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Messages - Newf Lover

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An angel of a woman, Brenda of San Francisco, had seen him trying to cross San Pablo Avenue, which if you know the area you know that it's the busiest street for a black dog to try to cross at night.

Wow, what an ordeal!  Yes I know all about San Pablo Ave.  I was doing a transfer for work about 5 months ago and I had to go over there.  On my way back I saw a beautiful German Shepard laying dead in the road on San Pable Ave.  It broke my heart and my whole day was ruined after that.  Glad Bear's adventure had a better ending.

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Doggy Deoderant??!!
« on: September 28, 2005, 05:38:49 am »
We use Earthbath Mango Tango spritz on Drake and he smells REALLY YUMMY afterwards.  Lavendar is good too.  This is good to use right after you brush them, a good alternative to constantly bathing them.  Here is a link for it and you can find it just about everywhere:

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Are your Newfs Quiet?
« on: September 28, 2005, 05:24:57 am »
How on earth did you teach him to "whisper" I've read that other people said their newfs "whisper" too....

It's really easy, we taught Drake during one wine soaked evening in Tahoe.  Just get your dog's favorite treat and make them sit in front of you.  Lean close and whisper, "whisper" to them and have the treat ready to give to them once they do it.  I promise you'll get Bava to do it very quickly.  It is so freaking cute when they do it.  They buck their head back and forth and sort of wheeze, like they have laringitis.  Lots of laughs!!!  Then you will be known as the Newf Whisperer.   ;D

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Newfies Playing Soccer at Carmel Beach
« on: September 27, 2005, 11:51:49 pm »
It is impossible to completely fake out Drake, he gets the ball every time and if you get in his way, he will knock you on your butt.  He goes crazy for balls, accidently biting me a couple of times, almost knocking my front teeth out once and knocking my feet out from underneath me.  He just loves to play with balls!  And balloons, oh man that's hilarious to watch too.  We were at the Bay to Breakers Race in San Francisco and he started going after a balloon on the ground in a crowd that was packed tight.  People were running for their lives.... ;D ;D ;D

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Are your Newfs Quiet?
« on: September 27, 2005, 11:39:47 pm »
Drake doesn't bark much unless he we're wrestling around or playing and he wants his ball or he hears raccoons outside.  When he want's his ball it's sort of an impatient "Woof!" but when he hears something outside, he does what we call the "Scream Bark".  It's always at night when we all are falling asleep in front of the TV.  He will appear to be sleeping and then all of the sudden he lets out a loud single bark that wakes us up with a heart attack.  Then, if he happens to be sleeping on the hardwood floor, he tries to get up as fast as he can and ends up digging big grooves into the floor.  Every scratch noise is like fingernails on the chalkboard, we try to get him to sleep on his dog bed now but he prefers the cool floor.  So once he gets up, he growls until he gets to the sliding door and then it's, "Woo-woo-WOOOOOOOO!"  You can actually feel his barks!  So to placate him, we let him out and he can't get through the door fast enough.  You can hear him flying down the deck, paint getting ripped up with every step, and more scream barks.  On the flip side, we have taught him to "whisper" for treats, it's pretty funny and very cute.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: kitten i rescued pics
« on: September 27, 2005, 04:52:20 am »
I read some of your earlier posts, I guess he's really sick and his eyes are all infected?  That's how we found our last cat after it was thrown from a car.  After his infections cleared up, we saw that something had been stuck in his eye and it permanently ripped his pupil so it never fully closes.  Poor guy, direct sun hurts his eye.  Hope you find a home for him if you can't keep him.  Couldn't he be an outside cat if he doesn't get along with your inside cat?

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: kitten i rescued pics
« on: September 27, 2005, 04:45:31 am »
He's 8 weeks old and his eyes aren't open yet?  That seems weird, is something wrong with kitty?  He looks really big for a little kitten, he's going to be a huge cat I guess.  ???  So did you rescue him from a shelter?  I guess I must have missed some earlier posts.

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Newfies at Carmel Beach
« on: September 27, 2005, 01:57:37 am »

Collars, crates, & other cool things / Re: Dog Fur Sweater
« on: September 27, 2005, 01:56:16 am »
Okay, I admit it. I started saving Jackie's fur last night.   ::)


As my great-grandmother who lived through the depression said, WASTE NOT, WANT NOT!!!  It will be so cool to have a Newf Fur hat to wear as I fly down the slopes in Lake Tahoe.  Oh god, I think something has started here.  It will be interesting to see the final products from all this doggy fur collecting.  More to come...

