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Topics - BarkleysMum

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Newfoundland Discussions / Anna spay today....hopefully
« on: February 07, 2007, 07:28:59 am »
So I dropped Anna Banana at the vet this morning, in the hopes that we will leave this evening with a spayed dog!  She loves going to the clinic because they love her up so much.  I'm a bit concerned that she might be close to another heat though - she's been exhibiting some hoochie girl behaviours of late - scooting her butt up against the fence when the intact males from the house next door are outside.  I swear.  I cannot go through another heat with her!  She's way more high maintenance than any woman i know!!!  :D

We're also having her x-rayed while she's in there today.  I want to get a read on her joints.  You may remember that she bruised her right shoulder a few weeks ago.  Although she's no longer in pain (no crying or wincing) she is still limping at times and that concerns me.

It's going to be a long day!

Newfoundland Discussions / Anna hurt her paw - UPDATED
« on: January 24, 2007, 07:49:15 pm »
I went out to dinner with some girlfriends tonight and get a call at 8 p.m. from my husband.  He put Anna outside when he got home at 6 p.m., and when she came in she was yelping and couldn't put any weight on her front right paw at all.  We called the emergency clinic and they led us through seeing if it was swollen (which it doesn't appear to be) so they said to let her be for the night, and take her to our own vet in the morning.

She is having such a rough time...poor baby!  My husband iced her leg, but she's still not very comfortable  :'(

Newfoundland Discussions / Ok....ewww
« on: January 17, 2007, 08:53:51 pm »
The first thing you need to know is Miss Anna Banana has a habit of grabbing something to put in her mouth and prances with it.  She does this when she's happy especially - like when you first come home, or when you're letting her outside, and sometimes she drags a toy from outside in with her.

The second thing you need to know is that is minus 19 celcius here today.

So I let her in the house and she has something in her mouth.  I'm cooking supper so don't pay much attention - just tell her to lay down.  On the carpet.  In the living room.

When I finally get around to looking at what she has, I notice it and ok EWWWW  :o  :o

yep.....frozen poop.

Yick yuck ick!!!

I did great joy out of telling my hubby about it.  Over supper. hehehe

Group Discussions & Photos / Anna and Sheba and it's cooooold outside!
« on: January 17, 2007, 08:28:20 am »
I've been asking for some snow so that we can finally believe it's winter.  We get it, and I discover that our Newf is a creature of indoor comfort!!!  :D  We put her out and this is what we get outside the patio door:

It seems this is where they both prefer to be on days like today:

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Sad story in our paper today
« on: January 11, 2007, 08:49:27 am »
I just read this in our local paper....I'd like to string people up that do this!  Instead I think I'll make a donation to the organization and say a prayer  :'(
______________ ______________ ____
Pups, mom abandoned
Only seven pups survive being left on side of road
By BILL POWER Staff Reporter

Some animal rescue volunteers are outraged a female dog was killed and her litter of puppies left for dead near Shubenacadie over the weekend.

Seven surviving puppies, about four or five weeks old, are with volunteers in Hants County and Dartmouth and are responding well to medical care and nourishment after their plight was brought to the attention of members of the Labrador Rescue Club of Nova Scotia.

"I can understand people cannot keep their pets sometimes, but to abandon them this way is unacceptable," Joan Bouchie, a volunteer with Lab Rescue, said Tuesday.

Two dead puppies were found with the deceased mother, who had a fractured skull, near a Shubenacadie-area road on Sunday. The dogs appeared to be mixed breed, or mutts, with some indication of Labrador retriever or German shepherd in their breeding.

The grisly find of the dead mother and two dead puppies followed two separate discoveries of clusters of young puppies wandering along the roadway in the same area.

In each instance, the puppies made their way up an embankment from the spot where they apparently had been left to die.

"A group of four pups was found by some people who happened to be driving by," said Ms. Bouchie. "The other three surviving pups were found by a family that was out for a walk."

It would be difficult to determine the exact cause of death of the mother without an expensive autopsy. However, the nature of the head fracture suggested it was deliberate.

"It did not look like she was hit by a car," the animal rescue volunteer said. "It would only be speculating to suggest how she was killed."

Three male surviving pups received a medical check at Harbour Cities Veterinary Hospital in Dartmouth in preparation for their anticipated release to foster homes in about three weeks.

Plans were also being made for medical checks of the four surviving females, now with volunteers in Hants County.

People interested in providing a home for any of the pups can check the www.labrescuen website.

"If people cannot keep their pets for whatever reason, they can contact us," said Ms. Bouchie.

All the surviving pups are lucky to be alive because they were still nursing and without teeth when they were abandoned, she added.


I finally got a chance to get some pictures last night of the girls sharing the frog you so kindly sent in their SS package!  The chicken has taken up permanent residence in Sheba's crate and although I try to bring it out for them to share, she takes it and hides it under her pillow again!!!

Here's a few shots....they both send a big thank you to Bear!

