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Messages - Newf Lover

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Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Newf in Must Love Dogs!!
« on: July 25, 2005, 02:51:16 pm »
Newf Lover..... Did you ever see the pics of the black puppy we rescued? I had it on here, and we tried to figure out what breed it was. I thought it was some kind of mix retriever and maybe even newf in her. The dog in the movie look exactly like I think she will when she gets to be a big girl. I would guess it is a mix newf and some kind of shepherd or retriever


I don't know, that picture might be a little screwed up, it looks like a painting but it's a photograph?  Go back to the first link I posted and watch the trailer.  The dog looks a little different.  And they called it a St. Bernard in the writeup which is totally off, GOSH!  IDIOTS!

Meet & Greet BPOers / Re: BPO at SBC????
« on: July 25, 2005, 09:10:48 am »
You might want to email the address I posted in order to get the form so you can bring Bear.  Everyone who wants to go has to fill one of those out.

Newfoundland Discussions / Newf in Must Love Dogs!!
« on: July 25, 2005, 09:04:09 am »
Hey guys, check it out!  This movie is coming out soon and there's a Newf in it!  Looks a little different than the typical Newf, but maybe it's a mix.  Cool to see, I saw a big billboard with this poster on it and I almost got in an accident.  Here's some links with pics:

Meet & Greet BPOers / Re: BPO at SBC????
« on: July 22, 2005, 05:07:23 pm »
Ok, here's the scoop.  I talked to Society Dog, whose group is getting together for the game, and they said to just contact the Giants.  So I called the number that was on the flyer on the link I listed on the posting above, 415-972-2361, and got a voice mail.  It said to email  to request any information or forms to be sent to you.  So I would suggest to anyone who is interested in going to the game to email her and get the info, that's what I did and I'll share anything I get with you all.

The game is on Saturday Aug. 6th at 1:05 PM.  It may already be all filled up because the Society Dog people said it is really popular.  I guess there were 700 dogs there last year!  WOW!  So there you go folks......

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: who thinks i should move here...
« on: July 22, 2005, 02:24:26 pm »
I don't know, not too bad for LA.  I personnally think you should move up North here.  Look at this beautiful house.  It's here in Marin so it's a bit pricey, in the mid $500K, but it's got a beautiful waterfront view and it's a nice roomey house.  You might like it!  Better jump on it quick because property gets scooped up before you know it:


LOL! I like sauerkraut, Canadian bacon & pineapple on my pizza...Not for everyone....

I like anchovies but I think their saltiness takes over the whole flavor of the pizza.  Dipping Pizza in Ranch Dressing or Honey is really good. I love Hawaiian Pizza, my wife got me to love it after years of wrinkling my nose in disgust, but putting Saurkraut on it?  Hmmmm...  I don't know about that but hey, I'll try anything once.  I like things like Corned Beef Hash, Escargot, Absinthe, Blood Sausage, Dinty Moore Stew, Caviar, Bell Peppers, Cisco, Goat Cheese, Rocky Mountain Oysters and many other things a lot of people gag thinking about.  

I still can't stomach Raw Oysters and we live in one of the biggest Oyster producing areas on the West Coast.  It's a texture thing I guess and the fact sea lice are scurring in and out of the shell while you're trying to pry it open to slurp out the slimy, ocean water infused innards.  Hard boiled eggs, Deviled eggs, Prepackaged Sandwiches and Organ Meats are off my culinary list as well.  YUCK!

I'm not a hater, I love all animals, but I just see those types of dogs being used for "trendy" puposes, which were started by a certain worthless Hotel fortune heiress.

We bring Drake most places too, but it's because there's no reason to leave him at home.  We took him to a local brewery last night to eat dinner and there was a lady who had a little yippy dog there too.  People kept coming over to us to pour love and affection on Drake which was great.  They walked by the other lady and most of them just snickered at her dog and walked on.  There's a dog for everybody I guess and if you like lap dogs, that's your perogative.  You can't fault someone who likes little dogs, just like you can't fault someone for preferring anchovies on their pizza.  YUCK!!!

Can we call you Paris now?  Drake makes piles bigger than that dog!  I guess it's a female thing, I see lots of women now walking around with their homely little dogs under their arms.  Different strokes for different folks, but those dogs are worthless.  They're purely companion dogs that can't protect you and serve no practical purposes.  I'm sure there's going to be hundreds of those yapping rats at Dog Days at Giants Stadium Aug. 6th.  But I won't be a hater......

