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Messages - newf_owner

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Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Gibsons Finest
« on: July 30, 2009, 07:15:50 pm »
is he kinda grey?

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: hot spots
« on: July 30, 2009, 06:00:51 pm »
what do you feed her?

Breeding Questions & Information / Re: limited registration
« on: July 25, 2009, 02:26:09 pm »
i dont have to neuter him the breeder told me i didnt have to, but as far as i know i have limited registration on him, i want to get him in to sports, and i havent received his papers yet so im just not to sure what i can and cant do with him

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: dog food bowl
« on: July 24, 2009, 03:58:12 pm »
i never thought of that, i have 4 kongs!!! i could try that, i elevate his food already, im trying to do every thing right, he also does this little hop when i have food like he wants to stand on his hind legs and im like NOOOOOOOO  im teaching him to sit befor he gets food, but he gets so excited and starts to bounce.. ehhh

Breeding Questions & Information / limited registration
« on: July 24, 2009, 03:21:22 pm »
what exactly is limited registration? i just got my newf about 2 weeks ago and im still waiting on the breeder to send me his akc registration papers, i thought this may be the best place to ask this question, umm i dont really like my breeder, she is very buisy and i have tons of questions, she said she wasnt going to tell me what to do with my puppy, whats the difference between full and limited registration?

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Flies
« on: July 24, 2009, 02:40:45 pm »
what about fly off? they sell it at petco

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / dog food bowl
« on: July 24, 2009, 02:27:02 pm »
when i took rota to the vet i told her how he eats his food quickly and how he gets hickups, she recomended a bowl with posts in it to slow down his eating, if i get this bowl should it still be elivated?

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: New Foundland-Landseer
« on: July 24, 2009, 02:20:25 pm »
really? yeah i read that to, that landseer's dont normaly get as big as newfs, im new to owning newfs, and my dog is a bit of an odd ball, a landseer is a white dog with black markings, and the newf is mainly black with small white markings on toes, chest or tail, well my dog has to much white to be a black newf and to much black to be a landseer, his dad was pure black and his mom was a landseer, so im not sure what that makes him

see what i mean? but other than the color he fits the standard perfectly,

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: dog agression.....
« on: July 24, 2009, 02:15:06 pm »
holly crap! YOU HAVE 10??? omg!!! i cant even emagine 2 dogs of that size, well your deff. the right person for me to be talking to, yeah, i know cosby doesnt see me as the dominent one and im trying to change that, i was never firm with him, i was worried about hurting his feelings (lol) and when he was lay on me i thought it was his way of showing affection, but now that im a little smarter, things will change, i took rota to the vet today, she said he was perfect in every way, she listened to his heart and felt around his hips, and i got him heart worm preventitive and all that good stuff, il keep you up dated with there training,  most of the squabling seems to involve things cosby wants to guard, such as his sleepin stop, or a toy or treat,  even a sock on the floor,

thanks alot

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: dog agression.....
« on: July 23, 2009, 08:50:46 pm »
the dog trainer at my work says im not firm enough with cosby and that he sees me as a posession, hes very protective of me and even bites people that touch me, ive been correcting the things i use to let him do, i dont let him lay on my lap any more, or lean against my legs when i stand, and ive been controlling him when we go on walks and its helping a bit, i dont know if the agressive behavior towards the puppy is becuse he sees him as a threat, but i deff. am firm with him when he starts to stare at him,(its the same stare a border collie gives to sheep, you know the one) i say "NO" VERY LOUDLY i grab is head and have his face lookin at me or i turn him around or put him on his side,

and mean while when all this is going on rota doesnt even notice that cosby means business rota just prances towards him hapily and i have to push him back, i will try the spray bottle thing,

when cosby bit rota it drew blood, it mad a few scabs on his ear, and hes goin to the vet tomorrow il ask about infection and all that to be safe,

thanks for your advice, i have to make this work, i cant have either dog getting hurt, this really sucks

Newfoundland Discussions / dog agression.....
« on: July 23, 2009, 07:14:20 pm »
im new to owing a newf but not to dogs, i have a 3 year old aussie, and i just got rota, my 3 month old newf, if things dont change and soon im going to have to get rid of him for his own good,

my australian shephard is showing him so much agression, he has attacked him and bitten his ear, rota wasnt seriously hurt but it scared the crap out of both of us, i dont know how to handle this, hes gone after him 3 times and he stares him down i have to have my hands constantly on cosby (my aussie) to be sure he wont dart after him, hes very quick when it happens, any advice?

rota is a puppy and shows cosby no manners in the dog world i fear maybe he wasnt kept with his parents, he aproaches straight up to cosbys face (which most of you would know to an adult male dog thats cause for a fight) and he wants to play and he bounces at him this is when cosby attacks, ive even had to grab rota off cosbys back, rota trys to mount cosby which is like a huge NO NO, thats a sign of dominance, is there any hope for then to get along?

please help

my aussie nips, hes actually bitten people pretty badly, and hes bitten me badly befor to, i took him to obedience lessons but still the nipping continues, hel jump up and bite your arms or your legs but only when hes really excited, my advice if he sits on command have some treats ready and in the situations when he would nip you have him sit instead and give him tons of treats, turn the sit command in to just as much fun as the nip, im sure he thinks its a game, make some thing else more fun

my uncle had a hip replacement done on his rot, the surgery was like 9000.00 and the dogs body rejected the hip and he had to be put down, i know its a really bad thing to hear but just so you know, surgery doesnt always fix it....

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: he looks better wet ;)
« on: July 22, 2009, 04:06:38 pm »
it didnt seem to, i think just the sound scared him he was a bit nervous, but he tryed to "bite" the water,  id make sure the beach your gonna take him to allows dogs most of them dont,

rota has his first vet appointment friday  :-\

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: he looks better wet ;)
« on: July 20, 2009, 07:47:22 am »
thanks im taking him again next weekend, id like him to get use to swimming there, he was a little scared

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