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Messages - Kelly89084

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General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Any ideas?
« on: April 24, 2006, 05:11:06 am »
We're considering a smaller dog for our next addition.  We'll need a small-med size with enough energy to keep up with Holly but not as hyper as her.  It also needs to be calm with the kids because Nicholas can't stand anyone jumping on or licking him.  It also needs to be quite, not require a great deal of grooming, and not have doggy BO like a doberkid and gets along with other cats/animals because we like to take our furkids with us when we run around.  Very important is it being independant.  My hubby does NOT want another clingyor noisy dog or one with bad manners (stubborn/won't listen). 

So basically something small, stupid, and lovable that takes almost no work and will adore my kids without being pushy about it.  lol  Also, a protective or at least alrting type would be nice for a change instead of missy "I don't hear a thing"   ::)

Any ideas?!   ???

Ooo welcome to the world of dobies! !!!

They are absolutely wonderful dogs!!  Couldn't agree more!

They are famous for the dober whine. We refer to it as the whale song. ;D

Some use it A LOT but a few are more low key than a regular dobie. Holly uses hers several times a day.  I think she believes in the use it or lose it theory.   ;)

Dobermans have TON of energy, since you both work at home, that will be a good thing! AT LEAST 2-3 hrs a day of hard exercise!

Dobermans are extremely loving and can be very clingy. We call her saran wrap. ;)

Dobermans are also very addicting and once you have one you can't be without another and another. I'll second that!  I've already started eyeing males in the local rescues, just waiting on hubby!

I know I'll never be without a doberman. Most likely true here as well. ;)

Also post lots of pics of your puppy or rescue dog. Definately!!!

and another thing, if you get a puppy and plan to crop please be careful about the vet that does it. I've seen pretty nasty pics of the cropping gone wrong.  Couldn't have said it better myself!  There are some sad jobs out there.  Make sure they know how to do a DOBIE crop and not just a crop in general. Ask for pics of ears he's done in the past. ;)

Collars, crates, & other cool things / Re: What do you use for walks?
« on: April 22, 2006, 11:40:41 pm »
I use a flat leather collar on her daily and for short walks.  For long walks I use a choke collar.  I had to buy one recently because she was getting too big for her britches on walks.

TYSVM!!! I went and checked our gum and thankfully it didn't have that listted but now I know one more thing to watch out for.  Our pups are too important!

I think Holly sent everyone an invite and left them a bone.  If someone is missing let us know and we'll be more than happy to add you as a friend!

Could we enclose the whole thing with a big fence and let our pups run around together all day? :D  I know Holly would love the exercise.  lol

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Dangerous breed video
« on: April 22, 2006, 02:42:09 am »
 :'(  It was great!  I wish I had gotten around to taking pics of Holly with her boys.  She ADORES our kids and think they are her own.  The video made me cry though.  It was sweet but it reminded me of a wonderful, beautiful Doberguy from another group that passed away this morning.  He would have made a great addition to that video. :'(

Let me know if you need some help keeping up your supply of coffee cups.  I'm sure we could all chip in when needed.  ;) ;D

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Big Paws Needs Support
« on: April 18, 2006, 01:53:04 am »
Definately pitching in, I just need to figure out how much I can manage.

Doberman Discussions / Re: Looking for a few good
« on: April 17, 2006, 06:21:16 am »
Thank you very much! 
I'd like to take Repo Man home with me but somehow I don't think his owner will agree to it.  ;D

Doberman Discussions / Re: I forgot to tell you guys last week.
« on: April 17, 2006, 06:18:37 am »
Nope, she does 3 hrs in a row almost nonstop.  She still wants to play all day after that but doesn't seem to NEED it as much.  I don't mind taking her to the dogpark, even though I could use the sleep.  I find being there relaxing and an enjoyable way to start my morning as long as there aren't any pita dogs/owners there which there usually isn't because we go in the morning.  I can't go later in the day because I am a SAHM and I can't drag my two kids, one of which is a toddler, to the dog park especially since it's crowded later in the day.  It's her behavior at home that has stressed me out so much but like I said, 3 hrs there and she's MUCH better.  I just worry about when I go to work or if she starts needing more than 3 hrs there.  I don't know of any dog walkers that would be willing to wear her out for 3 hrs.  lol  Not to mention she's no likely to listen to them.  She adores me and my family, but the rest of the world can kiss off as far as she's concerned.   ::)

Oh! I did suggest to hubby that we could get 4 more Dobies and a cat, and when the dogs needed more exercise we could just let the cat out and the dogs could chase it for a while.   ;D  Hubby didn't like that idea. ;)

Doberman Discussions / I forgot to tell you guys last week.
« on: April 17, 2006, 05:47:14 am »
As some of you know I've been having major issues with Holly's hyperactivenes s.  Everything I'd read prior to getting her had said Dobies were energetic dogs but the only thing I could find about how much exercise they needed said around an hr a day.  Imagine my surprise when I found out the hard way exactly how wrong that was.  I was expecting an energy level around a GSD or Lab, both of which I've had in the past and had no problem caring for them.  Holly however is closer to a BC (on drugs)!  She has a serious OCD with tennis balls and no matter how much exercise you give her, it's never enough. 

Anyway, I've been taking her to the park every morning for 1-1 1/2 hrs and still spending all day/night throwing the toys at home or petting her.  I  felt stressed out trying to give her enough exercise and attention and the kids were getting a little annoyed with her which only stressed me more.

Fortunately we have come to an agreement that she will stop pestering me constantly and shoving/nagging me for attention in exchange for more time at the park.  Her magic number seems to be 3.  That's right, I'm now spending 3 hours at the dog park in the morning!  ::)

I am a bit worried though,  It seems the more exercise she get's, the more she wants/needs.  I don't know how I'll deal with that once I go back to work. ???  Lucky for her I love her so much.  I am seriously understanding why her last owners dumped her for having too much energy.  lol :P

Oh! and just to show you how certifiably insane I am, I still want another Dobie (most of the time).  lol   Can you tell I love her?   ;)  ;D

ok, finished rambling.  lol

Doberman Discussions / Re: Looking for a few good
« on: April 17, 2006, 05:23:52 am »
A good friend just got her dobie from a breeder in Paso Robles, CA.  She's really, really happy with all aspects of the adoption!  I can get you the info, if you'd like....

I'm so sorry!  I completely forgot about this post!   :-[ Lack of sleep I suppose.  I would love the info if you're still willing.  Thanks!!!

Doberman Discussions / Now that's love!
« on: April 16, 2006, 02:13:02 pm »
After my youngest fell asleep on the loveseat and kick me off (without my pillow) I decided to lay on his matress on the floor with his animal pillow to watch tv.  Holly came over to get pet and left shortly after.  I didn't think anything of it, just kept watching tv.  That is until I felt something on my legs.  Aparently she thought I was cold because she got her blanket and covered me with it and came back to snuggle with me.  lol  I just love my Hollygirl!  :-*

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