Here is what unfolded in our backyard this afternoon....

Sheba is sensing impending doom.... comes Mom and Dad....look busy

Honest! I wasn't digging!

Wait...I think they might be onto us...

Darn! A hole!!! HOW did that get there?

I love you Dad...have I told you lately how good looking you are?

Newfoundland Pictures / New Anna Pictures
« on: December 28, 2006, 02:43:08 pm »
I got a digital camera for Christmas!  Here are a few Anna pictures....

My pretty girl!

Come on Mom....get off the computer and come play!

Giving Dad a high-five at the table!

Waiting so patiently for the ok to eat supper....

Newfoundland Pictures / Anna and Sheba pictures
« on: December 01, 2006, 08:51:46 am »
We finally got our little phone camera working so that I can take some pictures.  I really hope Santa brings us a proper digital for Christmas!

Whatchya doing on my pillow with the phone Mom???

Let me show you my beautiful eyes...

This tongue keeps slipping out....

My ears need brushing!

Gimme a kiss Dad!

Awww...he likes me...he really likes me...

Sheba just grinning at Anna's silliness...

Newfoundland Discussions / Anna Update
« on: November 26, 2006, 10:05:44 am »
We've been beyond busy here.  I'm winding down my semester at school (I'm taking a masters program part time) and have found a new study buddy!  Yep, Miss Anna Banana.  She lays under my feet at the computer and just when I'm getting way too tired, will climb up to give hugs.  She is the best hugger!  Literally puts her paws around your neck and pins you against the wall so she can lick you to death!

Ok...did I really just kind of describe enjoying necking with a dawg??? :)

Her other latest trick is doing a High Five.  It's too cool.  I'm hoping we get a good camera for Christmas so I can share some of these treats with you all!

She and Sheba are getting along better.  Sheba doesn't know it, but we've seen them cuddle.  When we're looking, Sheba is all aloof and "I'm ignoring her" like ... it's an absolute riot!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Socialization
« on: November 13, 2006, 02:33:47 am »
Has anybody taken formal classes for socialization?  We're having some issues with Anna in that she is VERY dominant.  It's no biggie at home because Sheba just kind of holds her own or walks away, plus we're here and won't allow her to get aggressive.

But today I took her to the vet.  We walked in and there was another dog in the wait room.  Anna went right up to her/him (not sure), pretending to be friendly and then began to growl, bark and lunge.  Well, she met her match because this other dog was having none of that and gave her back as good.

The vet recommended socialization classes for her.  My husband thinks we can do it on our own.


Medical Conditions & Diseases / Bloodshot eyes
« on: November 10, 2006, 01:33:11 am »
I have a question for all you Newf owners and experts!  When we got Anna, her eyes seemed to be nice and clear, so unlike Barkley's which were always red and droopy.

The last day or two I've noticed that her eyes seem to be a bit bloodshot.

Is this something that just happens with Newfs or could she be having a reaction to something?  I've not been around enough Newfs besides our own two to know!

Thanks in advance.

Newfoundland Pictures / Anna and Sheba as BrideZillas!
« on: October 31, 2006, 01:58:50 pm »
My husband just about threw me out of the house when I came up with the dog costumes this evening!  The shots are not very clear and they certainly didn't enjoy holding still to have them taken!  I had two costumes but the second one was way too small for either pup, so they shared the Bridal outfit ... and they were both BrideZillas!!!

Newfoundland Pictures / Slow Sunday for Anna
« on: October 29, 2006, 11:31:45 am »
She's settling in and after taking these pictures, we realized that we needed to move our electrical plugs to the other side of the entertainment center and away from her pillow!!! (yes, we did it!)

Newfoundland Discussions / Anna and housetraining
« on: October 22, 2006, 09:52:45 am »
Here's a conundrum!  The breeder that we adopted Anna from told us that she was housebroken, but still had the occasional accident in the house.

Anna is in no way, shape or form housebroken.  She piddles when and where she wants, but we're just cluing in now because she is a large dog with a large bladder! 

I just wish we had known from the beginning so we would have started with the housetraining from minute one.  Now we have to undo some already developed habits for her in our home, plus we both go back to work tomorrow!  We would have had the whole weekend, and I have to say that she's smart enough I think she would have got it over the weekend had we known.

The next thing just kind of adds insult to injury. 

She went into heat today.


I truly didn't know what to do - I have never had an unspayed female dog before.  Ran to the pet store (thank goodness we JUST this week got Sunday shopping which I SWORE I'd never do but I did today honey!)and bought a diaper .... which just encouraged her to pee in it.

I know I'm sounding frustrated, and I guess I am only because we've had so much chaos here this weekend (not dog related) and today was supposed to be my day to get caught up on my schoolwork (I am a part time masters student).  I have done nothing but laundry (blankets, diapers, my own pee soaked clothes, rugs) and wash floors and carpets.


But I loves her lots anyhow :)

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