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Messages - SadieA

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Food Discussion & Information / Homemade food
« on: November 10, 2007, 07:48:15 pm »
I've decided to start supplementing Sam's dog food with some homemade food. Last week I made my first batch: boiled up a bunch of chicken and carrots, stripped it off the bone and shredded it up really well, stirred in some cooked rice and added a bit of this to his regular food every day. He loved it! This week, though, there was really cheap beef at the store.  However, I  don't have a grinder. I've chopped it up into TINY pieces (haha, took me about an hour to do the several pounds I'd bought) and now it is boiling up with some carrots and potatoes. I'm nervous, though. The pieces are small (I'd say none as big as one cm square), but still, could he choke? I know it would be better if  I could grind it up, but I just can't today. I can try to chop some more after it's cooked- what do you all think??

Also, Sam has had some pretty bad dandruff (at least I think it's bad, I've never had a dark-colored dog before though, so maybe this is normal and I never knew)... should I supplement his food, maybe, with some kind of oil or other supplement?


Bernese Mountain Dog Pictures / Sammy's growing quick!
« on: November 08, 2007, 02:16:43 am »
Just thought I'd put up a few pictures... the first is when he was eight weeks, and the second is when he was about 3.5 months!

Bernese Mountain Dog Discussions / Re: How big will she get?
« on: November 08, 2007, 02:01:48 am »
Well, Sammy went to the vet yesterday, and at 4 months, he weighs 45 pounds. At two months, he was 20 pounds, so that's quite a bit bigger than yours was, but Sammy was one of a litter of just four, so maybe that's the reason for his large size as a pup? His dad weighs about 110, so I wonder if he'll be around that size too. Right now, at 45 pounds, he is really pretty skinny. He's getting taller, and is starting to not look as much like a puppy anymore. You can feel his ribs and spine pretty easily, and the vet said he's just thin, not underweight, but I may up his food anyway as he is evidently ALWAYS STARVING. You should see him scarf down his food!

FAQs about puppies / puppy peeing a LOT
« on: October 21, 2007, 06:25:13 am »
Sam seems to need to pee way more than usual today. He hasn't drank more than a bowl of water since this morning, but he's begging to go out and pee almost every hour (way more frequently than usual) and he's peeing a LOT each time. He's also had several accidents in the house today, which he rarely does now. How could he be peeing so much, especially as he hasn't drunk much? Could this be a sign of a UTI?

Bernese Mountain Dog Discussions / Re: Potty Training
« on: October 16, 2007, 08:25:16 am »
This is off topic, but since you have a berner, and I'm curious... can you tell me anything about how fast your boy grew? Sammy weighs about 36 pounds at 14 weeks, and I'm curious because he'll be flying at Thanksgiving time, and I need to come up with a weight estimate to give the airline folks. He'll be about 19 weeks then...


Bernese Mountain Dog Discussions / Re: Potty Training
« on: October 16, 2007, 07:02:01 am »
My Sammy is a 3.5 month-old berner pup, and we're working on the housebreaking. He's actually quite good about going outside, in a consistent place, every time I take him. The trick is to take him often, because I'm not at all convinced he really realizes when he has to pee. I take him out FIRST THING after every meal, and every two hours or so outside of that. He has no accidents most days, and he can sleep through the night without peeing in his crate, so if you're not using a crate, that might be a good thing to try as it really seems to work for Sammy.

He does have accidents, though. It's funny, I think he just doesn't quite know when he has to pee, or even when he is peeing! Sometimes (not often, thankfully!) he will actually walk around the house while peeing, dribbling everywhere! Messy! He especially will accidentally pee right after he's eaten, or when he's really excited. I pick him up as soon as I see him go, and take him right outside. Outside, I always praise him for peeing where he is supposed to, and inside, I only reprimand him if I catch him. Even then, maybe sometimes I'm too easy on him, because I think he knows he's SUPPOSED to go outside, but he just can't tell yet when he has to go enough to give me a warning. So I watch him like a hawk, and take him outside a lot!

