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Messages - dmcnaughton

Pages: [1]
Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Hot Spots * NEW UPDATE*
« on: May 15, 2007, 04:30:10 am »
Just an update on Cache...we took him in to the new vet on Friday and she was great. Very attentive but very expensive  :-\. Turns out it is yeast, quite a bit apparently with some bacteria. She said it could be from anything...the shampoo the groomer was using to allergies.
She said the Orijen food is excellent and is actually going to bring it into their practice, her only concern with it is if it is baked or dried? We have to keep him on a strict grain free diet and only chicken protein for now. We are adding salmon oil to his food and a probiotic to help clear up the yeast. She also gave us a shampoo with benzoyl to use once a week for the next 3 weeks and then a topical spray and some ears drops as the yeast was causing an ear infection as well. It seems to be clearing up but no great results as of yet. I guess it will take a few weeks though.
I tried to attach a picture but it keeps telling me the attachment file is too large. Sorry.

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Hot Spots * NEW UPDATE*
« on: May 09, 2007, 03:35:34 am »
Thanks for your input. I went to the sight about nzymes and it actually could be yeast...never would have thought. He isn't nearly as bad as the pictures but the symptoms sound similar (smelly, face rubbing etc).
I've made him an appointment with a holistic/western vet (they say they do a combo of both beacuse in some cases modern medical procedures are required) for Friday. So hopefully she can help him. They asked what I was feeding etc and when said I was switching to Orijen she said it is a very good food but it contains chicken and a lot of dogs are allergic to chicken...
Anyway, I will try to post pictures of Cache for you to see.

Thanks again

Medical Conditions & Diseases / Re: Hot Spots * NEW UPDATE*
« on: May 09, 2007, 12:33:34 am »
Hi, I was just searching the net for info on allergies/hot spots for my dog and came across this forum.
We have an 11 month old labradoodle who started getting little 'pimply' bumps on his back and then red, oozy spots around Christmas. He licks and scratches quite a bit too.
We have had him in and out of the vet the last 5 months or so but it doesn't seem to help.
At first they had him on antibiotics and some other pill and it cleared it up for a few weeks but then he broke out again. The second time in the vet gave him antibiotics and steroid pills that caused him to lose control of his bladder...they said this is common on steroids?. The vet also had us switch to Medi-cal Hypo allergenic food (from Nutro)and started us on a monthly flee formula (cant remember brand). He broke out again a few weeks later so took him into vet and this time they gave him a shot...not sure what. But it didn't work at all.
Now he is really bad, big red oozy spots all over his groin, thighs and belly and itchy bumps on his back. I really dont want to go into the vet again...they just seem to pump him full of drugs that dont solve the problem.
I am in the process of switching his food to Orijen and have started adding salmon oil supplements. Also, bought a hot spot herbal spray (Canyon Meadows)so we'll see how it goes. Its only been 3 days so haven't noticed any major changes yet but keeping our fingers crossed.
The vet also suggested shaving him down for the summer so we may do that soon... :'(  I love his shaggy coat though.
Anyway, just wanted to see if anyone had any other recommendation s?

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