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Topics - Ken

Pages: [1]
Border Collie Discussions & Pictures / our first BC
« on: November 01, 2007, 07:42:29 am »
My wife and I recently got a five-month-old Border Collie. This is not our first dog, but it is our first BC. To tell you the truth I am looking for some positive feedback about our decision. We knew this was an active dog that would need exercise and attention.  What good experiences, long term, have you had?  Most of the information on the Internet comes off sounding so negative about this breed as a pet.
Although we have only had Katie a few days I don’t see any more problems then I have with other dogs I have had during my life.
To tell you the truth we are looking for a little handholding. Don’t have any pictures yet, but will post one soon.

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