of sorts....the owners didn't want to deal with her issues due to a lot of changes in her life from their doing so they gave her away....I am glad to have her and we are working through these things as I find them out..why can't people be honest as I asked them to be..... ???

Oh well.  She was not well socialized, she is scared to go potty outside if it is raining (even if it's sprinkling), she likes to chew the trim on the door if we leave her too long...we are working on crate training, but it is slow going...she's scared of it too.  She wasn't leash trained properly, but atleast doesn't pull me around....we have a personal trainer coming and she's also attending socialization classes each Saturday....

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