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Messages - PennyK

Pages: 1 ... 54 55 [56] 57 58 ... 64
He was so young!!  My heart goes out to you and your family.

Setter Discussions & Pictures / Re: More pictures of Shamus
« on: April 26, 2006, 07:31:06 pm »
What a cutie!!!! 

I've always loved setters since I was a little girl.  I read a story about a blind setter named Shamrock or something like that.  One of those childhood stories that stocks with you over the years.

Wow!  He's a handsome fella!!

Setter Discussions & Pictures / Re: House cleaning with my turd
« on: April 25, 2006, 09:34:44 pm »
Don't ya just love puppies??? ;D

Teddy has decided that the mop and vacuum are his own personal tug toys!  Yesterday I went downstairs and he had tiolet papered my entire rec-room!!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Some old pictures
« on: April 25, 2006, 07:20:30 pm »
Those are great!   The look on Mr. Grey's face in the last pic is priceless!

Great Dane Pictures / Re: Photo Shoot
« on: April 25, 2006, 07:18:36 pm »
Those are fabulous pics of some good lookin' dogs!

Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: Best photo I ever took!
« on: April 25, 2006, 07:14:25 pm »
Teddy says thanks for all the compliments!

It was one of those once-in-a-lifetime photo moments.  I could never capture that if I had tried!  I had Ted tied up and was taking some pics of him and the kids and suddenly, he just got so interested in that flower - it was perfect!  (He never did eat it but he eventually sat on the whole lot of them and flattened them completely!!)

Smsmith:  Its a Nikon (920 I think).  It belongs to my work but they let me take it home occasionally.  All the english intruction books have long since dissapeared and I don't read German, so I've had to figure it out on my own.  Going shopping for my OWN digital this weekend!!  Yay!!

Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: Teddy at 15 wks
« on: April 25, 2006, 07:08:23 pm »
Dogs4ever: I saw a funny kind of irony in tieing him to a fire hydrant!  LOL!  This dog has nothing but the best, his own personal hydrant!  LOL!

Old English Mastiff Discussions / Re: New pup - pictures too
« on: April 25, 2006, 03:37:36 am »
Welcome!  I'm Penny and that's Teddy, my 14 wk Saint.

Saint Bernard Pictures / Teddy at 15 wks
« on: April 24, 2006, 07:28:17 pm »
I'm so in love with my little boy!  LOL!  He was 46 lbs and in perfect health for his vet check on Friday.   ;D

Saint Bernard Pictures / Best photo I ever took!
« on: April 24, 2006, 07:11:41 pm »
Isn't Teddy just the CUTEST puppy???? ;D

By that pic I'm sure that Kali is the victim!  LOL! - those eyes!!!!!

We had our first stuffy emergency last night too.  Teddy stole my son's bear and by the time I caught him, it was too late for poor old bear!  Luckily, my son is a "blankie" kinda guy so he wasn't too upset about his bear. :P

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Pond Scum and Your Dogs
« on: April 20, 2006, 08:23:01 pm »
When you said "Pond scum", I thought this might be another nasty neighbour story.   :D :P

Thanks for the info!!

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: I refuse to leave the van!!
« on: April 20, 2006, 02:52:16 am »

Teddy used to whine like crazy in the van.  He was just trying to tell me that he did not like riding in the back.  When I put him in the passenger seat, he's happy as a clam.  I told Hubby that HE has to ride in the back now cause Teddy gets to co-pilot!  LOL!!!

Just think of all the wonderful neighbours!!!! ;D

I'm in!!!!!!!!!

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