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Messages - Heighway

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Saint Bernard General Discussions / Re: Introducing KC
« on: October 21, 2005, 03:22:28 pm »
Welcome aboard BPO Stacey and husband.  I have a 3 year old goldie named Riley, and Webster is my 11 week old Newfie puppy.  I will be glad when some of this puppiness is in the past, but then, I am sure I will miss it.  The grass is always greener isn't it?  I too have a son in Japan, in the JET program.  He is starving.  He hates seafood of any kind.  Can't even stand the smell of it! He is enjoying his stay though and will be there for a year.

Transporting & Traveling With Dogs / Re: Flying with Service dogs.
« on: October 21, 2005, 06:45:18 am »
Actually, the bulkhead seats are the first row of seats in a section.  There is generally a lot more leg room in these seats and are often requested by long legged people.  I still think it will be a bit of a squeeze for Sanity.  Good luck!

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: help please
« on: October 21, 2005, 04:05:54 am »
that is pretty much what the vet told me today.  He said Webster has me trained....hah aha.... Looks like we are all in for a few sleepless nights.   Thanks for the help everyone.

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Websters 3 month check up
« on: October 21, 2005, 04:03:04 am »
thanks everyone.  The goldie is named Riley.  He's a great dog.  He tolerates Webster's mischief, but does try to teach him a few lessons.  Webster goes and goes and goes, then will just plop down and be sound asleep.  It's really funny to watch.

Thanks every one for reminding me why I crate.  I've always had dogs, never crated before this one.  I had heard so much about the pros, I wanted to try it.  Understand that Webster is never in there more than 2-3 hours and never in there if we are home.  He goes in for a nap by himself if the door is left open.  He just doesn't seem to want to sleep so much at night.  I am sure that will get better as he gets older.

Rottweiler Pictures / Re: Big dog dark yard. Mess with us will ya?
« on: October 21, 2005, 03:43:59 am »
Newf Lover:  My husband is from New Zealand.  When his mom and sister visited here a few months ago, they both kept commenting on the "wide open spaces".  We live in a mid-sized town, not the countryside, so I didn't understand what they were talking about.  We have lots of subdivisions, some with  houses very close together, others on much bigger lots.  But they kept insisted on how "open" every thing was.  Then in May, I visit them in Auckland and I understood.  From the road, you cannot see anyone's house.  Everyone has 8-10ft high fences all the way around their homes.  EVERYONE!  I thought it looked really strange. I don't think I could stand living "walled in" like that.    To each his own.

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Websters 3 month check up
« on: October 21, 2005, 03:36:03 am »
I think the vet's  theory is that large breed puppy food is very high in calories.  If you switch to adult, sooner, rather than later, it slows down that really fast growing and is easier on the joints.  It doesn't stop him from reaching his full potential, it just spreads the growth out over more time.

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Websters 3 month check up
« on: October 21, 2005, 03:26:07 am »
Here are a few pics of my boys.  Innocent looking aren't they?

Newfoundland Discussions / Websters 3 month check up
« on: October 21, 2005, 02:33:36 am »
Took Webster to the vet today... wow!  He has grown.  He was 15 pounds when we got him at 7 weeks, 18 pounds at 8 weeks, and weighed in today at 27 pounds! (he was 11 weeks this past Tuesday).  Reviewed food plan with vet and he approved.  Said the dog is just very large boned!  He did suggest we neuter him a 4 months.  Said it was easier on the dog.  I thought that sounded a bit early.  I thought 6 months was the "usual".  Vet also says we will take him off the large breed puppy food at 5 months, to ease up on the rapid growth.  Does this sound right?  I know I've read all different theories and he has been my VET for almost 20 years, it just seems so new again.  Anyway, Webster is outside, I am going to take some pictures...... I love being off on Fridays!!

