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Book Club & Noteworthy Reads / Re: Death by the Pound
« on: November 02, 2007, 07:29:20 am »
I used to volunteer with Spots 'n' Pals Overland ey did ALOT of transport.  To this day, if I am at a fast food restaurant anywhere near a highway on a weekend and see someone with dogs in their car, I wonder if they are transporters!

I got our Dolly on a transport run.  I drove 90 miles to a shelter in Buckhannon, West Virginia to get several dogs, then took them another 150 miles to rescues.  When I arrived, I learned that 16 of the 18 dogs were being rescued that day...the other 2 were being gassed at 4 o'clock.  There was NO WAY I was walking out of that shelter and leaving them behind.  I called a friend and badgered her into fostering one of them...that left Dolly.  I took her home, and she and my husband fell madly in love within 2 days.  That was more than 6 years ago, and I still call her "My Husband's Other Woman", lol.  She is pudgy and spoiled and spends most of her time smiling, squeaking and farting, lol.  She has the sweetest disposition of any dog I have ever met.

We have had several dogs that no one else wanted....that had strikes against them in a shelter environment:  Pookapoo was old and had breath that could melt the paint off the walls.  Ribbit's fur remains stringy no matter how much you brush him, and is a barking fool.  Stubby was abused and is very timid.  Zildjian is a Dalmatian, and was brought to the shelter during the time that the 101 movies were out and everyone was getting Dals and then dumping them.  I could care less if my dogs are "undesirables".  I looked at them with my heart instead of my eyes.  I like to think that no one else wanted them because they were meant to be with me!! 

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Re: Winter woes, or warm tootsies?
« on: November 02, 2007, 07:10:18 am »
"And it's kinda weird explaining to company why my slippers are on the fridge!" 

LOL! That sounds like our house! The only time our shoes/slippers are on the floor is when they are on our feet...otherwi se they are on a shelf or in a closet!  We don't put them on the fridge, though....beca use the cats' food bowl is up there, hehehe....

I have special barn shoes and Muck boots that I wear when I tend to the pigs...I *really* have to hide them.  They smell like pig poo...which is apparently a magically delicious treat!  Who knew?? ACK! LOL!

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: my newfie pup came home today
« on: November 01, 2007, 08:06:22 am »
OH! A cute little ball of fuzz with puppy breath....ther e's nothing better!  I remember when I first brought Bodhi one could resist him, everyone ooohed and ahhhhed, even big studly lumberjack types dissolved into baby talk, LOL!! 

One day soon you will be saying, "Remember when he was only as big as his head is now....and he could fit in a car...and didn't slime everything...a nd couldn't move all the furniture??" LOLOL!!

Congratulation s on your new baby!

Behavior, Housebreaking, Obedience / Fighting or just acting Ferocious???
« on: November 01, 2007, 07:51:08 am »
Things have been a bit better between Bodhi and Ribbit (Bodhi has been showing alot of food aggression toward him)....until last night.  Then I got dumb and let Ribbit into the workout room where I have been feeding Bodhi.  Bodhi went and stood over him and growled.  Any of the other dogs would have walked away, but Ribbit is our Resident Stud Muffin so he growled back....and they started fighting.  Bodhi was on top of him and they were snarling like they were killing each other and in an awkward spot so I couldn't get them apart (I have herniated discs...makes it damn hard for me to manhandle Bodhi!).  My husband finally pulled them apart.

Here is the weird thing, though:  Bodhi had a few chunks of hair pulled out of his chest area....but there was not a mark on Ribbit.  A little bit of slobber, that's it.  With Bodhi on top of him for as long I thought he would be torn up.  It seemed like forever...was probably only 30 seconds, but long enough for a Newfoundland to do some damage to a Cocker Spaniel. 

Is it possible that they are only pawing and snarling and not biting??  I just figured when dogs fought, they FOUGHT.  But I've seen many dog fights where damage was inflicted very quickly, even when the dogs were closer in size. 

Have you ever had dogs that seemed to be tearing each other up, but weren't biting??  We are still working with Bodhi, going to start working with Ribbit (because he has always shown aggression toward just about everyone) is slow going with my husband and stepson gone all the time, so I am scheduling Mandatory Training Sessions...I just wondered if anyone else has ever experienced this...

Food Discussion & Information / Re: bully sticks??
« on: November 01, 2007, 07:37:32 am »
Ever since my last stint as a vegetarian (I've been on and off for years), I can't bring myself to get these things!!  Especially pig ears, since we have two potbellied pigs!  I don't miss cow hooves either.....the y reeked too, and I was always stepping on one with bare feet in the middle of the night...OUCH!! 

The thing that keeps Bodhi busier and happier than anything else is - weirdly enough - a 99 cent dishtowel! LOL!  He LOVES them....flips them around and pushes them around with his nose like he is dusting the floor.  He'll play with one for hours.  I have a STRANGE dog.....hahaha ha...

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Anyone recognize this guy?? hehehe...
« on: October 31, 2007, 07:57:50 am »
His father did live in Gainesville, then moved up here to an assisted-living facility a couple years ago.  Sadly, he just died this past summer.  He was a funny old dear....I was quite fond of him.

