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Messages - Nautinala

Pages: [1]
Akita Discussions / Re: Akita's Knobby Knees
« on: June 26, 2007, 04:50:49 am »
Thanks so much - your guys are absolutely beautiful.  Sasha's legs look exactly like that (just not as large-LOL).  Thanks for the reassurance!

Akita Discussions / Akita's Knobby Knees
« on: June 26, 2007, 02:37:53 am »
I recently rescued a 3 month old purebred Akita pup.  We are having so much fun with her.  I have noticed lately that her joints above her paws on both of her front legs seem enlarged in proportion to the rest of her.  I rescued my last Akita at 9 months, so I didn't go through this puppy stage with her.  I am curious if this is normal, and part of the growing process, or something I should be concerned with.  At my last vet visit - he wasn't concerned b/c there wasn't any tenderness and both legs look the same - but also acknowledged that he hadn't seen it before.  Any thoughts?

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