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Messages - Pascua's momma

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sorry - not sure why the other fotos didn't post - so here's one of them. I'm new and getting the hang of this.

Here is  Pascua w/ me at @ 12 weeks. One of him where i edited myself out and can't figure out to put myself back. And me with Pascua at @ 8 months. He's 10 months now and I need to get a digital camera to keep up with all of you! btw i was looking at shiloh shepherd fotos on a website and boy there were some that looked so much like him - yes i know i should accept that he's a mix (shepherd & mal) and a cutie no matter what but it's fun to guess.  Can't believe someone dumped him and can't believe how much our boy has grown. 

Ask away! I don't mind a bit. He is so cute! I wish we lived closer so he could play with my girls! Alaskan Malamutes are a breed apart, as I'm sure you've discovered. They're not just regular dogs. They're loyal and loving, don't get me wrong. But if you don't want a dog that is going to logistically try to figure out why you told him to do what you told him to do and why it needs to be done now every single time you say something, it's not the breed for you! They think about everything! And you can just see in their bright little eyes how much they think! I love it, but it can make them so stubborn. Dolly's my easy fur child. And Zoey's my psycho one!!  :D I'm betting your boy will get up in the 80-85 pound range, but with German Shepherd in him maybe, it could vary. German Shepherds can be hyper too sometimes. I don't own one and never have, but I know someone who did. Great guard dog, but a little crazy at times! Oh well, sorry I made that so long! Guess it's just late and I'm just blabbering! Later!

Yup - we've noticed! you could have been describing our Pascua thinking away and taking his time. And yes he gets hyper sometimes (gs)  - he had his evening romp too late tonight and boy did we suffer for it.  I remember the first time he got those crazies the second night we had him and thinking - oh we're in for it!  but as long as he's well exercised he's pretty mellow.  he's also a guard dog which we really did not intend to have and why training is so important - he also has some fear of people (men, male teens, kids) - today there was a teenage boy who walked past and Pascua rushed to get in front of my husband and give his BIG barks - our friend who was there said that the kid smelled of pot and had already seemed nervous and was digging his hands into his pocket.  I guess Pascua sensed all of that.  Other than that he's a big sweetie-esp. with other dogs - oh i have to find a picture with his stuffed animal wolf pup that he likes to sleep with and carry out of his crate and thrash sometimes.
oops I carried on too long!  must sleep!

I'm going to stick with my first guess. Alaskan Malamute definitely with German Shepherd. His weight and ears and tail and body reflect a Malamute, but his coloring and eyes look like a German Shepherd. Whatever he is, he's sure a cutie!

Here's a link to a dog that looks similar to Pascua and is a mix of what I said. What do you think?

And another;

Just my opinion though!

Oh WOW!!!!thank you so much  for the pictures - I think you win - case closed! so since you are owned by a mal  I may be asking you more questions about behavior. We really don't get to see many mals out here. It's so funny how things turn out - my husband and I love mals but we knew that the homeowner  wouldn't be as keen about a big dog.  the rescue shelter swore this gorgeous pup was a purebred keeshond but that he'd be 80lbs  - so we had our doubts since keeshonds are much smaller. Fortunately it all worked out with the homeowner - we would have moved with our pup!

Introduce Yourself to the Forum / Re: New here & introducing myself
« on: July 30, 2006, 02:18:10 pm »
Welcome Mel and BlackJack - he is amazingly cute and yay to adopting rescue pups! 

We brought Pascua home from a rescue shelter at @ 12 weeks and he weighed 23 lbs I think. We free fed him (putting the measured amount for the day) but he's not a big eater.  We'd go by measuring on the bag - first it was eukanuba for large breed puppies- that was bad for his stomach so switched to royal canin and now transitioning to Canidae.  we just stopped free feeding since he  started to not eating anything - so now we're more strict and now he's eating more. so this probably doesn't help cuz  your pup is a good eater!

the photo is of our Pascua at @13 weeks - sorry couldn't help it!

I think he looks like a siberian husky and german shepherd. He is so gorgeous!

Pascua says thanks for the compliment, your Danes are gorgeous as well. Maybe he has husky - we were thinking more mal because of his size but that could be the shepherd in him.   

