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Topics - ulfie56

Pages: [1]
Mixed Breed Pictures / New member
« on: May 11, 2005, 10:08:39 pm »
Hi. I'm new to Big Paws Only. A friend that does not have dogs sent me a link to the site. She has been watching my "kids" over the past few years and thought that this would be the perfect place for us. I have seven dogs all together, two of which are not Big Paw material. Those would be my Border Collie, Abbie and my- we really are not sure what after almost 9 years-Kiki. Casey - Lab/samoyed mix would be our first sort of big paws and then we have our four shilohs. Titan, Maveric, Noodles and Ryder. Ti is the oldest at 2 1/2 and Ryder the youngest at 15 months. I'm not a breeder and all of mine with the exception of Ryder, for another month or so, are either spayed or neutered.

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