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Topics - Pascua's momma

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Thanks for the welcome yesterday - here a few more pics of our fur child.

the most recent one is the one with him resting on the orange pillow. the one with his papa carrying him is from a couple of months ago. when his tails curls up he looks more northern dog or akita and when down he looks more shepherd.  he likes to chew on his bones on papa's legs.

Mixed Breed Discussion / Pascua the teenager!
« on: July 30, 2006, 10:34:10 am »
Pascua and his dad when to training class this morning and it seems like today he was the class troublemaker - he's usually pretty good - well yes on Wed. he did wander off to the creek while off-leash training in class. Today he was trying to get the other dogs to play (esp. a 10 month old rottweiler) , barking (he's not a barker), whining, ignoring his dad (all with a smile on his face).

I could kinda tell beforehand that he had some mischievous energy - course I didn't help when I was trying to get him to howl with me :) .  We took him on a trail for a good romp after class.  Ah it's nice to have a tired pup. 

So is there an average to how long adolescence lasts for a bigger dog? or is it always the case that behavior fluctuates? 

thanks1 - first time parent of a bigger dog

Hi I've skimmed through Big Paws for advice ever since and right before we came home with Pascua -who keeps growing - he's a big dog but don't think he'll be a giant dog unless he grows into his huge paws. We really do not know the mix of breeds he is since he was a rescue found by himself. He definitely has northern dog characteristic s. Any other big dog mutts?

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