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Messages - bridget

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General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Convincing the Parents
« on: March 22, 2007, 03:35:25 pm »
Hahaha Belive me...our previous dogs have done some serious damage to the backyard and a few pieces of furniture!
We have so many great people near us and in our neighborhood that have so many great tips about keeping the dogs under control and not letting them ruin everything.

We also have a large house and backyard so my dog will have lots of space. My mom is at home all day and she agreed to keep an eye on the dog but she made it very clear that this dog was my resposibility so she isn't going to be doing the work.

Believe it or not, my schedule as a teen isn't crazy. I spend alot of time at home with my family and we always mak time for each other. One more member of the family would be nice to have. I do go to the dog park alot because i often find alot of Great Danes there and i love playing with them and being around them.


General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Convincing the Parents
« on: March 22, 2007, 03:15:27 pm »
Hey thanks for the advice,

I totally understand what you are saying about waiting for after college but that may be a really long time. Am i wrong on that?

I have job experience from working at the local pool as a volunteer and i have been offered a job there this summer but i want to keep my attention on my dog if it works out. Once i know that she is comfotable with her surroundings and feels good around everyone i will defintiely look into getting a job.

I also have had dogs in the past but they were around when i was younger. I took care of them the best to my 7 year old abilities and i absolutely loved them! So my parents know that i am resposible with dogs and now that i am older they expect more of me to take care of a dog. I have given them so much information of everything you ever want to know about Great Danes and they know that i know the facts!

The dog in the picture is actually not the dog i want to adopt but a look-alike. My dog is absolutely beautiful!! She is a 2 year old mantel colored female and her name is Victoria. She is at a shelter farely close to my house. I also did not want to pay an extremely high price tag for a dog so i decded that adopting from a shelter might be the go. It is defintely less expensive and i wouldn't have to teach housetraining and basic commands.

I really appreciate all the advice and it is great to know issues that i need to think over first, especially with my parents!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Convincing the Parents
« on: March 22, 2007, 02:16:37 pm »
Thanks for the Reply,

Im 15 years old and a freshman in high school. I do one sport a year so i have plenty of time at home after school. I do not have a job yet. My parents think that is best that i wait until i can get a decent job for decent pay. I do my own laundry, I help with the dishes every night, I am obssessive about keeping my room clean and my parents are always surprised that a teenager has a room that you can see the floor in! I am very committed to anything i take on and a dog will absolutely be no exception. I do enjoy hanging out with friends but i make sure that they come second to my responsibiliti es.
I hope that answers some questions  :D

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Convincing the Parents
« on: March 22, 2007, 01:14:37 pm »
Hi there,

Great Danes are my passion. I go crazy everytime I see one and I have wanted my own since I saw my very first Dane. The only problem is that my parents don't think it's a good idea. MY dad is a huge dog person and he could really care less if i get one or not but my mom is hard. She thinks that this will become her resposiblility even though I have proved that i can handle it.
I have researched these dogs until my brains fried. They know that this is what I really want but I really need somebody's help with something.
I need to know anything (good or bad) about Great Danes that i may not find on the internet. If anybody has any inside secrets, tips...anythin g! Please let me know soon before the dog of my dreams is adopted.

Thank you so much,

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