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Messages - patrick

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Remembering those no longer with us. / Re: Goodby my friend!!
« on: June 21, 2009, 06:58:57 pm »
Be sure to take lots of pics!

Remembering those no longer with us. / Re: Goodby my friend!!
« on: June 21, 2009, 05:37:29 pm »
Congrats on your new pupster and what other name for a male Saint than Beethoven :>)

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / UH OH!!!
« on: June 20, 2009, 07:34:41 am »
> I forgot to lock up the toilet tissue- Odyssey's favorite toy. Not only is it her favorite but she takes great delight in showing the other puppies just how much fun it is.
> So the living room is now covered with 100 million pieces of mud covered toilet paper

VERY interesting I had no idea that there was actually recognised breedings of this cross!

In 1921, Dutch breeder Leendert Saarloos started crossbreeding a German Shepherd Dog male to a female Eurasian Wolf (Canis lupus lupus). He aimed for an improved version of the German Shepherd Dog which was immune to distemper, and succeeded insofar that the Saarlooswolfdo g we know is a strong imposing dog, but they kept their wolflike characteristic s; they are cautious, reserved and lack the ferocity to attack; it is not the dog that Leendert Saarloos hoped to get. His theory was also proven wrong, as nearly all the first generation hybrids succumbed to distemper. Until he died in 1969 Leendert Saarloos was in full control over the breeding of his "European wolfdog". The Dutch Kennel Club recognized the breed in 1975. To honor its creator they changed the name to "Saarlooswolfdo g". In 1981 the breed was recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI). In the past, some Saarlooswolfdo gs were trained as guide dogs for the blind and rescue dogs. They are very rare and purebreds can cost up to $2,000.

[edit] Size/Appearance
The Saarloos is a fairly large dog, up to 30 inches at the shoulder and weighing up to 100 lbs. The muzzle is wide, and the ears pointed and held erect. It is an athletic dog in build, with medium bone, and a strong and muscular body. Their coat is short and dense, providing superb protection from the weather. Usually the colour of the wolf's coat, however it can vary between Black, Tan, Red, White, Silver, or Blue. The Saarloos has wolf-like expressions, as well as a wolf-like head.

[edit] Ownership
The Saarlooswolfho und is a breed for experienced dog owners, due to its size and strength. It is a bold and daring dog, this is not a dog for first time owners. It needs a lot of exercise, as it doesn't tire easily. Apartment life is not appropriate for this breed. The Saarloos does best in country or suburban surroundings. Owners must establish the dominant alpha position, because the animal needs a strong alpha leader, as well as a social atmosphere. Most owners have at least two to provide the necessary pack, because the animals are still pack-oriented. The breed is very intelligent. Isolation intensifies anti-social behavior, and the dogs panic if locked in an enclosed space. Owners must train their animal with a great deal of patience because the breed doesn’t take well to obedience and is extremely strong-willed. They have a tendency to become especially attached to one person, and are extremely loyal to their master. The breed rarely barks, alerting the owner in various, other ways. It is recommended not to have a Saarlooswolfho und around children or other animals,

Don't even know what breed that is??

This is not uncommon for Pyrs  I have to teach all mine to get in and out of the cars unassisted.  Don't know- guess its genetic :>)

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: lucy pic...I hope
« on: June 18, 2009, 06:04:20 pm »
Lucy is a beauty!!!

Remembering those no longer with us. / Re: Goodby my friend!!
« on: June 18, 2009, 08:28:22 am »
So sorry for your loss

Pyrs are very effective guards without being aggressive.  Most of their guarding is by marking, barking and blocking.  Threatening to bite should be a last resort not a first resort in this breed.  It sounds like she has good instincts.  Being that this is a law suit happy country we need to be careful that our dogs are carefully socialised- people will sue for even a nip  I got sued several years ago because my dog barked at a bicyclist when he went by!  He didn't win but it was no fun going through the legal process

Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: The double dew claws
« on: June 17, 2009, 08:09:06 pm »
It can happen in a purebred but is rare- particularly if absent on both hind legs.  It does cause you to suspect that the dog may not be actually purebred- somewhere in the background some other breed may have snuck in and got some illicit nookie!  If that's him in your avatar he is a pretty boy though

Some places have the killer fleas- like here and cedar and lavender don't work!!  I use cedar chips and cedar mulch every where without much effect and fleas are becoming resistant to some of the chemicals used to control too.  In puppies it is a big problem since it is recommended that you don't use the spot on until they are at least 12 weeks old. So you have a many week gap where the pup is exposed to fleas.  I have tried just about every natural remedy known for pups and found that diatomaceous earth was the best and lasted several days too.  Equus also makes an all natural flea spray that I used last year with good results. 

I allow and even encourage people to pet my dogs especially when they are youngsters It is critically important that the guard breeds in particular be thoroughly socialised to proper behavior in public.  Lucy's behavior sounds like a fear reaction and fear provokes most dog bites.  I also don't allow my dogs to act in a threatening manner- they can certainly alert me to a person in the yard but once alerted they need to settle.  Behavior like this is a warning and growling definitely is - so many dogs get abandoned to shelters or euthanized in the long run - often for unsafe behavior.  With her being fearful and aggressive at the same time it is very easy for the next step to be a bite. 

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / The Youngsters!
« on: June 17, 2009, 09:38:46 am »
These are my 3 pups this year in descending ages  Ethan is 5 months, Tillie May is now 3 months and the newest member, Lavender, will be coming in August.  I plan on keeping the 2 girls but will be looking for a great home for Ethan.   Pics attached

For those of us who live with Pyrs the first post wasn't at all negative - just telling it like it is.  Gotta love the breed!  But if you ever have one you will never be without a Pyr in your life- they are addicting!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: New member
« on: June 16, 2009, 08:41:55 pm »
Welcome to the world of Pyrs!!  They don't just dig they excavate!!!!!!

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