Author Topic: We had chills running up and down our spines when we heard the Veterinarian....  (Read 4435 times)

Offline raygoza6n510

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We see every thing under the sun at my work, it’s a large two hospital  Veterinary Emergency Clinic. Us as Tech’s are always preparing for the worst, Murphy’s Law is quoted quite often on the floor but last night was a shocker!!

This hyper and adorable 20week old Doberman came in because he was hit by a car. After the X-rays were taken we could see a small fracture and the heart and lungs and a Microchip.  All of these are normal to see on a X-ray of a puppy who was hit by a car. So the Doctor goes into the room and shares the findings with the owner and she tells them  the only problem we see is the broken leg and she starts to point out everything the X-ray provided an image of including the microchip, The owner said “the what?”
The doctor said “the microchip, do you know what it is for?"
 They had no clue and it was then discovered that they just bought the puppy 2 weeks ago and did not get any papers or anything for it from guy in the newspaper.

We scanned the puppy and called the company at 1:15am!!!!! They were open!!!!! :o We found out that this puppy had a different name and owner. So at 1:30am our Doctor calls the owner from the numbers provided by the microchip company.  When we heard her ask for the owner named on the account then asked if they had a Doberman puppy and finding out that it was stolen one month ago made our mouths drop and sent chills up our spines!!!! They lived 2 miles from the  hospital and 4 miles from the family who “adopted the puppy”.  How crazy is this????? To make a long story short a police report was filed and an investigation is opened.
This puppy was stolen from an enclosed patio  in a fenced yard!!!!

After this I had my work order Microchips for my whole family and I will be telling EVERYONE I know to use it!!!

We are also going to change our protocol at work and scan every animal that comes in where as before we would only scan stray animals.

So please be safe!!!!  I will now!!!!
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

Offline horsepoor21

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Well , I'm glad the rightful owners will get their pup back ( Hope he recovers from his accident OK ! ) but I feel bad for the new owners  :-[ Just got attached to a new puppy and are out on their money as well .....
I have all of my animals microchipped , you just never know what could happen !!!
Moose-Border Collie/Newfoundland rescue
Polly&Rainbow-Lovebirds (with 3 babies!)
Crush-Painted Turtle

       "Every boy should have two things:
 A dog, and a mother willing to let him have one"


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I KNOW it is totally paranoid, but my husband and I intentionally didn't have Badger chipped because there was some talk in our town of instituting a breed ban on pit bulls years ago, and we were afraid if they banned any dog, they could ban our dog too.  We are terrified if we chip him, they will know he exists if they ban rottys.  I would LOVE to know he was chipped, to have that security.  We are fearful of going anywhere and leaving him in the car, because he could be stolen...but fear our local government more.

Offline longshadowfarms

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So who do you register with???  I had Carter chipped and will have Katie chipped when I get her in to the vet.  I've now seen at least 3 different registries.  I wondered how often the vet or anyone would check for a chip and then which registry they'd check with.  I keep meaning to call my local "pound" guy and ask him if he has a way to check for chips.  I'm guessing not a lot of people around us chip though and he's a one man operation so I'm not too hopefull.  I'd call him if one of my dogs was lost anyway but just wondering how good these chips are.  Thor was chipped and registered with the AKC registry.  All our earlier Labs were tatooed and registered with NDR (no chips back then).  Not sure if that registry still exists. 

Offline horsepoor21

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Mine are registered with AVID . I never thought about that but I'm guessing they can scan for a chip and find out who it's with as well ? I hope anyway !
Moose-Border Collie/Newfoundland rescue
Polly&Rainbow-Lovebirds (with 3 babies!)
Crush-Painted Turtle

       "Every boy should have two things:
 A dog, and a mother willing to let him have one"


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Wow! this story is amazing. I am so glad the origional owners have found their puppies.

This also confirms why I have my pets chipped. I just sent in all the registration onfo last night to the AKC registering body even though they are registered with the microchip companies. They have chips from different companies so for my convenience I chose to have them all registered in one place.


