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Messages - lburrell

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I agree with the last few folks.  My first instinct was a lab/ golden retriever mix.  Too me she has the body and face of a lab, but the coloring of a golden.  She is beautiful.  I love her golden coat.

Hope everything went well with Zoe this weekend.

I heard of another technique for storms that may work.  It's a technique called 'pounding'.  During a storm, watch for the lightning.  ONce you see the lightning, pat your dog on his/her side through the end of the thunder clap.  Keep doing this throughout the storm.  If you need to, dim the lights in the room so that you can clearly see the lightning.  This is a way for you to have contact with your dog (which is what we all want to do when they are scared) and this kind of touch is thought to build the dogs confidence.  When I say pat...I mean a pretty hard patting...not a love pat.  I haven't had to try this, so I don't know if it guess is that it works best if the storm anxiety is pretty recent.  I don't know that it would work on a dog that has been afraid of storms for a long time.

Just another thing to try.  Body wrapping, as I described earlier, is also a highly recommended thing to try on another list.

Lori & Jack the Berner

Bernese Mountain Dog Discussions / Re: HELP!!! Missing Toe
« on: June 30, 2005, 07:35:28 pm »
Hi Ann Marie,

So what happened with the puppy?  Did you take him back?  I've seen dogs adapt amazingly well to deformities, and the one you describe does not sound all that debilitating.  I can see where a small ankle bone could be a problem for a  large dog, but I would guess with exercise early on aimed at keeping his leg muscles strong and keeping the dog on the lean side, this shouldn't pose any great long term problem.  I guess for me, I would be more devastated to hear that my puppy has severe hip dysplasia.  With that, you are guaranteed to have to spend serious $$ on surgeries and care. 

In the end, it comes down to your own personal choice.  Surely, it is better to return the puppy to the breeder now while he is young and can be more easily rehomed.  Like the previous poster said, talk with the breeder and get second and third opinions from qualifyed vets before making the ultimate decision.  I know it must be breaking your heart, as he had been with you for several weeks and I am sure you are already in love with the little one.  There is a yahoo email group for people with Berners that is an amazing resource with over 1600 members (owners, breeders, and vets).  I bet if you post this issue to the group you will get very good information about this particular deformity. 

Let us know what happened!


Great Pyrenees Discussions / Re: Do any of you ever get this?
« on: June 16, 2005, 12:51:48 pm »
This is a funny thread.  Number 1 question for me is:  'he's a saint bernard, right?'  Not quite.  The second most common comment is 'Look at the size of that head!'  Mostly at drive-thru windows when Jack sticks his head out to sniff out treats.

Funniest incident is when I was sitting outside an auto supply store in my mid-size car with Jack in the back seat and in pulls a full size pick up truck with a motley looking man behind the wheel.  As he was getting out of the truck, he spotted Jack and laughed and asked if I wanted to see his...after pausing for a moment to make sure I wasn't gonna see something I didn't want to, he pulls out a teeny tiny chiuahua out of the truck.  Me, a chick in a car with a 90 pound dog and he, a manly man in a pickup truck with a chihuahua.  I chuckled all evening over that one!

Isn't it fun having a big dog!?


Oh, one more thought.  If Zoe knows tricks and likes to perform them for treats, try getting her to follow commands and reward her for doing them.  It could take her mind off the storm, that is if she is not too preoccupied  by it.


Hi Jennifer.

First, it must be said, Zoe is adorable...I know she is grown up now from that picture, but I bet she is still beautiful!

I have heard tons about Rescue is worth a shot.  Also, and this will sound weird, but try wrapping a t-shirt tight around her body.  Put a t-shirt on her and pull it tight and pin it.  I don't know what the deal is, but have heard it works perfectly!

It is so disturbing to see our babies so stressed.  My Jack has just recently starting showing anxiety with wind.  I know, crazy.  We had some pretty windy days a couple weeks ago which caused some inside doors to slam and the curtains to blow in the took me a few hours to figure out what he was upset about (I thought maybe he wasn't feeling well).  Ever since, when the windows are open and the curtains blow in....he gets really clingy.  I am hoping this phase passes.

One thing to keep in mind (and this is hard) is don't cuddle her or try to soothe her with hugs when she is having anxiety symptoms.  That is the first thing we want to do, but you could actually reinforce her anxiety (she likes affection and affection is a positive reinforcer, so when you give her affection when she is anxious, in dog speak, you are 'rewarding' her for her anxiety.

I wish you luck with Zoe.  Hopefully you have success with the rescue remedy or the t-shirt!

Jack's Mum~ Lori

Hi Sara!

Well....if the drool factor concerns can always look into Berners (Bernese Mountain Dogs)!  Just own personal bias, I know you have decided to go Newf!

We had to make a similar decision, Newf or Berner.  Hubby fell in love with my aunt's newf and was set on that, but I have always wanted a Berner.  I won (though now hubby is a Berner convert).

We waited over a year for our boy.  The important thing is to find a reputable, responsible breeder you like and trust.  The wait is worth it!  It was so hard to wait, but with these large breeds, bad breeding can have very expensive, and heart breaking, consequences.  The time will go fast and the anticipation makes bringing him/her home even sweeter.

