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Messages - Maggie's Mom

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Transporting & Traveling With Dogs / Re: Delta Airlines FYI
« on: February 09, 2006, 01:21:14 pm »
I don't trust the airlines.  They really do not seem to care, one way or the other.  It's never the problem of the person that you're talking to.  Luckily, Maggie arrived on time and all was fine when we had her shipped.  It was not that simple a year earlier with my sis' dog, Cody.  AND NO ONE CARED, OR MADE IT THIER PROBLEM!  Sorry for your trouble, I'm so glad that the baby is OK.

Remembering those no longer with us. / Re: I have very upsetting news.
« on: February 09, 2006, 01:02:51 pm »
God, people can be really sickening!  The worst part is that I'm not even surprised by people's stupidity anymore!  I'm so sorry that your baby had to pay for other people's blatant disregard for life!  My thoughts are with you. :'(

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Angus + Snow = FUN FUN FUN!
« on: February 02, 2006, 01:25:59 pm »
What great pictures!  Oh, they all look so happy!  I love the one with the snow all over his face.

Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: O.K. Here are some more of Chase growing up
« on: February 02, 2006, 01:22:06 pm »
OMG, he's only 4 months????  He's huge!!!  What a beautiful puppy.  He looks so sweet.

Great Dane Discussions / Re: When do they stop biting?
« on: February 02, 2006, 01:03:44 pm »
I had never heard of bite inhibition, so I read the whole article.  Its sounds like a good idea I guess, but isn't it better to teach them not to bite at all, ever?  I don't know, it just seems like this way you're telling them to bite(even if it doesn't hurt), that it's OK to bite.  Well, I learned my little "something new" for today ;)

At 13 weeks, our Dane was still biting and snapping too.  They're still just babies at that age.  It wasn't long after that though that she started to figure it out.  Just be consistent in whatever method you choose. 

With Maggie, we did the basic "ouch", and NO BITE and held the mouth shut.  She's a little over 4 months now, and there is no biting or play biting.  We just don't want her to think that she can ever bite, whether we tell her to or not.  Just my opinion.  Hope it helps.

Great Dane Pictures / Re: Don't squeeze the Charmin!!!!!
« on: February 02, 2006, 12:44:19 pm »
That's really funny.  Maggie hasn't done that, yet...  When Maggie's in the bathroom, she sits there and licks the glass the whole time, like she's going to get in the shower that way or something.   :D

That's true, I don't want to overwhelm her.  I TRY to make it positive for her.  You all should hear her- I've never heard a dog make the sounds that she makes.  She sounds like she's posessed half the time.  I hate it.

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: Hello Big Dog Owners
« on: February 01, 2006, 06:20:53 pm »
Welcome to BPO!  I'm fairly new here too, but you won't feel like it for long.  Everyone here is so nice and extremely helpful if you need it.  I'm Stacy, and Maggie is our baby Great Dane.  We have our hands full with one pup, I can't imagine 4.   :D

Alright, I'll try moving her.  I've wanted to, but Wes says she should stay in our room.  She always sleeps through the night, unless we wake her up, so it's not that we can't sleep...  Well, I'll try moving her.  She's just SO LOUD, I'm not sure that even that will help.  In the bedroom, I close the door and turn on the TV in there, and I have something out where I am, but you can still hear her.  It's just ridiculous.  Thanks for the tips.

Those are some great ideas, I will give them all a try.  Thanks so much.   :)

Thanks for the advice guys.  I do put toys in there with her.  She has never (at least that I've seen or heard) played with them.  It's like all she can think to do is scream and cry, and absolutely nothing else.  We do not ever let her out when she's acting like this.  She only gets let out when she is calm and quiet, but that can take up to 45 minutes or more.  I just don't know why she's so unhappy in there.   :-\

Anybody?  Advice?

Great Dane Discussions / Re: Please help and VOTE for my girl Perdi!
« on: February 01, 2006, 01:26:38 pm »
Done.  A perfect 10.  Such a cute pic.

Maggie is a wonderful puppy.  We love her dearly.  She is not put into her crate unless we are 1) not home  2) can't watch her every move, or  3) bed time.  That being said, she's never been put into her bed (crate) as a punishment.  Every time we put her in it, we give her a treat.  Her crate is in our bedroom, so she doesn't feel alone.  Really, we've tried to make it a positive thing.

Once she eats her treat, she will not shut the h*ll up!!!!!!!!!  Oh my god, she cries and whines and barks and screams and bangs and scratches and whatever else she can think of!  I can't stand it anymore!  I have tried to calmly tell her to shut up.  I have tried yelling at her.  I have tried banging on the cage.  I have tried ignoring her.  I don't know what else to do.  She does this EVERY TIME SHE'S IN HER CRATE!  It's not fun at night when we go to bed, or in the middle or the night if we need to get up for something, or in the morning after she's been taken out and fed, and it's time to get ready for work.  WHAT DO WE DO?  PLEASE HELP! ??? ??? ???

Great Dane Pictures / Re: Some new pics of Maggie- SHE'S SO CUTE!
« on: February 01, 2006, 12:36:53 pm »
Oh, she has toys!  She has tons of toys.  I think the fun in it is that she sneaks off really quietly, and you don't know she's not where you thought she was.  I'll be in the kitchen, putting stuff away and I think she's in the great room, which is right next to and open to the kitchen.  The couch is positioned so that I can't see the floor though.  When I go in there, she's not there- she's downstairs eating mulch-stuff and has little pieces everywhere!  Ugggh, puppyhood! ;)

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