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Messages - mastiffwanter

Pages: [1]
Old English Mastiff Discussions / Re: Fluffy English Mastiffs
« on: May 26, 2005, 09:17:40 am »
sounds wondefull, thank you all for your comments. I was just curious!

Old English Mastiff Discussions / Fluffy English Mastiffs
« on: May 25, 2005, 10:12:35 am »
:o Have you all heard of the fluffies? If you go to this site you can see the pics www.fluffymast  
Do you think they would shed less? It doesn't matter, I'm just curious. They are so adorable, and a little more st. bernard looking. Anyway, check it out if you get a second. They even have a pic of a fluffy Bull Mastiff.
If you read on the site it tells you that the reason this site was created was to inform everyone about the fluffies. So I am just helping a little because I think they are cute.  :)

I got my pup when she was 2.5months and the only reason I got her was because I knew I could take her to work with me everyday I went. Otherwise, I wouldn't have got her because I don't think it is fair for a puppy to stay in a crate all day long. Now it is a little over a year later and she is my best friend she goes everywhere with me, traveling and work. The only place she can't go is school which really sucks. She is always so excited to see me. I know she may not be a big pawed girl (one in the pic with me, shih tzu) but I love her dearly and we both are looking forward to getting our own female mastiff as soon as we get settled and ready for one which should be in the next year. I just have to finish learning about them to an extent and get a bigger house, yard and car. LOL  ;D My pup is my life!!!! And I plan on treating my mastiff the same way. ;)

I am so sorry for your loss and I hope that you find peace as soon as possible, even if that means finding a new dog to help you get through the grieving and hopefully bring some life back into your life. Good Luck! Let us know if you need anything. They are in a better place. Take Care

Old English Mastiff Pictures / Re: Help-Mastiff
« on: April 15, 2005, 11:25:31 am »
Thank you sooo much that really gives me great hope!!!!

Old English Mastiff Pictures / Re: Help-Mastiff
« on: April 12, 2005, 09:14:23 pm »
Hello, I will do my best to keep all of you on the post up to date.
I know that my parents lab and my shih tzu are best friends and sometimes he can play a little hard with her but we watch and make sure it is nothing that can hurt her.
Thanks again for all of your help.

Old English Mastiff Pictures / Re: Help-Mastiff
« on: April 12, 2005, 01:41:04 pm »
Thank you soooo much for all your help, I will look into all of the websites you have suggested. ----I just signed up for the mastiff yahoo group and just got back from picking up a book all about mastiffs. I will be talking to vets sometime soon, and hopefully checking in with breeders. You have been such a big help to me I really appreciate it!!!!! Have a great day! 

Old English Mastiff Pictures / Re: Help-Mastiff
« on: April 12, 2005, 11:50:57 am »
Thanks again for your help!
     I need all the help I can get to make the right choice (if this breed is right for me). I have a lab that is larger but not fat wise than most labs. However, I know he doesn't weigh near what a mastiff would. I have a really close friend who has irish wolfhounds and I just love them to death, and as I mentioned earlier in the post I have been working with dogs for a few years now getting to know the different breeds and sizes. We currently have 3 mastiffs that are pretty regular clients that come in for daycare and a few more that aren't so regular. So I know that they love to be lap dogs because if we sit on the floor they come over and try to sit on us or at least lay down with their head on us.
      I did however, look at the website and read almost all the question, some I have to go back and read, before I saw this post. Thanks!! I am one of those ppl that think any dog can be friendly as long as it gets raised the proper way and as long as it comes from a good background and the owner trains it and gets it exposed to everything at a young age.
      My biggest question would have to be do you think if I got a mastiff while it was really young and coming from friendly parents, and exposed it to little dogs it would be fine with my other dog. My dog is a Shih Tzu and she doesn't way very much probably 10-12lbs. I got her when she was 2 months old and starting taking her to doggie daycare (my work) with me at 4months and so now she loves every size of dog and thinks they all want to play with her. She even loves the full grown mastiff we have at work named Gerti, they play together pretty well. However, I know dogs act different at home.
      I would be taking the mastiff pup with me to work to get her socialized at an early age and would take her as often as she wants to go with me. And I would train her like I did my Shih Tzu followed by more obedience classes.
To some it up:
    I want a huge breed dog that is great with small dogs
    Loves to cuddle-can get on the furniture
    Inside dog, but likes it outside
    Loves other dogs-----so I can be with her as much as possible----(go with me to work)
   Good with ppl unless there is a bad vibe-----then protective-----but not to the point it will kill someone

Do you think this is the right breed for me??

Sorry it is soooooo long....

Old English Mastiff Pictures / Re: Help-Mastiff
« on: April 12, 2005, 09:51:57 am »
Hello Rachel,
     Thank you for your help! I will be doing plenty of research before getting my own. I will be moving to a bigger house and a little over 1 acre lot so that the dog will have enough room to play. Therefore, I will not be getting the dog before the beginning of September if not later, depending on how fast I get settled and enough information to make the right decision.
Thanks a bunch!   
If you have a mastiff could you please tell me a few things about it any pointers!!
Staci  ;D

Old English Mastiff Pictures / Re: Help-Mastiff
« on: April 12, 2005, 08:38:57 am »
Thank you for your reply! I appreciate it. ;D

Old English Mastiff Pictures / Help-Mastiff
« on: April 11, 2005, 09:42:00 pm »
Just wanted to know if anyone would like to give me some pointers on getting a mastiff and which breed I should go with. English, Dogue de Bordeaux, or Neopolitan!!!   I really want one and I am trying to get all the information before I make the big leap. I work with dogs and have for a little over 3years now at doggie daycares and have seen many different breeds and am really leaning towards a mastiff. Please give me any insider information you can to help me make the right choice about getting a mastiff. Thanks
I need one that gets along with all sizes of dogs!!! ???

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