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Messages - kab416

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We had a similar situation in that we had a male saint, and then added a female about a year after the male.  Our male Henry, has always been pretty low key, he would bark but only once in a while.  What we saw with the female, Darcy, was a far more protective attitude - which definitely startled us!  We started to get really worried when she was about 5 months and we would go on walks and she would posture at some people who were just walking or jogging by.  So we went back to socialization basics, having strangers give her treats, more trips to public places, etc.  In addition to that, we reinforced our dominance in the house.  She has to sit and wait until we say ok to eat, no treats until she does something for it, stuff like that.

It seems to have worked though.  She is still a barker in the house when she hears an errant noise, and at the fence once in a while - when another dog walks by, but when we're walking or if they are in the car she has settled down.  We've always had male saints and I have never experienced this aspect of behavior, I think females are maybe a little more protective!

We haven't had a problem with digging in the house, but we were having other destructive issues with our female saint.  She was chewing on everything when we left, even if there were two bones and ten toys to play with.  The only thing that helped the situation was exercise.  Once we started taking her on two long walks a day, the behavioral stuff started to dissipate.

I hope you can figure something out though, because its enough to drive a person crazy!  Good Luck!

Our male saint, Henry, had the same problem.  Always looking for more water, then ringing the bell to go out.  When we werent home, there were always accidents.  I couldnt belive how long it took for him to hold his bladder.  Eventually, as he got bigger he was able to hold it better.  Now he wont really drink much of his water when we go out, until we get home.
Which reminds me of when my husband and I were petting Henry, and he was just laying there, looking straight ahead, not paying any attention to the two of us laying beside him.  We were like..."he's so cute!!", then the puddle took form.  He was just laying there, peeing on himself, in front of us!!  Those were fun times!!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Get Off My Feet!!
« on: March 14, 2006, 03:39:58 pm »
OK, so our girl saint Darcy is always stepping on our feet!  At 130 pounds, it is not fun!!  Has anyone else had this problem?  If so, how did you train them out of it?  Our other male saint used to do it when he was young, but he finally got the picture after a few corrections.

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Darcy's Swollen Elbow
« on: January 13, 2006, 11:23:09 am »
Thanks Deena, it doesn't sound too terribly serious, but we'll definitely get it checked out.  Hope Sapphire gets better soon as well.

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Darcy's Swollen Elbow
« on: January 13, 2006, 10:05:45 am »
I noticed yesterday that Darcy's elbow is swollen and appears to be filled with some fluid.  Its about the shape of an egg.  She is not limping or favoring her other leg at all, and doesn't seem to be aware of it.  She has several beds, but of couse often prefers the hardwood or tiled floors.  We will go into the vet on Tuesday, but wanted to see if anyone else has had a similar experience.

Thanks guys....I'll post some more pictures later!

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Long Time Lurker...First Time Poster!!
« on: December 20, 2005, 06:52:42 pm »
Just thought I would go ahead and introduce myself to the name is Kristy and I have two St. Bernards...Hen ry and Darcy.

I get such a kick looking at all the pics and reading the different threads on this board! 

Here are a few pictures of my guys when they were puppies and then one from the other day.

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