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Messages - mr2gurl4life

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Hey all,

   Im on the serach for a silver Akita puppy. Just needs to be pet quality. Male preferred. Health guarantees a plus!

916 532 1710

Akita Discussions / Re: Akitas and off-leash dog parks?
« on: September 13, 2005, 03:40:54 pm »
I agree.....but the reality is that you have a dog that was bred to be a fighter (fought bears in Japan) and if stressed, can revert to his breeding.  DO be careful.  I had an Akita for 13 years who was absolutely wonderful for the first five.   My 7 year old daughter went through training with him and she could walk on the bike path at the beach and he was PERFECT.  At around five years, he became incredibly territorial, and would attack meter readers, the UPS man, the wild animals who live here, cats who strayed in to our yard.  It was SO stressful.   We ended up having to keep him confined even though we live in area with no leash laws.  I agree that training is absolutely key but also understand that Akitas can be very difficult to handle!

Was he altered? Sounds like alot of people have had problems with aggressiveness in their male dogs due to testosterone. Not to say that this is the sole reason, but it can be a contributing factor.
My dads wolf hybrid became extremely agressive at around 41/2 years, after he neutered, his personality changed for the better. (too bad my dad didnt do this sooner, or he never would have had to get 12 stitches on his face)

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