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Messages - OwnedbyaSaint

Pages: [1]
Saint Bernard General Discussions / Re: Snorring!!!
« on: May 01, 2005, 09:10:35 pm »
My Bernard snores also.  She is loud about it, too!

I'm new here -- just found this site.  I own a wonderful Saint Bernard named Sugar.  She is 11 months old.  She is a real joy.   I've noticed lately that she seems to get bored.  I work from home and am here with her most of the day and all night.  She has an older brother(a Pomeranian), but he isn't too keen on playing with her.  Does anyone know of any fun games to play with my Saint?  She loves to do her tricks and play with all of her toys(she has tons), but I was looking for some other things to do.  We've tried putting treats under boxes and having her "find it", but she gets bored of that quickly.  She has 2 acres to run, and I do walk her every day.  I don't walk her more than 2 very short walks a day because I have read it is bad on their hips to walk them too much before they are 2 years old.  Is this true?  I've heard exercise is the best cure for boredom, but on the other hand I'm worried about hurting her hips at such a young age.  Any ideas?  Thanks in advance.  


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