I'm glad to see someone else with a berner on here! Sammy is my first dog (as an adult, that is), and I am just so proud of him! I think he is the smartest. I'm working on the bell thing with him, but he doesn't get it yet. We'll get there!

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Puppy shedding, itching, dandruff
« on: October 16, 2007, 06:45:00 am »
This may be really standard shedding behavior, but Sammy seems to be really itchy this past week. He's scratching a bit, and also biting regularly at his back and rear, which I haven't seen him do before. He's just starting to shed for the first time (he's about 14 weeks old) and I've been brushing him every day and getting a lot of fur out of him. He also seems to have some dandruff around his neck and back. I'm a little concerned about the itching and dandruff- could this be allergies? We've recently changed his food to get him on a lower-protein food than he was on previously, but there aren't a lot of food options available where I live.
He was due for flea treatment a couple days ago, which doesn't seem to have made a difference in the itching, and I notice no bites. Any thoughts on if this is just regular shedding stuff, or perhaps something else? I don't want him to give himself hot spots...


I've got him in there right now, chewing on his puppy kong with peanut butter, and he seems happy enough for the moment! Maybe he's learning... Thanks for the idea!

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / what to do about lonliness barking?
« on: October 03, 2007, 04:40:15 am »
I am having a problem- I'm home all day with Sammy, and he's used to that, but sometimes I have to go out to places he can't come, like to the grocery store, for example. In his crate at night, he's quiet, but when I crate him during the day so I can run errands, he cries and barks. Downstairs from us there is an office, so there are people there during the day and I know they can hear him making noise while I'm out. I don't want to cause problems- any suggestions for what I can do with him when I have to go out, and how to adapt him to being by himself quietly?


General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Mystery dog breed
« on: September 28, 2007, 10:07:13 am »
We had puppy class this morning, and sure enough, this guy is a cane corso! He's bigger this week, too. He's about 4.5 months old.

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Mystery dog breed
« on: September 27, 2007, 06:44:50 am »
Yes, the ears threw me off when i looked at some pictures of Cane Corsos. Why do they dock the ears? Were they fighting dogs?

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Could it be allergies?
« on: September 26, 2007, 07:40:04 pm »
hmm, kind of, yes. Although somehow not quite as scary. But that is definitely the general idea. Is that some specific problem?

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Could it be allergies?
« on: September 26, 2007, 06:27:30 pm »
Well, I haven't been back to the vet, because the eyes seem to have cleared up. I still have some eyedrops, so I'll save them in case this comes back, but maybe it was just allergies, or some kind of irritation that needed time to heal. His eyes look nice and white now, and he has stopped rubbing them. I did buy some eye cleaning solution that I'll use every so often just to try to prevent this from coming back, if it's something he's prone to. I'm glad to see him stop being uncomfortable, poor guy!

Groans, Gripes, Brags & Boasts / Re: Need to vent.. I'm so frustrated!
« on: September 26, 2007, 06:20:37 pm »
About the flexi leads- seems to me that the problem isn't the lead, but the way some, and not all, people use it. My parents have always used one of these with our golden, and I guess I don't see the problem with it. They live in a very small town, and with the flexi lead, the dog can get away from the road into the woods a short ways to go to the bathroom, or, if they're in town with her, they can just keep her on a shorter leash. With her, it works- she's well-trained and very laid back, and she doesn't get out of their control on the leash. Certainly, I have seen these be problematic in the hands of some users, and as a city liver myself, I can't see the use of one in the city. But it seems a little presumptious to assume they have no purpose, and that people who use them are hopelessly misguided or downright rude. I don't like to think that is the case with my parents!

And jumping to a different topic, I completely feel your pain all on people who are overly hands-on with your dog! Goodness, it's hard to convince a puppy that he ought NOT to chew on people's hands when every person we pass in the street encourages him to do so, because it's "just so cute." hmmph. Guess it can't be helped with a puppy everyone wants to love!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Mystery dog breed
« on: September 26, 2007, 03:34:41 pm »
He definitely looked like he could be a Boerboel Mastiff or a Cane Corso. I'll have to ask next week! Thanks guys!

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