Meet & Greet BPOers / Re: BPO at SBC????
« on: July 21, 2005, 11:34:20 am »
We'll have to wait and see.  Regardless of where we go, it's going to be FUN!!!!  ;D

Meet & Greet BPOers / Re: BPO at SBC????
« on: July 21, 2005, 09:51:19 am »
Yeah, we're pretty spoiled with the weather here on the west coast, especially in the Bay Area. San Francisco is actually getting cold, foggy, wet weather right now, which most people don't like.  I LOVE IT!  It's pretty hot all day here in Marin and then to go to the city for a nice cool evening is great.  It's kind of funny, we get dressed up for the evening in nice clothes and we're sweating from all the heat here in Novato.  Get on Hwy. 101 and as soon as we get close to the Golden Gate Bridge, the fog is rolling over the mountains like a huge Tsunami.  It's pretty and eerie at the same time.  

The GG Bridge is completely engulfed in fog

and by the time we get to where we're going in San Fran, we're putting on jackets because it's pretty cold.  Only in the Bay Area can you get these two different climates in areas so close together.   :P

Any way, I trying to get more info on the Dog Days of Summer event at SBC Park, but I don't think it would be possible to get together as a group without people ponying up some serious dough ahead of time for tickets.  We'll see..........

Meet & Greet BPOers / Re: BPO at SBC????
« on: July 21, 2005, 08:45:28 am »
Sad Sad Marit, You people on the "other" coast have all the fun

Well Dammit, it cost so much to live here so we better have some perks.  The median price for a house in the San Francisco Bay Area is $615,000!  $925,00 is the median price here in Marin County!  Can you believe that?!!  (Regis Philbin voice) IT'S OUT OF CONTROL!!!!  You could buy a freakin' mansion in other states for the price you pay here in Cali for a Condo!  But hey, at least the weather's great, right?  Why don't you come out and join us?

Meet & Greet BPOers / Re: BPO at SBC????
« on: July 20, 2005, 10:36:48 am »
Good question, I'll find out.  I'm actually going to the game the very next day, but who cares?  I'll go to two Giants games!  Let me find out more info.  There's several ways to get tickets, but I don't know if they are putting all the dogs in a special section.

Meet & Greet BPOers / BPO at SBC????
« on: July 20, 2005, 09:42:45 am »
Hey all, I remembered this promotion and thought I would share it with you all.  The San Francisco Giants are going to have their annual "Dog Days of Summer" game next month.  Yep, you can bring your dog to the stadium to watch the Giants kick the Astros butt (sorry Houston BPO).  Imagine if BPO came as a group, all those big dogs yelping it up for the Giants.  The only issue with this is the date, August 6th!  The same day as the Fort Funston get together, Oh well!  People can still go I guess, check out this link for info:   or you can go to the Giants website and get tickets:

I'm sure this is going to be a blast, I have always wanted to take Drake to a game.

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Love Stingy Newf
« on: July 19, 2005, 11:24:19 am »
It's not just the kissing stuff, which I'm kinda glad he doesn't do too much (i.e. DROOL).  It is a bit annoying when a dog wont stop licking you.  But it's the hugging/snuggling/cuddling stuff.  I just like to hug him from time to time, but Sarah is constantly trying to get him to snuggle on the couch or on the bed or even on the floor.  He puts up with it for about 1 minute and then he gets up and goes over and flops on the the floor with a disgusted grunt.  He likes being pet, having his chin and butt itched but that's about it.  He's not a cuddly dog and from some of your responses, I guess that's better than having a overly needy dog who wont leave you alone.

Newfoundland Discussions / Love Stingy Newf
« on: July 19, 2005, 10:31:33 am »
Sarah and I are so frustrated with Drake.  He is so stingy with his love, he never gives us kisses unless we have been gone for a while.  Then its one little lick on the face, if we're lucky, and that's it.  Even after we had been gone to Fiji for two weeks, we got home and Drake was really excited to see us and gave a few licks, but that's it.  HE IS SO FREAKIN' LOVE STINGY!!!   He wanted to play ball, but forget hugging or nuzzling. Yogi gives lots of love licks, so I know it's not a Newf thing.  We try forced love on him and sit nose to muzzle with him and all he does is grunt and turn his head.  ARRRRRRRRRRRR!  He's just not very needy and not very affectionate I guess.  Many dogs won't leave you alone, but not Drake!  I think it's so frustrating because Newfs are so huggable.  Does anyone else have this problem?

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