Yep, Bill is a major dog lover...he was originally going to be a vet!  He is a really nice guy, very down to Earth and has a wicked sense of humor.  You would all like him!

Very cool!  He's one of my favorites, too!  He is so talented. I will watch anything if he's in it.  He was amazing in The Cooler.

I believe his father lives in Gainesville (where I live).  I know he did at one time, because he used to write letters to the editor of our local paper on a pretty regular basis.  So, that would be your husband's uncle, right?  I love the fact that he loves big paws.  It makes him even that much more likeable.  So, tell him that if he's ever in Gainesville and needs a big paw fix to call me and I'll introduce him to Buddy (I'm sure that would REALLY make Nicole pee her pants!).  ;D

Newfoundland Pictures / OH PLEASE, Mommy....lolol!!
« on: October 30, 2007, 10:07:34 am »
Trying to reorganize the pics on my d can't help but laugh at how many of them I have of Bodhi with an "Oh, Please...." look on his face.  The spoiled stinker knows how effective it

Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Anyone recognize this guy?? hehehe...
« on: October 30, 2007, 09:47:26 am »
Several years ago he was on a talk show (Leno, I think) and brought his ukulele (which he loves and takes everywhere) and played a song he had written for Walter.  I think I remember most of it...

Walter Wallingford, he's a hip as he can be
He's a roly-poly fatty
He's a cool-dog daddy
looking sharp in his coat
Picasso did his collar
He's a Mensa scholar

Walter Wallingford, got a scholarship to MIT
Majoring in Algebra
Minor in Poop and Pee


Anything Non-Dog Related / Re: Anyone recognize this guy?? hehehe...
« on: October 30, 2007, 08:44:29 am »
Actually, I "meet" him all the time.  He is my husband's first cousin (their fathers were brothers).  This picture was taken at my brother-in-law's apartment.  Bill visits us a few times a year, and we get a chance to see him in New York or stay at his guest house in L.A. 

The reason I posted this is that we were talking about this board....he used to have a Bernese Mountain Dog named Walter Wallingford!  Wally died last year, and he really misses him.  I told him about this place and how nice it is.  He said, "Tell them I said Hello!".  So....Hello from William H. Macy!

Anything Non-Dog Related / Anyone recognize this guy?? hehehe...
« on: October 30, 2007, 08:24:47 am »
Here is a picture of me (on the left) taken a couple years ago.  Does anyone recognize the man on the right?? 

Newfoundland Pictures / Re: Funny Bodhi Pics!!
« on: October 30, 2007, 08:12:27 am »
We smeared pancake syrup on the end to get him to chew on it, lol.  Then we used the same props to take pics of our lab/beagle mix Rio....and she at half the carrot! LOL!

I wish the pic quality was thinks me will ask for a good camera for Christmas!

Newfoundland Pictures / Funny Bodhi Pics!!
« on: October 30, 2007, 08:07:21 am »
Too late for the picture contest...and the quality is not great (I hate digital cameras, really want a 35mm for better shots!)....but here is Bodhi dressed up in some holiday accessories!!

Meet & Greet BPOers / Re: anyone in SE Michigan??
« on: October 30, 2007, 07:49:49 am »
I am from Ann Arbor (live in western Maryland now, but will ALWAYS bleed Maize and Blue!!).  There are lots of dog parks in the Detroit is a website with info about some of them...

Bodhi is a World Champion Belcher...and he always makes sure to run into the room and do it in your face.  ACK!!  I detest belching....if any person does it around me I am liable to smack them before I can stop myself.  Of course, when my Big Bodhi Baby does it I think it's kind of cute...

I think the MOST annoying thing he does is pummel Stubby, our Corgi mix.  He thinks it is great fun to jump on him and chew on his back.  Poor Stubby....his fur is constantly crusty from Newfie Drool, lol.  Sometimes 'Leave It!' will stop him...but sometimes he just gets too excited and you have to physically pull him off.  I'm sure Stubby can't wait until he gets older and calmer, lol!

BTW....we absolutely have to shut the bedroom door when we are 'getting busy'....we have 6's too much of an t to mention occasionally one of them will stick a cold wet nose on my husband's backside, LOL!!  Talk about Performance Anxiety!! HAHA!!

Newfoundland Discussions / What do you do about Newfie Neck (wet!!)???
« on: October 30, 2007, 07:27:44 am »
I swear, I can't believe Bodhi has not grown fungus under his chin and down his neck.  It is wet almost contstantly, between drooling and drinking!  He is the messiest drinker....he loves to stick his nose down in the water and blow en carries a couple pints of it in his jowls out to the living room where he shakes his head and sprays it everywhere! LOL!  Either that, or he puts his big head on your lap and soaks your pantleg.  Every time my husband sees him coming with water dripping off his mouth he says, "Oh Sh!t....", hahaha!! 

Do you do anything about wet Newfie Neck?  Bodhi gets matted if I don't keep him brushed...whic h is a pain because he just tries to eat the brush, lol.  I guess I should just follow him around with a drool towel....

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