And Brandon, yeah I heard about that, putting dog fur out to attract birds.  It does work.  We still have a lot of birds around even though it's getting cold.  The hummingbirds are still fighting over the nectar I leave out like Crackheads fighting over a Crack rock and the bird seed feeder is cleaned out on a weekly basis by Sparrows and Jays.  Hungry little buggers!

Collars, crates, & other cool things / Re: Dog Fur Sweater
« on: September 26, 2005, 11:51:09 pm »
no one thinks this is a LIL creepy?
I was at the fabric store on Sunday, and saw this yellow woolly thingie that looks like a deskinned Cody..

Is it any creepier than wearing a mink stole (sp?) or rabbit fur gloves or a coon skin hat?  Fur is fur, nature didn't necessarily designate specific animals to be worthy of being worn by humans.  Look at the rest of the world and the animals they use for food or clothes or medicines.  Thinking that using dog fur is weird seems like a typical American response.  All I know is that I brush a ton of fur off of Drake every day and it goes into the garbage or blows outside.  The perfect example for me that his fur would make a great yarn that is soft and warm is that this Spring I came across a bird nest that was near our front door and the mother bird had used a bunch of Drake's fur to build her nest.  Of all the things to build a nest with, she used Drakes fur.  Smart Bird!  Also I look at it this way, after Drake is gone, I will have something other than pictures, something physical, I can remember him by.  And that's my 2 cents....

Collars, crates, & other cool things / Re: Dog Fur Sweater
« on: September 26, 2005, 11:21:51 pm »
I don't have alot saved, just a grocery bag full.  I plan on having it made into a scarf and hat.  I don't like wool sweaters, so I doubt I would like a dog hair sweater.   :P

I will have to remember that website mentioned.

Here it is, might be worth putting on your Favorites list/bookmarking or just printing up the home page for filing away:

I think a hat or scarf might be in order since I don't wear a lot of sweaters.  Maybe after this winter I will have enough for a blanket.  We're going to tell our groomer to collect his fur after clipping him, they will probably think we are weird but it will be nice and extra clean.  It is worth sending cleaner fur because they charge to clean dirty stuff. 

Moni, the poem you shared choked me up a bit.  Any writing about dying dogs or old dogs seems to do that to me, so I guess I'm a softie....  a real man cries when his dog dies.

Newfoundland Pictures / Newfies Playing Soccer at Carmel Beach
« on: September 26, 2005, 11:16:35 am »
Ok, FINALLY!!  After, oh, 5 months I finally got around to posting the Newfies at Carmel Beach.  Yogi, Bear, Drake and few others all got to play in the surf and Drake of course went after a guy's soccer ball.  He was a good sport and we all had fun.  Mia's laughter is the best part.  Hope this works and thanks to you all who pointed me in the right direction, i.e.

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Re: newf pup in houston - needs home
« on: September 26, 2005, 06:21:51 am »
hmm, I thought they were always waiting longer with these dogs to give the owners a chance to find their dogs.  Wonder what happened?

Seeing as I'm hearing stories of mass euthanasia and they are sending tons of dogs over here to the west coast, I don't think they are waiting very long for anything.  Many dogs were left tied to houses because their owners foolishly thought they wouldn't be gone very long and that was the only way to keep them there.  Many of these dogs starved or strangled themselves on their tie-downs.  Sad stuff.  But I think that at least organizations are trying to find good homes for these dogs rather than euthanizing them because their owners took too long to find them.  Many of these dogs are going to live better lives with their new owners, the hurricane may have been the best thing that ever happened to them.  Imagine, a dog is abused, neglected and underfed for years by it's owners.  Katrina comes, the dog is left behind and is later rescued.  Now it lives in Marin County with it's new rich owners, sleeps on silk pillows, gets lots of love and exercise, eats Kibble mixed with Filet Mignon and drinks bottled water every day.  Wouldn't that be great?  It COULD happen......   ;D ;D ;D

Collars, crates, & other cool things / Re: Dog Fur Sweater
« on: September 26, 2005, 05:03:32 am »
Thanks everybody for you help and comments.  I think doing something like this would be a much less morbid momento to the pets we love than taking them to the Taxidermist and getting them stuffed.  If any of you have done that, sorry if I seem insensitive.  I will check out all of your leads and let you know, maybe I'll start up a new company, I hate my job now so why not?  Question though, how much hair for a hat?  Mittens?  Sweater? Blanket?  Better start collecting, should only take a month to collect enough.

Glad you found Bear, must be a relief!  How did you end up getting him back?  I'm interested in hearing the reunion story.

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