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Messages - lulu

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Saint Bernard General Discussions / talked with the breeder...
« on: January 17, 2006, 03:34:29 pm »
okay, so i just talked to the breeder on the phone for the first time (we had been communicating via email). everything she said sounded good. she doesnt even require a deposit to reserve the pup i want. i just have to pay by the time the pup is 7 weeks old. i picked one out that i want but she said as the weeks go by and i see all the pics that i can switch to a different pup if i want to and if another one is available. which is good even though i am pretty sure i will stick with the one i already picked. she has a one year guarantee on the hips. and the parents have health clearances. and the pups will come with AKC papers. the only thing she did say which made me wonder is that she doesnt x-ray the puppys hips. does that sound right to you all? i dont really know much about it, this is my first time buying from a breeder so i want to be careful. i figure it is okay since the pups come with the 1 year hip guarantee but i want to be sure. everything else sounded great and i am all kinds of excited about bringing my pup home in 7 weeks!!! she also said that if at anytime i decide i dont want the dog anymore that instead of taking it to a shelter i can bring it back to her. which sounded good to me bcos she apparently really cares about the dogs and isnt just trying to make a quick buck. so thats good to know.

Saint Bernard General Discussions / crate size?
« on: January 17, 2006, 02:08:56 am »
   hello, everyone. i was wondering what size of crates you all have for your saints? i have picked out a newborn pup and when i  bring  him home in 8 weeks i am planning on crate training him. i was at the pet store the other day and saw some pretty huge crates. (that were also pretty expensive). i am wondering what size do i need? i will only be using the crate until he is potty trained. so do i need to get the hugest one? i wont need him to fit in it when hes full grown just until hes trained. so how big of one do i need???

Saint Bernard General Discussions / how long...?
« on: January 16, 2006, 03:58:04 pm »
  i was wondering how long did it take you all to potty train your saints? i am getting a saint pup soon and am planning on crate training. are saints generally fast or slow to housetrain?

Saint Bernard General Discussions / picking a newborn pup?
« on: January 16, 2006, 01:19:12 am »
   hello, i am in the process of trying to adopt a saint pup. i finally found a breeder near by. she has some puppies that were just born 4 days ago. she sent me the pics and they are all so itty bitty and pretty much look alike. she has a male and a female "pick of the litter", though to me they look just  like the other ones.  i am wondering at this age how do i pick which one to get? is there anything i should base it on?
  any advice would be appreciated! thanks!

Saint Bernard General Discussions / Re: 2 saints, any suggestions?
« on: January 11, 2006, 01:08:42 pm »
 thanks for the suggestions. and i live im wichita kansas

Saint Bernard General Discussions / 2 saints, any suggestions?
« on: January 11, 2006, 01:54:03 am »
   hello, i am currently wanting to get 2 saints. i was thinking 2 puppies but now i am thinking about a puppy and also a rescue saint who is older.  i am wondering which one should i get first, the pup or the rescue or does it matter?
   my only worry about getting an adult saint is if it isnt already obedience trained how hard is it going to be to train him when i get him? anybody have any experience with that?
   also, for a crate, what size should i get for the pup? all the ones i have seen a saint would outgrow in 6 months.
   thanks for any and all suggestions!

Saint Bernard General Discussions / new to saint
« on: December 27, 2005, 08:16:30 pm »
   hello, my name is Leah. im new here and relatively new to saint bernards also. i am planning to adopt 2 saint puppies within the next few months so i am trying to learn as much about them as i can. i was wondering if there are any suggestions about what gender to adopt. 2 boys, 2 girls, one of each?
  also, if you have any other useful information about saints that i might need to know, i would appreciate it.
  you guys have a great discussion board here and i have enjoyed reading through the posts.

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