Mixed Breed Discussion / Re: Pascua the teenager!
« on: July 30, 2006, 12:59:10 pm »
With many of our young "kids" it goes in stages- one week they are hellions, the next week good as gold.  Maybe exercising before class will tone it down enough that he will cooperate in class?

Yes good idea - we were running late this morning but next time we'll give him the chance to run around before class. thanks!

Thanks for the welcome yesterday - here a few more pics of our fur child.

the most recent one is the one with him resting on the orange pillow. the one with his papa carrying him is from a couple of months ago. when his tails curls up he looks more northern dog or akita and when down he looks more shepherd.  he likes to chew on his bones on papa's legs.

Mixed Breed Discussion / Pascua the teenager!
« on: July 30, 2006, 10:34:10 am »
Pascua and his dad when to training class this morning and it seems like today he was the class troublemaker - he's usually pretty good - well yes on Wed. he did wander off to the creek while off-leash training in class. Today he was trying to get the other dogs to play (esp. a 10 month old rottweiler) , barking (he's not a barker), whining, ignoring his dad (all with a smile on his face).

I could kinda tell beforehand that he had some mischievous energy - course I didn't help when I was trying to get him to howl with me :) .  We took him on a trail for a good romp after class.  Ah it's nice to have a tired pup. 

So is there an average to how long adolescence lasts for a bigger dog? or is it always the case that behavior fluctuates? 

thanks1 - first time parent of a bigger dog

Welcome!  Congrats on the new pup and new hubby!  You'll love it here.  Pascua is a darling...Wond er what breed he is...  Some of the long haired German Shepherds look similar. 

I'm Julie and I share my home with my hubby, cat (Tilly) and my not-so-big-paws, Jackie and Charge. Charge is a lab and Jackie is my mutt.  They are all wonderful.  :D


Thanks for the congrats.  We met a long haired german shepherd once and she said her dog looked similar to our pup. Maybe that's were the texture of his fur comes from and the coloring. He has gotten taller though since the last pictures at 8 months. How does your cat get along with the 2 dogs?

Welcome to BPO!  I'm Melissa, or Mel to most. ;)  I'm Mommy of Dazy, the 1 year old Giant Schnauzer and Ladybug, the 4 year old Mini Schnauzer with the GIANT attitude! lol  I also am Mommy to an 8 year old daughter and I have a husband that lurks around here from time to time as well. 

I think it's pretty common for most larger type dogs to continue to grow until 2 or so years of age. ????????  Anyone may correct me if I'm wrong on that though. Best of luck with the new love of your life.  (both of them! lol )

thank you Mel - we are a happy new family here plus 2 kitties who hopefully will get used to Pascua.  Pascua met an intact mini Schnauzer at the dog park the other day who -let's say gave him a very hard time ;(  His mom finally had to leave with him since he kept going for Pascua.  I swear Pascua doesn't know how big he is and he's very tolerant!   

My malamute they said should stop growing at 18 months old, and I think they're right. However, my Saint won't stop til she's 2. I definitely think Pascua has mal in him and German Shepherd. He's a cutie, that's for sure!

Hmmm so Pascua might end up being 100lbs - well more to love.  By the way my husband was very taken by Zoey when I showed him her pictures.  what a great twosome you have there.

I saw your avatar of Pascua as a puppy and I had to say Welcome!  Pascua is a beautiful dog.  THOSE EARS ARE HUMONGOUS!!! Hope you have fun here!!!

thank you for the welcome - luckily he's grown into his ears but not his paws yet. 

Hi Kristi - My husband (then fiance) the spanish language newbie (i'm bilingual) looked in the dictionary and saw that Pascua meant both Easter and Passover (a combination of the 2 of us). Sampson's a handsome boy!

Thanks everyone for greeting us - all of your pups are "awesome" as my new hubbie would say. we are off for a walk in our neighborhood with Pascua - we have to make sure he's around other people each day to continue socializing him.  So is there an average time for a bigger pup to stop growing? just wondering.  I've only had smaller-medium dogs in the past.  Take care!

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