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Messages - karla_doitdoggy

Pages: [1]
Rottweiler Discussions / Re: Felony!
« on: August 10, 2005, 12:00:05 am »

what a cutie, I wish I could show you a photo of our baby RommUS but I am not sure how to add photo's to this site? Any tips?

Rottweiler Discussions / Re: Baths/Tub too small?
« on: May 03, 2005, 06:24:55 pm »
'The solution for me and my Rottie was I went to Rite_Aide and purchased a kiddy pool. I get in with real warm water and then my big boy has to be with his mommy so he gets in, we make it an event.
Does anyone else here have issues getting their bigs doggies into the little tubs?  Where else do you all scrub and lather and rinse your monsters?

Lady is getting so big she hardly fits in the tub anymore...and while she is getting a bath Mommy gets one too.   She loves her bath time!

Grace isn't so bad yet, but will be soon.  She's not too keen on tubs and water yet and she squirms.

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