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: help please
« on: October 21, 2005, 02:25:16 am »
BabsT:  We get up at 5:45, Walk Webster and Riley, feed, water then out to play in the fenced yard while we dress for work.  I play with them til 8, then put Webster in his crate.  Hubby is home by 10:30 and is home until 2:30.  Webster is in and out of crate (door left open).  Simon walks the dogs, gives them lunch and plays with them and hopefully catches a 30min. nap, (if Webster allows).  He puts him in the crate when he leaves.  Daughter is home from work by 4 and she lets him out in the yard, I am home by 4:30 and we all go for a long walk.  Webster usually plays in the house (underfoot :-) while I make supper, he sleeps just outside the dining room while we eat.  Then he eats, plays and simon takes him and Riley for yet another walk while I do dishes or vice versa. Then we settle down for play time from about 7:30 to 10 or 10:30pm. Once more around the house for potties and  By then Webster is out like a light.  You could swing him by his tail and he wouldn't wake up. We put him in his crate and  we run off to bed too.  Then, Webster is awake at midnight, out for a quick pee, back in, (we no longer play at this time, I usually ignore him and catch up on BPO.  Up maybe 1/2 hour.  Back to the crate, he is still awake, but settles, no whining or barking.  Then it starts every 2 hours or so.  I know I am not supposed to go to him when he barks, but after 1/2 hour and the whole house is awake, what is one to do? The crate is not in our room, but is across the hall.  It is in my line of vision when the doors are open.  Riley sleeps in the living room.  I hope we can do something to make this work out.  Any advise is appreciated.  Thanks.  He IS a cute little dickens and I think he tries to be good!

Newfoundland Discussions / help please
« on: October 20, 2005, 02:41:58 pm »
Webster is 11 weeks old.  We are trying to crate train him and are about to give up. He wakes up about every 1-2 hours, goes out and wee's, then wants to be up for an hour.  3 weeks of little sleep is starting to wear thin.  We have tried:  keeping him awake for the last hours of the evening, witholding food and water after 7pm (occasional ice cube).  If we know he has done his business within the last hour, we have tried to just let him stay in the crate, but he yips, and he barks, and he scratches.  He can do this for hours.  We have tried "no".  We have tried treats and "good boy" if he quiets for a few minutes, we have tried the squirt in the face.  What else is there?  During the day he can stay in the crate for 3 hours with no probs.  Anyone else have a Nite Owl Newfie?

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Impossible to get out of bed...
« on: October 20, 2005, 04:52:37 am »
I may be the odd one out, but I LOVE early mornings.  Love to watch the sun come up while I sip a good cup of strong coffee.  Love watching Webster and Riley tumble in the wet morning grass and chase each other around the yard. I am up before 6 every morning Sats and Suns included.   Now, after 12 noon, I am ready to slow down, sit down and just nap until evening when I will get another short burst of energy.  Then I do what I want until midnite or so.  I am a home health nurse and have to be at the office by 8, but it is about a 2 minute drive from my house.  I love the job!

My first newf was Hightower.  He came from Lighthouse kennels and when the kids asked me what a light house was, I explained it was a "high tower" on the beach the helped light the shores for boats, etc... They had just seen the Police Academy movie with a BIG black officer named d thought that was THE name for the pup.   Riley, just 'cause my dau. wanted a goldie named Riley.  And Webster... I had wanted another newfie for years, when I knew I was getting one, I started thinking up "good newfie names" (Hightower was a perfect name for that dog).  Anyway, after days and days of thinking and nothing sounding just right, the name Webster came to me in the middle of the night, waking me from a sound sleep. I thought it was a great "newfie name".  Now Webster 'looks like' a Webster! 

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: The Newf Whisperer
« on: October 17, 2005, 08:28:35 am »
Even your reply makes me smile!  I can tell that you thinks newfs are just as amazing as I do.  Webster will be 11 weeks old on the 18th.  He can sit, shake, come (most of the time) and goes to the door and barks to go outside (one bark only, so I'd better hear him!) He can also "get a toy".  All this w/o any REAL training.  Just sort of talking to him.  He always has this look on his face like.... how can I please you now huh, huh, huh???? For some reason, I hold off on what I call "real" training til about 12 weeks.  Attn. span is a bit longer, he has become more used to us and has learned his way around the house.  Webster does seem to bark a lot, I just thought "whisper" might be a "Good Thing"!  Besides, it looks really, really cool.

What is pano?

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