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Messages - aggghgmom

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Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: its me birthday yay....
« on: September 11, 2008, 11:56:06 pm »
Oh sorry about the belated birthday greeting:


I hope you enjoyed your peaceful day!!

Randy and Harley

Yeah I pushed the button and I got my BPO back!!

Really paniced today when I kept getting strange messages!!

Thanks SO much for all you do for us we would be lost without our BPO!!!

Randy & Harley

We live in your basic colonial finished basement, main floor with living room, dining room, family room, kitchen (big kitchen) and sunroom.  We moved in shortly before we got Harley and when he came to us hubby decided Harley wouldn't go upstairs to the bedrooms or computer room.  Mostly for hair reasons and because when he was a pup he was naughty (he would shake the children's beanie babies until all the beans would come out).

Anyway, I spend all of my awake time downstairs so I can be with Harley - I don't like the fact that he can't come up but he does fine and it keeps the grouchy husband happy!!

Congrats on the new house!!


General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Billy and Lilly
« on: September 03, 2008, 06:43:52 pm »
OMGoodness that is sooo cute!!

I want a goat!!  I can't have one until I retire and buy a house further in the country!!


General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Are we sure today isn't Monday?
« on: September 02, 2008, 05:25:05 am »
It is 7:20 and I can already say what a day...

Today is my first day back to work after having the summer off!!

I go downstairs feed and water Harley and grab a snack for my lunch..I drop a little tiny piece of a baked cheeto behind Harleys water and food dish (which is raised) I say "self you need to pick up that little tiny piece of Cheeto or Harley is going to know over everything to get it - naw says self so I walk guessed it:

BANG - CRASH - SKITTER SKITTER SKITTER - Harley knocked over the food and water and RAN away - off course it was all fresh and full and I have a mess on the floor my husband (you know the one who doesn't LOVE Harley or any messy dog for that matter) has just washed on his hands and knees yesterday!!  Get out the paper towels - nope to big a mess for that - OK the wet dry vac - trudge out to the garage find it, dust it, bring it in its working!!!  Oops when I turned it off all the water still in the hose comes back out onto my feet which of course are all ready for work and now I am grossed out!!  Back to the paper towels and then off to wash my feet need to be at work in 4 minutes - but yet I am writing to BPO - I hope the rest of the days gets better!!

Happy Tuesday everyone!!!  For those of you with much bigger problems than me (hurricanes, illness etc.) I'm sorry to be bit^&in about something so trivial!!!


General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / PUPPIES!!!
« on: September 01, 2008, 05:54:15 pm »
Sorry not big dog pups but still soooo cute  ;D

These two 3 week old puppies live across the street from my MIL we were visting yesterday and they came over to meet us (the neighbors are very good to my MIL) they want her to have snickers - they will be keeping Pork chop.  Unfortunately my MIL DOES NOT want a dog - we can have snickers though!!

My husband who you may remember won't let me get another big dog WILL let me have a small dog but I WANT a big dog!! 

The pups parents are both owned by the people it was a whoops!!

The mother is a pure breed Maltese
The father is a mixed breed the owner said beagle and terrier no way he has a long body like a basset or corgi and he is brindle color with wire hair!!  Actually kind of ugly but so ugly he is cute!!

Anyway to much talking to little pictures so here they are sorry if the pictures aren't good it was my cell phone


Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Peace! We're Outta Here!!
« on: August 30, 2008, 07:53:00 pm »
Best of luck to all of our BPO friends that are in danger right now - we will be thinking and praying for your guys and that Gustov just falls apart!!

Drive safe, stay safe - write as soon as you can - we will be worried about all of you!! 


General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Flying Puppies?
« on: August 29, 2008, 06:57:38 pm »
I am certainly not an expert at this, however, we did have our dog shipped to us (he was 8 weeks old).  He flew from Texas to one of the Carolinas to Rochester NY.  There was another puppy on the flight that only did the carolina Rochester trip.  Both pups did great no issues - the breeder was very careful about when she would allow the pup to fly it had to be just the right weather out as cargo cabins can either be very hot or very cold.

I always believed I should go see the parents, the breeder etc. but i wanted this type of dog and couldn't find one in my area (or any area for that matter).  This was a fluke I met my pups uncle in a retail store that I worked at and it turned out the owner co-owned this dog in Texas that had puppies and so on and so on and that is how I got Harley - the joke around the house is they sent him that far from Texas because he is such a rotten dog!!  But I love him anyway.

Best of luck with your decision

Randy and Harley

HAPPY BIRTHDAY you very handsome Big Boy!!

I hope you have a great day, get extra pampered, treats and toys!!

Randy & Harley

We will be thinking of Ellie today as she goes to the vet.  Keeping all fingers, toes and paws crossed that a change of diet is the answer!!!

Please let us know how Ellie (and of course,you) make out today.

Randy and Harley

We had a very similar situation with our Springer "Stoli".

She nipped at my son who was about 2 - My son had crawled under the crib where Stoli was sleeping and tried to pull him out (I'm assuming) by his ear.  Well stoli gave a warning shot which scared my son to death but did no damage. 

About two months later we had to go out and stoli wouldn't go in her crate to hubby put his hand under the bed and Stoli bit him.  He was LIVID he was ready to get rid of her have her put down it was a very bad time in our lives as I feel that when I sign on to be a pet mom I need to do everything possible to keep that pet. 

I think from my husbands reaction Stoli knew she had done something wrong and she never did it again - BUT my husband had a hard time getting back to loving and caring for her the way he did before the incident it took a while - like maybe a year.

I am so sorry for what you are going thru I have been there and I know how awful it is to have the everyday stresses and then the added stress of thinking your hubby is going to make you get rid of a beloved pet.

I can't add any advise above what the very bright people on the board have already told you.  But make sure you don't allow yourself to be talked into anything or you will resent the person who made you make a decision that your felt was questionable.

FYI Stoli never did bite anyone again but we were definately more attuned to her moods and body language, she lived with us until she passed at 12 1/2.  My husband must have forgiven her because after she passed we bought a brick at our local SPCA that said "Stoli" 12 Unforgetable years.


Treatment & Preventative Meds / Re: Spare a good thought for Teddy today
« on: August 14, 2008, 09:57:56 am »

We hope you are feeling better and on your way to good as new!!

Ear infections can be so painful, smelly and nasty poor guy and poor you!!

Randy and Harley

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: NDR - JEFF POPPED THE QUESTION!! OMG!!!
« on: August 13, 2008, 02:30:09 pm »
Congrats!!!  How special that he actually gave extra special thought into where to pop the question!!

My husband wanted to take me to our favorite pizza place - but he was a few hours late (we lived about 5 hours apart) and I was so made that he was late I refused to go!!

Congrats again, can't wait for further details

The ring is gorgeous and so unique excellent choice!

Randy and Harley

Sorry sweet pup I am SO not getting tired of pictures!!  You are tooooo handsome - keep the pictures coming!!

Randy and Harley

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Should I Be Concerned??
« on: August 08, 2008, 09:18:23 pm »
Definately creepy.  I would also contact the TV station - while they technically didn't do anything wrong they need to make people aware of what information they will be using in an interview.  I also think if the letters go unanswered the prisoners will not contact you again. 

Honestly, if possible when your lease is up I would look into moving just for peace of mind.

Now practice with   no   no  - a lesson to be learned!!

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