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Messages - rainiershadow

Pages: [1]
Newfoundland Discussions / New Puppy
« on: January 14, 2006, 09:13:45 pm »
Hi everyone! :)  I just found this message board and hope to learn lots!  I got a Newfie pup just before Christmas and her name is Emma.  She is even from Newfoundland!  How funny is that?!  Anyway, she is adorable but my Shih Tzu is not thrilled.  My Sheltie is happy to have someone to play with, although he is getting slammed.  I say, what goes around, comes around.  He did the same to my Shih Tzu.  Anyway, I am happy to have Emma but the worse is potty training.  It is naturally not the best time.  If not for that, she is just about perfect.  She seems to learn fast, although the potty training is not going that fast.  She is 11 weeks now so I know it takes time.  I am feeding her Natural Balance, which is 23% protein.  I was told anything less than 25% is good.  And the ingredients are natural so I think she is off to a good start.  I have found a place that has bibs with elastic necks but they will be good when she is older.  Obviously, she is not drooling now but hope to find some for when she gets to be about 4-6 months, isn't that about when she should start?  Anyway, I'm looking forward to hearing from all of you and making new "friends".  I don't know how to add a pic, otherwise I woulc include a picture of her.

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