Good Luck!!


Sorry to hear poor Bubba is having problems.

I am on another dog list and this topic often comes up.  In the last couple weeks there has been a large discussion on probiotics.  Repeated rounds of antibiotics or wormers can disrupt the dogs natural enzyme balance in their belly.  Several people have endorsed a product called DOGzymes which is a powder that contains all natural enzymes that restore the balance in your dog's digestive system.

I have never used it personally, but it sounds very encouraging.  People have tried it and it was the first time ever their puppy had normal stools.  Also, I have tried a diet of plain white rice with boiled chicken for several days, slowly reintroducing kibble, and it worked for my pup when he had a case of diahrea.  Also....consid er whether you could be overfeeding!  That is what I was doing.  I was feeding according to the package...but also giving a lot of training treats.  Once I reduced the amt of food to account for the training treats...he cleared up.  Another option is feed smaller amts more often.  Instead of feeding 2 times a 3 smaller meals.

For now, I wouldn't try another kibble...just because if the diahhrea continues, it could be because of the new kibble or an existing won't know. 

You can get the DOGzymes at this site "Nature's Farmacy" (yes, that is the correct
spelling) and the name of the product is DOGzymes and the best form to buy it in
is the powder, or at least I think so and they sell it more that way. -All ingredients are organic and
hypoallergenic . They also have excellent phone support (800) 733-4981.

Let us know how he is doing.

American Mastiff Discussions & Pictures / Re: Feeding a BIG puppy
« on: June 08, 2005, 07:15:38 am »
I agree with Marit.  Don't just look at the price of the food without looking at the serving size.  Many of the commercial brand foods appear cheaper....but you need to feed much more of it because of the fillers (which they just poop out anyway).  I feed Timberwolf Organics, which seems more pricey, but I feed so much less....that it really evens out and Jack is getting a really high quality kibble.  Jack is full-grown at 90 pounds and he gets just 2-3 cups a day (depending on if we supplement with fresh meat/veggies).  A 33 pound bag lasts about 5 weeks ($44 a bag), which I think is a reasonable amount to spend on feeding a large dog.

Good luck in your food quest.  It can be so confusing with so many different foods out there...all claiming to be the best choice for your dog. 


I don't have one, but have heard good things about them.  To Marit:  if you have AC, I don't think  you would need one for inside.  I know some people who have AC inside, have a canine cooler for outside if their pooches like/need to spend time outdoors.

I also think they have a warranty, cause I have heard of people getting replacement ones if they break.  Maybe only a certain company does that...I am not sure.  Worth checking into.


Rottweiler Discussions / Re: Seperation Anxiety
« on: May 17, 2005, 07:19:07 am »
I have never had to deal with separation anxiety with my pets, but one thing comes to mind that I have heard others use.  Buy a couple large Kongs, which are rubber toys that can be stuffed with treats.  Mix some goodies with peanut butter (bananas, kibble, apples...whate ver treats your dog loves).  Stuff the Kong with the mixture (you can use plain yogurt instead of peanut butter) and freeze it.  Whenever you leave, give your pooch the frozen treat.  They will be too busy working on getting the goodies out that they won't be bothered by the fact that you aren't there.  He may even look forward to your leaving as he knows he'll get a goody.  Of course, this works best if your pooch is food motivated and really loves the stuff you put in the Kong. 

It's easy and worth a try.  I too would not feel comfortable using drugs unless all other avenues have been tried.

Good Luck!

Bernese Mountain Dog Discussions / Re: names for a male puppy
« on: May 14, 2005, 09:20:25 pm »
Ann Marie,

I love picking out names....and I usually have names picked out for pets before picking out the pet!  3 of my cats were named before we even started looking for them, and we had our berner names picked out ahead of time too (Jack for a boy...and Daisy for a girl...we got a Jack!)  It's a great name, isn't it Tina!?  If we get another Berner...okay, WHEN we get another Berner, we still like Daisy for a girl and Remi for a boy.

I love Tina's suggestion.  That is a great way to get the entire family involved...and if you aren't married or don't have kids...friends and extended family would be a great polling source.  My guess is that whatever name you'll have a handful of nicknames that you use most of the time anyway.  We usually call Jack by the nicknames Jimmy or Puppy.  He comes to all 3 names!

Have fun picking out a name!


Bernese Mountain Dog Discussions / Re: Loveable large breeds
« on: May 10, 2005, 09:38:55 am »
Ann Marie....enjoy your new puppy.  They are the GREATEST!!  My hubby wanted a newf and I wanted a can see which we chose!  Now hubby can't imagine ever having anything but Berners!  I love my Loveable Large Breed Boy!!

Bernese Mountain Dog Pictures / Re: Snow Pictures anyone?
« on: March 17, 2005, 11:06:56 am »
Glad you all enjoyed Jack's pics....He loves snow and I love taking pictures of him! 

Bernese Mountain Dog Pictures / Re: Snow Pictures anyone?
« on: March 14, 2005, 03:22:54 pm »
Here is Jack enjoying some winter fun...and being silly. 

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