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Messages - TheDogBOwl

Pages: [1]
Food Discussion & Information / Re: B.A.R.F. diet
« on: April 27, 2005, 12:52:57 pm »
Obviously there are buzz words that draw alarm to something that is foreign... such as the raw diet.  Unlike people, dogs have extremely different diguestive systems.  The best thing I can tell you is investigate & learn.  Trush your knowledge & scientific studies, not hearsay or cultural myths.  There are a ton of sources available, some good, some bad.

I personally know how you feel and can appreciate the questions.  7 years ago my rescue dog Sophia was extremely sickly, had bad teeth, poor skin, diarrhea, etc.  I had tried the advice of 2 vets (which costs started at $100 per visit + meds) and several different diets....  Mainly out of desperation to help her health & as a last resort, I gave in to the thought of feeding raw.  And after some investigation & experimentatio n there was no going back to anything else.  I would highly recommend the "Give Your Dog A Bone" book by Dr. Billinghurst. (www.TheDogBOwl .com has them in stock)

Hope this helps,

The Dog BOwl

Food Discussion & Information / Re: B.A.R.F. diet
« on: April 27, 2005, 09:24:29 am »
It is the cooked bone that gets one in trouble - they become brittle & splinter when cooked.  If you think about raw chicken when you are preparing it for dinner.... The raw chicken is spongy.  A dog eats by tearing & grinding it's food.  Having a bone is actually a good workout too! 

I don't know if you have a gulper, but I would suggest to give a turkey neck or chicken wing after hitting it with a mallet. 

The Dog Bowl has a Yahoo group, it is simply edogbowl & anyone wanting more information about raw feeding or ask individual questions is welcome to join.  (There is also a link on the www.TheDogBowl .com website, "Client Feedback & Results" page.  Also I highly recommend any of the books listed on the "Order" page.

Hope this helps,

The Dog Bowl

Doberman Pictures / Re: Doberman
« on: April 26, 2005, 11:47:20 pm »
She was posing for one of the storefront photos... she really only gets one to sleep on, although she is a princess to say the least!

The Dog Bowl

Bed:  Totally washable (inside & out) - awesome!
Collar:  Handmade Italian leather with brass bone.  (fit to measure)
Will be available online soon:  www.TheDogBowl .com

Food Discussion & Information / Re: B.A.R.F. diet
« on: April 26, 2005, 11:44:04 pm »
I find it quite sad that a breeder would restrict (you Vicki) from keeping your dog healthy in anyway, and at the extreme would void a "contract" for really treating your dog as if he/she were yours!!  You own him/her & no doubt will do the very best for your pet.  I would never buy from this breeder again, or at the least pass some information on in the hope that she/he learns a little bit more about dog nutrition.

Here are some completely unfounded, modern MYTHS:  #1:  The digestive system of the modern domesticated dog is much "weaker" than a wild dog's, and that is why modern dogs have to be fed differently to their wild cousins.  This belief is based on nothing other than opinion.  No scientific studies to back it up.  On the contrary, the experiences of both scientists and numerous dog owners the wold over confirm that the internal workings, including the entire digestive system, and the way food is utilised for growth, maintenance, repair and reproduction, is fundamentally the same in all dogs, both wild and domesticated, large and small.    #2: Myth Number 2... Dogs should NOT eat bones and raw meat....   #3: All dog food should be cooked. Unfortunately these ideas are self-perpetuating.  Dogs fed cooked and processed food and no bones will always develop a weakened immune system and poor dental health.   #4:  You have to have a university degree in dog nutrition to be able to successfully feed a dog.  Because people have believed that modern dogs cannot be fed like wild dogs, they have attempted to feed dogs in all sorts of unnatural ways without bones.  The results have often proven disasterous.  These disasters have lead many people, including vets to believe that feeding dogs is difficult.  This idea is reinforced by massive "education" campaigns launched by the major dog food companies.  Daily at meal times on TV, weekly at dog shows, and monthly in various magazines, this message is reinforced in advertising... . "You can't feed your dog properly... but we can!"  Myth #5: The best way to feed your dog is with commercial dog food.  Myth #6: Each meal should be "complete" and "balanced".

The source of the mentioned myths can be referenced in a book by Dr. BIllinghurst, "Give Your Dog A Bone".  And can be purchased through our website:  www.TheDogBowl .com

I hope this helps start the quest for information on this subject.  There is a lot of information out there - some good, some bad, some hearsay, some factual.  Just remember this is your pet(s), not to mention big investment in heart and capital.  The best thing you can do for both yourself and your beloved animal is learn the facts and trust in your own knowledge!


The Dog Bowl

Doberman Pictures / Re: Doberman
« on: April 25, 2005, 08:39:45 pm »
This is my rescue Doberman, Sophia.  She is a red/rust & is 7 years old.  She looks amazing because she is on the BARF/raw diet.  She is the sweetest dog ever!!!

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