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Ugh. I also thought of you right away, Jenn.  :-* How eerily familiar. I hope they find that puppy stealing jerkoid, too.

Cabeza is chipped, too. Not that anyone would want to steal a big ol lazy half-breed and sell him, but you never know, and I want to always be able to be reuninited with him...under any circumstances.

Actually, kind of off topic, but, I'll tell it anyway...Cabez a was a foster dog, and I am a foster failure. We adopted him 6 years ago. We only recently (like, 2 years ago) went to have him chipped. I told the lady that he didn't have one (I'd had him for 6 years! I would know, right?!) So she went ahead and chipped him. Afterward, she scanned to make sure it worked and all...and THERE WAS ANOTHER CHIP! It had the name of the rescue that I fostered for, and my name as secondary contact...but the information was for this woman...god, who knows where she is these days, ya know? But, the point is, she NEVER TOLD ME THAT SHE HAD HIM CHIPPED! God! This whole time, he was chipped with old, outdated information. That sucks. So, there's no taking the chip out. I had to call the company and cajole them into changing the information to mine.

So, Cabeza is double-chipped. Does that make him double-safe?  ::)

Offline newflvr

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Hahaha!!  Cowboy is double chipped too!! I had to 'prove' that  I'd 'bought' ($1.00) him and had his title formally transferred to my name!  Because the East Coast uses one company more than the West Coast, I had to use the West Coast company to make sure he was covered!  I think they are double-lucky!!! ;D

Offline MafiaPrincess

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I've heard too many horror stories of the pound not bothering to scan/ not having a scanner/ the right scanner/ etc, and stuff like that scares me.

Cider will be chipped if I decided I want the CKC's LPN so she can compete in agility.. but they are an*l over which company to go with to make it count.. so I haven't done it yet.  But she's rarely out of my sight so I'm not too too worried.
~I'm changing my naughty ways to naughtier ones~

Offline raygoza6n510

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Hey all!

The chip was an AVID and they were quick to answer the questions at 1am!! That says a lot!

Our scanner will scan all chips and give number's to call. It's really cool!

You need the chip number to get information!!! No one can get specific information like, addresses of all of the pit bulls chipped or Where all the Rotties live either.
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Offline Stacey

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Tonka has an AVID chip and with it we got a collar tag too. It has the company phone number and his chip ID all printed on it.
I am kind of a big deal!

Offline greek4

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Both my beasts have AVID chips.  Everytime I go to the vet I have them scan their chips to make sure they are still in place.  I have also thought about tattooing their ears if they need to go under again for anything.  Not that Maia would let someone she doesn't know touch her ear.  Rocco would let anyone do anything but him being big and black is probably a deterant.

I strongly believe in getting your dog chipped.  I have a fear of someone else claiming my dogs if they ever got out.

Emily and 1 husband, 1 boy, 1 on the way, and 4 crazy dogs


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Hey all!

You need the chip number to get information!!! No one can get specific information like, addresses of all of the pit bulls chipped or Where all the Rotties live either.
Really?  Are they like the chips they use in some military people where they can track them with GPS?  I thought it had a tracking feature. 
I am rethinking this now.  It would be a huge relief to be able to have Badger chipped...we worry every day about him being nabbed. 

Offline longshadowfarms

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I don't bother with the chip collar tag.  I figure if he's still got his collar on, then he's got his name tag already.  That to me is the first line of defense.  I buy name/address tags 10 at a time and every collar gets one.  If it falls off, I always have extras here.  If the collar is gone, then there's a problem since they won't have my address tag.

I can't imagine anyone stealing my dogs.  Most people who don't know them seem rather intimidated.  They don't realize that the smallest brat on the premises is the most likely to bite.  What I did like about NDR was that they had stickers you could put up - something like "tatooed dog registered with NDR."  That would be a great theft deterrent (chipped dog on premises).  Hmmm, maybe I'll have to see if I can track down some stickers like that.  As if the bark and teeth aren't enough...