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Topics - gottsislandgirl

Pages: [1]
I see that clipping vs. not seems to be a fairly well-debated topic, but am curious about Newfy coats in particular. We took our Newfy to Florida with us this Feb. and he was HOT. He got hot spots. He panted constantly. He was lethargic. I ended up feeling terrible about bringing him with us. We'd just rescued him a short time before the vacay and didn't want to give him more abandonment issues or whatever, but I just felt BAD.

Anyway, summer in Maine is about as hot as the Keys in February and I now don't know what to do so that he'll be comfortable. I'm leaning pretty strongly towards a moderate clipping. To the point where if anyone has a brand (I've read the Oster fans' contributions) that they love, I'd be glad to hear about that as well. Nonetheless, if I'm going to be further torturing the dog by clipping him, I don't want to do it. I'm confused! Please help!

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