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Messages - HarleyD

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Dr.Demko at Mississippi State, They were the only ones that seemed to have Harley's best interest at heart. The others always came from a financial position first.

Tim & Kathy

After talking to the doctors the plan is to try therapy and a JD diet. Since he is not in that much pain as of now. The thinking is we should hold off as long as possible on the surgery and try to build some muscle as the surgery can only be done once.

Thanks for all the support, we will keep you posted on his progress.

Tim & Kathy

We are interviewing three hospitals right now and will let you know which one we have picked. here is a picture of the x-ray of his hips.

Thanks for the info. We did speak with Ohio University and the cost does include x-rays, meds, the stay and other stuff related to the surgery. It does not include follow up visits.

Tim & Kathy

The insurance is through petcare 1-866-373-7387 website is
www.petcareins so far they have been great to us.
It cost us $50.00 a month and covers just about anything and it comes with a $500.00 life insurance policy. There is a $50.00 deductable.If there is a down side it is that you have to pay first then get reinbursed but they do get the money back to you in about ten days so it's not to bad.


I just got off the phone with the Ohio state college of veterinary medicine and they siad it would be $2800.00 per hip :) I need to check them out, but our vet says they are the best in hip replacement on the east coast and if he had a dog that needed a new hip that is where he would go.
I will call Dr.Walker and get his take on this. They said we would be there three days and he could come home :) so the insurance will cover the first one and the corvette will cover the second.

Thanks so much for all the info

Tim & Kathy Ray

We will call Ohio tomorrow and post the estimate.

Tim & Kathy

How much did it cost and where did you have it done?

I hope that it is less expensive here in Tennessee, I am going to have to sell my corvette (older C-4) and that would bring enough to do one hip.



This is our first time posting. We just got home from our vet our baby Harley has very bad hips. The joints are not even close to being in their sockets. Hip replacement is recommended. We have been told to go to Ohio University. We are trying to get an idea of the cost involved. This boy is our son and luckily we did insure him but the limit is $3,000. Can anyone give us an idea if that will come close to covering the cost? We live in TN, if anyone has or knows of a top vet for this procedure we would like to hear from you.Here is a pic of Harley and his little sister Cassie with their Mama (Kathy)

Tim and Kathy Ray

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