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Messages - zanie

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I know & still some people think it is cruel to crate their dog...Just last night, on one of my Great Pyr groups, someone posted asking about crate size for their Pyr...One person answered suggesting they just gate off a laundry room or bathroom because "then the dog could still be a member of the family"????? ::) I failed to see the correlation of a dog being a member of your family & using the crate. :-\ >:(

We had friends over last night and they were saying how they felt so sorry for Dell because we have him crated when company comes over.  Shoot, last night he wasn't even in his crate.  He was outside and the back door was open but we blocked his entry with the X-pen that we opened up and used like a fence.  They just kept going on and on about "Poor Delly" and how he should be a part of the pack. (I kept him out because when he gets excited he pees all over the place and I don't want to have to steam clean my carpets because of "Happy-Happy-Joy-Joy" pee.)

Dell loves his crate and when he's running the house he will often go hang out in there.

AWww...poor Pookie!  I hope this next month goes by quickly and he doesn't suffer too badly.

Poor guy... :-[

I have no idea about cattail roots, but here at the cabin we have a path that goes down to the lake that is covered in redwood chips (natural...not stained, etc.) and the Newfs adore munching on them.  Since I can't seem to break them of grabbing a snack, I've just watched to see if they've had any stomach trouble and am happy to report, it doesn't seem to affect them at all.  Can we just talk about trying to pick up the poo, though?  It's disguised as wood chips!!! AGHHHH! :P

LOL...thank you for the delightful image!  I'll never look at wood chips the same way again! :D

For the past couple of weeks Hubby has been doing woodworking in the driveway.  Dell would hang around and catch the cut pieces of wood as the fell off the saw table and steal them.  He would also lick the sawdust off the ground!  Weirdo dog! Cattails and sawdust. 

Ok, in no way am I an expert on this! hahaha!

BUT..I've seen my dogs pass a lot worse than roots! No, they can't digest the cellulose (the fibrous stringy stuff), but I think it comes out pretty well.

The thing you should probably be more worried about are cyanobacteria that are in ponds. If you see a scum on the pond, do NOT let your dog swim there! The bacteria can be deadly!!!

Nope, no scum on the pond.  If there was, we wouldn't be going there.  Thanks for the reply.

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Weird Question re:cattail reed roots
« on: July 19, 2006, 09:59:56 am »
So we went to the dog park yesterday after work.  Dell LOVE, LOVE, LOVEs this park because it has 4 ponds in it where he can dig up and eat the cattail roots that have been stewing in the murky water.  They smell gross, they look gross, he ends up smelling gross. :-X

My question is: they are really fiberous and stringy.  Will these harm him or cause blockage in his tummy or intestines? 

We won't go back to that park because I'm concerned about his injesting the roots.  Anyone have any experience with this?

Groans, Gripes, Brags & Boasts / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!
« on: July 18, 2006, 10:20:53 am »
Weighing in late, but Happy Birthday, Daddy!  Congratulation s on your little girl!  That is so exciting!!!

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Then and Now
« on: July 18, 2006, 10:15:45 am »
 ;D  Lap dogs are the greatest, aren't they!

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIZ!!!!!!
« on: July 18, 2006, 09:32:59 am »
Hope you have a great birthday!!! :)

Bullmastiff Discussions & Pictures / Re: Gossy is GROSEY
« on: July 18, 2006, 09:28:10 am »
ROFL Zanie is that a challenge?  Hee Hee....paper mache is my friend!

I'm waiting...*tapping my toes* *drumming my fingers* ;D

Bullmastiff Discussions & Pictures / Re: Gossy is GROSEY
« on: July 17, 2006, 10:46:42 am »
Oh Ronda!  That is too funny for words!  Poor little Gossy!  Here we are laughing at her and she didn't even realize she had a little dingleberry.. ;D ;D ;D
Poor little Gossy?  What?!  The dingleberry in question was a foot from my face!  Don't feel sorry for HER!  She went about her merry way! 
See?!  She is too cute!  I think I'll make her wear a really ugly mask so that we can all keep perspective on how gross she really is! 
::runs off to make reality check mask in shape of a dingleberry::

LOL ;D  I want to see a picture of the mask...ON the dog...

Bullmastiff Discussions & Pictures / Re: Gossy is GROSEY
« on: July 17, 2006, 10:30:31 am »
Oh Ronda!  That is too funny for words!  Poor little Gossy!  Here we are laughing at her and she didn't even realize she had a little dingleberry.. ;D ;D ;D

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: doggylover - you are HYSTERICAL!!!!
« on: July 14, 2006, 03:10:35 pm »
Count me in too!  By that time you'll need MUCH more postage!

Groans, Gripes, Brags & Boasts / Re: rant... who's ready for DRAMA???
« on: July 14, 2006, 02:23:36 pm »
Kat just brought me up to date on all the @%^&* people that ya'll are having to deal with today.  I like the idea of a BPO mob, or maybe a BPO strike force that goes in and teaches these people "a lesson".  Just my two cents worth.

M- >:(

A strike force a la "The Shield" if you ask me! (no rules, just results)

What an @ss! How about a "sock party"??

Bullmastiff Discussions & Pictures / Re: Gossy Pictures!
« on: July 14, 2006, 10:17:52 am »
I don't think you have enough postage on that. I think there's only enough postage for a local shipment.
By Golly Denise, I think you're right!  OK, You win!  I'll re-label the box and send her on out!

AHAHAHAHAHA!!!  I just realized what your avatar is.  You slay me, Ronda!!

Bullmastiff Discussions & Pictures / Re: Gossy Pictures!
« on: July 12, 2006, 06:00:56 pm » far do you live from me?  You're in Vancouver, right?  Good.  I'll be there in 2 hours.  I must have some of that puppy deliciousness!

Now what you need a picture of is Nana Pookie with Gossy in a headkerchief too!

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