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Messages - PennyK

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Hey Jo!  I went to college in New Liskeard - just a hop-skip from Cobalt I think!  (was a few years ago though - LOL!)

I like your furbabies!  Bull terriers are one type of dog I have never met in person (or is that "in dog"?) - but they sure are cute!

Rottweiler Pictures / Re: Springtime puppies
« on: March 20, 2006, 03:59:59 pm »
Beautiful pics!!  Beautiful girls!! 

They look so glossy and shiny!!

Saint Bernard General Discussions / Are Saints vocal?
« on: March 20, 2006, 03:47:59 pm »
Are saints considered to be a vocal breed?

My little Teddy talks to me all the time.  Sometimes its a yappy, sassy bark and sometimes its just a groan, but he's always talking to me (of course, the fact that I usually talk to him first and ask him questions may have something to do with it - LOL!).  Just curious.

Poor Angus!!!

I hope 14 days clears whatever-it-is up!  (or I hope the vet has LOTS more cookies!)

I'm so sorry for your daughter!  But she does have a Mom to be proud of!!!

Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: DIRTY Judge =(
« on: March 20, 2006, 04:18:34 am »
LOL Judge!!  Just a reminder of what I can look forward to with Teddy!  LOL! 

He's so handsome - even dirty!  LOL!

I ride a Belgian horse too.  Here's a pic of me & my girl, Maggie.

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Skinny Puppy?
« on: March 17, 2006, 03:56:15 pm »
He was dewormed with strongid (I think thats the name of it) on 2/24/06, the day we brought him home (he was 7 wks then).

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Skinny Puppy?
« on: March 17, 2006, 02:59:46 pm »
When Teddy stands up you can clearly see his hip bones and his waist.  He is 10 weeks today.  Is this normal for pups of this age?

He is eating about 3 cups of Iams large breed puppy food per day. (1 cup - 3 times a day but he never finishes a cup at one time) We offer him more whenever his bowl is empty but he doesn't seem to bother too much with it. (the bag says he can have up to 4 cups now)

He never acts ravenously hungry or wolfs down his food, mostly just pics at it a bit and then goes back for more later.

Any words of reassuance out there for me?  Is he acting normal for his age?

Newfoundland Discussions / Re: Pictures of our upcoming Newf baby boy
« on: March 16, 2006, 10:47:17 am »
That is one CUTE puppy!!!

I got home from work yesterday and looked into the living room.  There was this HUGE pile of shoes!! 

Teddy had EVERY pair of shoes that he could reach, out of the hall closet!  He wasn't really chewing on them, just loving them....he would stick his nose into Hubby's workboot and take a big, long sniff, then Evie's shoes, then Zane's...

Silly Puppy has a shoe fetish!!  LOL!

LOL!  Clever Sophie!!

I toally believe that I'm the one being trained, not my puppy! 

How long have you been calling her Chloe?  Do you think she might have any trouble answering to a new name?

I am sort of considering changing Teddy's name to "Vegas".  My Hubby is going to Las Vegas with his brother in law and everyone asks why I'm not going.  I point at Teddy and say "because HE's my Vegas!!"  We've only had him for 3 wks so it might not be a big issue....thoug h.....he does act like a big teddy bear.

Lyn, we went through the thoughts of Bubba as a name for Teddy too!  LOL!

I think Bear is a stunning Newf too!

Saint Bernard Pictures / Re: Teddy at 9.5 wks
« on: March 15, 2006, 02:41:42 pm »
He was so sassy in that last pic!  He was barking at me!  When I talk to him, sometimes he talks back - LOL!

Look at those eyes!

She is stunning!!!

Saint Bernard Pictures / Teddy at 9.5 wks
« on: March 15, 2006, 01:29:40 pm »
This is my boy Teddy at 9.5 wks old.  He's grown so much already!!!

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