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Messages - PennyK

Pages: 1 ... 57 58 [59] 60 61 ... 64
I understand there is a learning curve but Teddy is certainly trying our patience the last couple of days.

Last night when I got home from work I took him out 3 times between 5:15 and 6 pm - he did his pee and then just wanted to play.  We weren't in the house for 10 more minutes and he pooped on the floor! :o  This morning - same thing - except he pooped inside twice! :o after going out 3 different times.  Hubby is not impressed!

He was doing so well too!

Ack!  Its frustrating!!

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Fumble's new Beach Jaunt!
« on: April 03, 2006, 10:29:35 am »
Great pics!  I love the head shot!

Fumble sure is handsome!

At my house, with behaviour like that, its the kids in their rooms, not the pets. 

That poor kid!!  She's gonna have a real eye-opener someday when she discovers that the rest of the world won't cater to her every whim.  Thats life honey, deal with it!

Alaskan Malamute Pictures / Re: Pics of Tonka and Nala
« on: March 31, 2006, 01:35:45 pm »
Wow!  They are so pretty!

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Are you ready...
« on: March 31, 2006, 01:34:19 pm »

I already have 2 kids (6&4) so decided to get a puppy instead of another child!  LOL!

Strangely enough.....Ted dy is 12 weeks today!  I like you answer Rich, it seems the least scary!  LOL! 

I'll tell Teddy all about you good wishes for him when I get home!  Thanks!

Doc said that nothing showed in the sample from today but she would like another sample next week "hot off the press" as she put it  :D.  She said its probably nothing to worry about, maybe just a broken blood vessel or something sratchy in his stool, but she wants to do a smear test for giardia and coccidia - just to be certain.
She also wants me to keep a diary about his poops!  LOL!  What we don't do for our dogs!

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Is anyone Newf's On Iams??
« on: March 31, 2006, 07:53:45 am »
This is a great thread! (for Newfs or not!  ;D)

We have Teddy on Iams large breed puppy food but he's not all that fussy on it.  I leave about a cup of food in his dish at all times and he rarely ever finishes it at a sitting.  I may see if the Canidea is available locally.  Thanks!

Great Dane Pictures / Re: Mr Slobberoboggus (AKA Bubbleboy)
« on: March 31, 2006, 07:46:04 am »
Wow - he's gorgeous!

Since getting Teddy, I'm beginning to understand why people dress their dogs up in bandanna's - its not for looks, its a portable towel!

Rottweiler Pictures / Re: Lady and the Stick
« on: March 31, 2006, 07:42:02 am »
She's beautiful!!

Teddy has had a couple of stools with blood is them.  Last night, on his overnight paper, I found a spot that was all red, about 1.5" across with a tiny piece of soft poop in it.  I'm starting to get a little freaked!

He is acting, eating, and drinking normally.

He was wormed and had his 2nd set of shots a week ago (Mar. 23).  He has also thrown up at least 3 times since his vet visit.  Could the blood in the stool be because of the wormer or a reaction to the vaccinations? 

I took a sample in to the vet this morning and they are going to take a look.  Has anyone else had this trouble with their pup?

Somebody please tell me this is normal and is nothing to worry about!  Please??

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: stalking approach posture
« on: March 30, 2006, 03:44:54 pm »
Teddy stalks one of our cats.  He looks just like a baby lion when he does!

I can't wait to hear some more knowledgable answers to your post!


Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: Pics of Gershwin at six months
« on: March 30, 2006, 08:37:54 am »
He's gonna be a BIG boy!!!  He's so darn handsome too!!

You know that weight scale for Saints?  Has Gershwin (LOVE the name BTW!  ;D) always been a bit bigger than the standard as stated there?

Saint Bernard General Discussions / Re: Greetings all!
« on: March 29, 2006, 09:21:21 am »
Welcome!!  I'm pretty new to BPO too, but I can agree that this place is seriously addictive!  LOL!

I'm new to Saints as we've only had Teddy a month - but I'm lovin' every minute of it!  I can't imagine being without him now.  I also have 2 children (6&4), 2 cats, and 2 fishtanks.  I like a busy house - LOL!

Hope to see you around more!

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