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Messages - a1103

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George just doesn't like having his picture taken

He gives new meaning to bed matter what we do, he always looks a little sad, to us adorable.  After bathing, brushing...two minutes outside or after a nap, he looks a bit like a well fed stray.  This is after a nap. 

Had to show a size reference.  Here is George next to Miss Foxy (she's 18lbs)

And so no one feels left out...this is Miss Foxy, 12, who George allows to be Queen of the canines in our house.

And last, but not least, 2 year old Leroy, named for the Jim Croce Song, aka Spaz Monkey, Junkyard, Floppy Face and Nurse Puppy. Proud to say he has overcome a horrible case of puppy mange and kennel cough since we adopted him.  We're not sure what all he is, but he's got the purple tongue spots like a chow and he's got so much 'cheek' they get curled under sometimes, like in this pic

Thank you so much for your responses!  We figured out George must be a herding, guarding breed before we knew what he is. We understand why the breed isn't for everyone -he is enormous (currently 145lbs and when he stands he towers over my 6'0 husband), very smart and we had to set some extra  ground rules when he started showing a few signs of dominance.  He can be protective, but it's only been in two scary situations.  He protected me when I got cornered by two very aggressive wild coyote/german shepherd mixes and when a creepy guy was sneaking on the property when I was there by myself.  Other than that he's been great with kids, dogs, people in general, cats, horses even cows  :)  He's even brought home a few strays that we've since found homes for.  We've been looking for a rescue group to get involved in.  (I'm sending you a pm Kathy)  I'll post some pictures of soon as I figure out how  :-[

My husband and I got a dog from a shelter, they claimed he was a Great Pyrenees. It was hard to tell what he was, he was a big gray mass of matts with hints that he was white underneath all the dirt.  Once we got him cleaned up, we knew he was definitely not a Great Pyrenees.  We asked a few vets and they didn't even know what breed he is.  After months of searching, we finally found out George is a South Russian Ovtcharka.   We haven't been able to find much info about the breed.  George was abused and abandoned before we adopted him  >:( and we aren't sure how much of his behavior is a result of past mistreatment or breed characteristic s.  He has come a very long way and is now a mama's boy (not that I'm complaining ;D )  Any info would be greatly appreciated.

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