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Topics - BarkleysMum

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Newfoundland Pictures / More Anna and Sheba Pictures
« on: October 21, 2006, 02:46:45 pm »
Anna had a successful four hours at home with just Sheba today - no accidents in the basement.  Just a couple of boxes of junk sorted through, and two water bowls upside down.

Here's some more pictures from today to keep you picture addicts happy! :)

Newfoundland Pictures / Introducing Anna.....
« on: October 20, 2006, 12:10:45 pm »
Anna Anna Bobanna....Chi quita Anna Banana...Here's ANNA!!

She is AWESOME!!!  They were later arriving than anticipated, so no one was even here when they arrived.  My SIL put Anna downstairs because when Anna saw Sheba the hair on her back rose up, and she was afraid to introduce her to Sheba.  I called home and found out, told her to put the two of them out in the yard together and let them work it out.  They were fine.

I got home about 20 minutes later, had just a few minutes to visit with her before having to zoom her down the vet for her initial appointment.  I was worried about that being her first meeting of me - but she was fine!  Put her in the back of the SUV and she immediately climbed over the back seat and was making her way to the front.  Anyhow  -  she is one smart dog and will be super duper easy to train.  Only took two put backs into the back before she got it - her place is in the back of the SUV.  Even when I was driving, she put one paw up on the back seat and I said "no" ... back she went.  One smart pupper!!!

The kids adore her.  She gives the most amazing kisses and hugs ... and loved her welcome gifts!  We had a new pillow for her, some rawhide, and a squishy squeeky basketball - all of which have been properly drooled over!

Anyhow, here a few pictures - not the greatest because they are with our phone camera but I figured better than nothing!

Anything Non-Dog Related / Thank You BPO Sunshine Crew
« on: October 19, 2006, 07:08:18 am »
I received your very thoughtful card in today's mail.  Once again, I am deeply touched by the sense of community on this board.  Thank you all so much.

Newfoundland Discussions / Anna is on her way!
« on: October 18, 2006, 02:05:19 pm »
I don't have any pictures YET but will have some by Friday afternoon!  My SIL picked Anna up at 9:30 a.m. today and is on her way here.  She is getting the ferry from Newfoundland tomorrow night and will be at our house by about lunch time Friday.

She emailed tonight and her words were "Anna is a character!  She has made me laugh AND cry already today."  Uh oh....cry?  Should I be worried??? hehehe

Newfoundland Discussions / It's confirmed.....
« on: October 12, 2006, 10:55:42 am »
we are going to be invaded by another Newf sometime next week!  ;D  ;D  ;D

I spent about an hour on the phone with the breeder this evening, and we've been confirmed as Anna's new home.  The breeder spent a lot of time telling me about her, and she sounds like an absolute card!  She is a barker, she pees in her crate, she wolfs her food, she carries a big Nerf ball around in her mouth, and she leaps from the top of the stairs to the bottom in one bound.  Hmmm....wonder if my husband is up to a good training challenge???

My sister in law is going to meet her tomorrow, and will be driving her over in her little honda civic.

Oh and the best news?  She is NOT a drooler!!! We won't be able to adapt to that!  We actually found dried drool just the other day!

I'm so excited....thi s is just what we needed right now.  New puppy love!  Sheba is finally going to have a new playmate.  I might even have to invest in a digital camera to keep you guys happy.

Newfoundland Discussions / Falling in love with this girl....
« on: October 09, 2006, 09:02:28 am »
We have been given the chance to adopt this nine month old girl.  I'm going to try to post a picture of her here - it was taken in May so that would put her at about 5 months in this picture.  Her name is Anna.  I'm in love  ::)

Anything Non-Dog Related / Sad Update
« on: October 09, 2006, 08:57:39 am »
I'm sad to bring you this update on our pregnancy.  We experienced a miscarriage over this weekend - in fact, it's not completely over yet.  The worst of it was on Saturday.  We made it to 11 weeks, but the baby had not developed.

We're both doing ok, although we're understandably sad.  I will have puppy news soon though - look in the Newfoundland section for that news.

Anything Non-Dog Related / Been MIA - sorry
« on: September 12, 2006, 12:35:55 am »
We've been pretty consumed here with this surprise pregnancy!  Plus my sister in law has been here since basically the end of July and is staying in the room where my computer is, so I haven't had full access.  I have a lot of posts to catch up on.

I'm feeling well.  We had a bit of a scare last Friday with a little bleed, but I am receiving amazing care!  Guess it helps to be old when you get pregnant  ::)  I've been told to take it easy as much as possible, and my work is being great about it - letting me work from home if I need to do so. 

We're not sure what's going on with our newf pup plans right now.  Haven't heard from the breeder at all recently, and now with the baby coming, my husband is starting to question our sanity at having a new pup and then a new babe all at once.  I say one day at a time.  I think it would be awesome ... plus I'd be home to do the puppy training!  How perfect is that?

Anything Non-Dog Related / Some news from me
« on: August 30, 2006, 12:39:27 pm »
Well, this is BIG news too....and not of a big dawg nature.  On Monday morning I discovered that I am pregnant  :o

This is big for us because we had tried for years with no luck.  We have had three losses ... one late term loss ... so I'm delighted and terrified all at the same time.

We're working hard to remain very positive and to think about this baby actually joining us in April 2007. 

