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Messages - Lupine

Pages: [1]
Old English Mastiff Discussions / Re: FREE FEEDING OR NOT???
« on: April 26, 2005, 07:20:05 am »
I free-feed Wolf dry food throughout the day (he only ever eats about a cup or two), but I also feed him a can of wet food every 12 hours or so.  This isn't a set schedule yet, because he's currently on meds for an infection he picked up at the shelter, and he really doesn't want to eat.

I have to sit there and point at his bowl to keep his attention on it.


Meet & Greet BPOers / Philly dog parks or play groups?
« on: April 26, 2005, 07:02:00 am »
I'm not sure if I'm the only one who's had this happen...
Any advice is welcome...

I adopted a husky last week - he's 5 y/o, and about 70+lbs (I was a little busy keeping him still on the scale at the vet's to actually see his weight), and although still on the skinny side, he's so full of energy...   ;D

I've taken him to a nice, fenced dog park where they keep the small dogs separate from the big dogs, which makes sense...  but he's still too much energy for most of the dogs in the big dog park.  They play really well together, but when they're pooped, he's still dancing around and running circles around them, which makes them get a little irritable.

Since I don't want anyone's pet to get hurt, and he's really friendly (just doesn't know his own size), I was wondering if there are any big dog groups here in Philadelphia (or driving distance)?

Since it's just me and him until I get my new house, he doesn't have any canine companions to romp about with, and I think he's getting bored with just walks and hiking.


"I will love him and hug him and squeeze him and name him

...or, as in this case, Wolf.


General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Re: Naming your dog
« on: April 12, 2005, 05:29:02 pm »
As I sit here, looking at my own screenname, wearing a very furred-up "wolf conservation center -" shirt - I wonder...  however, did I manage to name my new husky "Wolf"?

Well, actually, I was going to get more creative, but my husband actually insisted on it since he looks like it and I had already stated my preference for single-syllable names.


The fact that he's already responding to it, and he's only been with me for under 7 hours...  well, it's fate!  ^.^

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