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Topics - mamadog

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Weird question maybe, but I was talking with a friend about our dogs reaction to love making.  Hers climbs on the bed and wants to be involved in the fun somehow.  My girls jump off the bed at the first sign and stay in the closte till we're finished. The SECOND we're done they jump back on the bed.  Finn stays on the floor and ignors us for a while, then he pases and will come over a few times to check on me. Seems he thinks I'm being hurt...he worries. I sometimes have to tell him I'm fine and to go lay down and he will.
Another friend says her dog sits at the foot of the bed and howels the whole time and if they put him out of the room he freaks out, scratches the door and barks to come back in.
Anyway, I thought it was interesting the way different dogs react. Anyone want to share?


Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need / She's not so big, but her paws are!
« on: May 13, 2005, 06:54:11 am »
I posted this in another thread, but I wanted to re-post it incase anyone interested had missed it....

I  know someone right now looking to re-home a pit bull. He's in the military and just got re-station orders. I'm not happy about him not taking his dog with him.... I know it would be difficult and the dog would have to be in quarenteen, but I'm still not happy about it.
Her name is Mia (me-ya) and she's just under 2 years old, UTD on shots and not fixed ( but he willing to pay to have her fixed for whoever takes her).  She's a reddish/brown with the pretty dark lines around her eyes, weighs about 55 lbs and is not docked.
Housebroken, knows commands, gives high 5 and can catch pop corn in her mouth!
Unfortunatly there is no pit bull rescue here in Maine. I can not take in another dog right now...we've got a full house. But I'm doing all I can to help find a good responsible home for her cause I can't deal with the thought of her going to a shelter here. Pit bulls and similer breeds are often put down as soon as they're taken in to the shelter without even placing them for adoption.
I don't have a pic of her, but I'll try to get one and post it. If anyone happens to be able to help, please get in touch with me. I will drive her to a good home myself if need be.


Wolfhound Discussions & Pictures / He's a dog! A real dog!!!
« on: May 09, 2005, 07:50:21 pm »
I'm so excited today!
It seems like over night my scared untrained puppy has become a more confident well behaved dog! He is still a puppy (6.5 months) but he has grown so much these past couple of weeks that I'm amazed with him. He doesn't chew things he shouldn't unless I leave out something too tempting, no more accidents on the floor, he will go outside without me, I can leave him home for a few hours and not worry...he's just wonderful!
He's still a bit scared of new people, but doing better at warming up to them... I'm just so in love with him!!!  I mean, I loved him from the first moment I saw him, but I've really fallen in love with so completely now. He is my boy.....
Ok, so I'm a sappy weirdo dog person. I'm ok with it!
Do any of you remember this time? When your dog really started to get it together? What a beautiful time!

Finn's mama (vicki)

Wolfhound Discussions & Pictures / He can swim!!!!
« on: May 04, 2005, 12:55:01 pm »
Holy scare me to death!!!
I went to bring luch to my husband this afternoon and I had Finn come along too (he still needs a lot of socialization and he's not ready to be home alone for too long)  So we left the job site and went to a park down the street that is right on a river. The river is quite high this time of year with fast currents.  Finn does great off leash, he won't leave my side. So I let go of his leash and we went on a run. Well, I was running, he was just sorta galloping!  My husband takes him walking down by the river to see what he thinks of the water cause he's never been around it before. Finn gets 2 feet from the river and just jumps in!!! No testing the water with a paw, no sniffing....ju st a full jump right in. I was at the top of the hill and when I saw Finn in the river I went running! My husband was in shock and neither of knew if he could even swim. But as soon as my husband called his name he swam over to the shore and climbed right out, and was a very happy boy! And with the currents in the river he must be a very strong swimmer.
I had just told my husband I was going to ask the IW people in here if they are good swimmers...I know some dogs can't. But I guess I found out, the scary way!

Vicki  and Super Finn!

Food Discussion & Information / B.A.R.F. diet
« on: April 25, 2005, 02:19:30 pm »
I don't think I've posted this question here yet....if I have please forgive me!

My question is about the BARF diet (bones and raw food).  Does anyone here have information about this diet? Por's con's to feeding it or not? I have heard from some people who use it, that say it's better for your dogs, but they haven't said why, or how it's better.  And I haven't heard from anyone against the diet say why it's bad for dogs. My breeder is against it and it would void Finns health contract if we do it. I don't know that I would have the stomach to feed my dogs raw meat anyway.... but in the spirit of being informed and just out of curiosity I'd love to hear what everyone thinks.... good and bad!


Wolfhound Discussions & Pictures / Peanut Butter
« on: April 24, 2005, 09:08:44 am »
I use PB in my dogs kongs and mix in things like apple, or cheese and they LOVE them!  My question in, how much PB is too much? They would eat cups full if I let them.  Especially Finn.

Wolfhound Discussions & Pictures / Dog Beds.... what kind?
« on: April 19, 2005, 10:30:13 am »
Just wondering what kind of dog bed you use....for those of you who use dog beds. I've been told that for large breeds they need to have something with a lot of padding and that they shouldn't spend a lot of time laying on a hard floor. I haven't gotten a big dog bed yet, so Finn sleeps on a couple of folded comforters.  But he loves laying on the hardwood floors. So what does everyone else use?

Wolfhound Discussions & Pictures / Pics of Finn
« on: April 18, 2005, 10:37:59 am »
Here are some shots of our new fur baby

Wolfhound Discussions & Pictures / My puppy Finn
« on: April 18, 2005, 10:25:27 am »
My husband and I are now the proud parents of an Irish Wolfhound! He's 6 months old and about 65lbs. There don't seem to be many IW parents here.... though they are not a super common breed. I love them, and when we're done building our house we're going to adopt another. Big goofy sweetheart!

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