And then I realized...
oh my goodness!  I'll have a baby and a puppy at the same time!!!  :o  :o  :o

So if you have any spare prayers, we'd sure appreciate them.  I'm waiting for the results of the hcg test I had today to let us know what things look like initially here.

Newfoundland Discussions / An evening with a Newf!
« on: August 11, 2006, 03:40:39 pm »
I got to spend an evening with an absolutely adorable, gorgeous black Newf tonight and man, did it do my heart good!  My professor invited our class to her home for dinner, and although the meal was great, the best part of the deal was that I got to hang with their 13 month old guy, Isaac.  We played in the yard and I got to once again feel the beauty of a good slobbery kiss and cuddle. 

It sure made me want to speed up the search for a pup!  Now I just have to find a way to get my husband to spend a few hours with Isaac so that he can open his mind to a non-Landseer baby!

Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / Got a call re: a newf
« on: July 28, 2006, 09:29:43 am »
We got a message today from the Humane Society in Sikeston, MO saying that they have another Newf from the same owner as the landseer that Melissa found on petfinders.,10800.0.html

I haven't called back yet but will probably call soon to get some more information.  The first dog (Promise) was a therapy dog and the owner had to give him up due to surgery.

The problem I'm having is thinking about the transport part of this.  Missouri is a Lonnnnng way from Nova Scotia.  We'd need to make arrangements for transport through the following states just to get her to the Canadian border in New Brunswick:


Yikes  :o

What do you guys think???  If this dawg is not for us, which may be the case since the transport will be such an issue, I'll post the details anyhow in case someone else is interested!

General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws / Ohhh Dane Insane Liz.....
« on: July 25, 2006, 07:32:12 pm »
So we took Sheba to her new groomer this afternoon, and when I went in to pick her up, she wasn't quite ready yet.  I stood gabbing to the groomer, who was telling me what an awesome dog Sheba is because she responds to commands so well (my husband trained her really well...) and asking about what we did to get her that way.  She then tells me that she is an "animal wrangler" for....

are you ready.....

The Trailer Park Boys show.   ;D

Pretty cool eh?  Sure enough, I looked up and there is a framed picture of the cast, and her dog, right there on the wall.

So - the prospect of an autograph may actually become more reality.  I'll check it out for you!

Here's an email I received today:

We have been contacted by the owners of this dog named Lady, who is four and a half years of age, and extremely pregnant. The owners say that they need to give her up by Fri. because they are leaving the province for work.

One of our staff members, Bruce Carey, has met Lady on a couple of occasions and took the attached pictures. Bruce says "This is what I know about Lady. I suspect that she is a Doberman mix. She is a very sweet dog - her tail is always wagging when you talk to her. She is super-friendly, and lives with a cat, but I'm told that she is scared
of other dogs. She can sit and shake paw. Lady is VERY pregnant and has never seen a vet in her life."
We don't want to see Lady be "put to sleep" for lack of a
foster home for  two to three months while she has, and then weans, her puppies.

If you or anyone you know can foster Lady to save her life, please write back or call the Heavenly Creatures office. Again, we are told that we have until this Fri. (July 14)

Also, owing to the fact that she has never seen a vet in her life, if we are able to take Lady in to our foster program we will need to take her to a vet as soon as we get her to have her checked. If anyone is able to contribute toward the cost of having her vet checked (or the money with which to have her spayed after the pups are placed)
you can call our office to arrange a time for drop-off, or send a cheque or money order to:
>                                                               Heavenly Creatures
>  P.O. Box 882, Station C
>   354 Water St., St. John's, A1C 1C0
>        Please put Lady on the envelope.
>Jessica Rendell
>President, Heavenly Creatures
>HC office: 739-0077
______________ ______________ ________

Remembering those no longer with us. / Having a rough weekend
« on: July 03, 2006, 06:31:47 pm »
For some reason I am missing our Barkley a lot this weekend.  I have had several little cries over him being gone - at the weirdest times too.  I dropped into the vet clinic today to pick up food for Sheba, and am so pleased that they still have his picture up there.  I just miss my guy.

Remembering those no longer with us. / Barkley Came Home Today
« on: June 02, 2006, 03:12:02 pm »
We received a phone call from the vet clinic last evening telling us that Barkley's ashes had arrived at the clinic.  I went today, two weeks to the day, to bring him home for the last time.

To my surprise, he was in a beautiful ceramic urn.  There was a beautiful little card enclosed, telling us that he will always be remembered. 

And also in the package were two clear baggies.  The vet tech who had loved him so much had gone in after we left and clipped some of his fur.  She had one bag made up for each of the boys.  She had captured the exact mix of black and white that made him so distinctive.  Just even typing about it makes me tear up again.

My husband came home and we opened up one bag and just stroked our baby's fur one last time.  My husband just teared up, saying how much he misses him.

We haven't fully decided what we're going to do with his ashes yet.  We were going to bury him in the back yard, but right now, as he sits here on the dresser in the computer room, I'm kind of thinking I might like to keep him here with us for a while.

The funny thing today was that I had the urn sitting on the front seat with me on the drive home.  I decided to go through the Tim's drivethrough and grab a coffee.  As I turned into the drive through, the urn slid across the seat in the exact same way that he used to thud around the back of the SUV every time I turned into Tim's!  He really is home ... his spirit will always be here (along with some well and highly placed drool flings!), now his remains are here with us too.

Yeah.  I miss him.  The big goof.

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